A National Imperative: Joining Forces to Strengthen Human Services in America (Jan 2018)
implement a robust risk management strategy. Cracks are beginning to show in the ice, and both county officials and human services CBO leaders are holding their breath, recognizing that many organizations are bound to fall through. In particular, many are concerned about a potential domino effect from even one major human services CBO closing its doors. Those being served by that CBO would need to be quickly shuffled around to other organizations, few of which have the excess funding or capacity to adequately handle the added demand. This dynamic alone could tip the scales for yet another CBO, and the fallout would begin all over again. With services and care disrupted for many county residents, overall population health and well‑being would decline. Rates of homelessness would increase. Those with mental health issues and substance abuse problems would be left without adequate treatment. Those with disabilities would lose access to mobility services. The strength and independence of many families and communities would be put in jeopardy. Costs to the County would increase, too. Without much-needed support and intervention from the human services ecosystem, some of the County’s residents would end up being treated in the emergency room for avoidable but expensive conditions. Others, without behavioral health support and intervention, might end up in the costly criminal justice system. Added pressure on the budget would only further tighten the County’s purse strings, resulting in even less funding available for the human services ecosystem. Freedom County’s human services ecosystem could soon find itself facing severe financial strains, which would further limit its ability to provide the critical, effective programs and services needed in the County. Here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be this way. The CBOs know it. The County DHS knows it. Even the private funders know it. Everyone recognizes that something needs to be done to shore up the system and to ensure its continued strength and health into the future. The time is now, they realize, to work together to strengthen human services in Freedom County, and to ensure everyone is able to realize their full potential and live healthy and well.
But where to begin?
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