2014 DC police Annual Report
The Jr. Cadet Program The Junior Cadet Program started with four public elementary schools in the most crime and poverty ridden communities of the District of Columbia. In 2014, the program expanded to a fifth school, and now serves more than 100 fifth grade students. The public elementary schools currently participating in the Junior Cadet Program are: Friendship Blow Pierce, Harriet
KEY FACTS 1 In 2014, there were more than thirty (30) hours of classroom presentations by MPD School Resource Officers on critical topics to include but not limited to: bullying, cyber security, say “no” to drugs, truancy and curfew, healthy eating, and much more. 2 Each year, the Junior Cadets attend at least four (4) memorable field trips. 3 More than one hundred (100) fifth grade students participated in the Junior Cadet in 2014 and of that number 100% graduated from the program.
Tubman, Hendley, Payne and Seaton elementary schools. What makes this program a huge success is the support received from MPD’s School Resource Officers who provide weekly presentations on
critical life changing issues. The officers also attend field trips sponsored by DCPF. The field trips include such interesting and exciting locations as: Gettysburg, Luray Cavern, Millers Farm, and Aero Space Museum. In addition, DCPF’s generous donors provide each Junior Cadet with back-packs complete with school supplies. During the holidays, Thanksgiving baskets with turkey and condiments are packaged and delivered to the schools; and in December, holiday gifts are also delivered to the schools for the Junior Cadets.
When asked about the Junior Cadet Program, several teachers explained that they have witnessed marked improvement in students’ behavior, school attendance and academics.
In the words of my students, “Junior Cadets always makes them feel so special!” – Mrs. Marshall, 5th Grade, Tubman Elementary
2014 Junior Cadet Graduation
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