A National Imperative: Joining Forces to Strengthen Human Services in America (Jan 2018)
The benefits also typically accrue either to the recipients of services, or to society as a whole, in a diffuse way. Funders are, too often, left without a clear, confident understanding of the specific benefits (or returns) earned by their investment. As a consequence of this uncertainty, they are more likely to view their provision of funding less as a successful investment, and more as a donation. Our hope is that the “North Star” initiatives described in this report, and others like them, will ultimately lead to better-functioning funding mechanisms for CBOs. Once these initiatives have been successfully implemented, funder/investors will have higher confidence that their investments will result in long-term impacts, and CBOs will be better positioned and resourced to deliver these impacts. These impacts, including downstream impacts both to the recipients of services and to broader societal health and wellness, will be measured and reported. Positive financial impacts (such as reductions in required healthcare spending) will be linked to, and compared to, the human services investments that led to them. A market for ideas and impacts, effected through CBOs’ services, will emerge. We also hope that these North Stars will serve as a call to action for those who govern, fund, and contract with CBOs. Every CBO board must commit to understanding and implementing better financial policies and practices. Every funder must consider making a larger portion of their funding available for general operating support and capacity building. Every community must come together and build consensus around which outcomes matter most and commit to measuring and achieving them. Every government agency must commit to reviewing existing regulations with an eye to reducing, or simplifying, themwhere possible. And so on. When fully and successfully implemented, the “North Star” initiatives can unlock new sources of funding for the human services ecosystem. This virtuous circle – of funding leading to positive societal impacts leading to more funding – will ultimately lead to financially stronger human services CBOs that will make a tremendous contribution to a healthier, more productive and prosperous America.
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