APHA 2016 Annual Meeting


CCC, Halls A/F

Board 9 Online versus mail surveys yield

Board 4 Quantifying the Severity of Communal Riots Using Recursive Partitioning— Khusdeep Malhotra, MPH Board 5 Using Machine Learning Techniques

different results— Deborah Lischwe, MS

Social networks and caregiving Board 1 Linking hospice live discharge to a hospice provider’s failure to meet patients’ crisis— Kyusuk Chung, PhD Board 2 Screening for Elder Abuse: Exploring

Organized by: Applied Public Health Statistics Endorsed by: Injury Control and Emergency Health Services, Public Health Education and Health Promotion

for active infection surveillance: A case on pediatric varicella in Italy— Corrado Lanera predict engagement in text messaging: Digital divide in ecological momentary assessments among substance-using MSM in San Francisco— Caitlin Turner, MPH Candidate

Board 6 Race/ethnicity, age, and education

the Feasibility for Use of Elder Abuse Suspicion Index Screening Tool by Law Enforcement in the Field— Elina Kurkurina

4258.0 CCC, Halls A/F Emerging Methods in Applied Public Health Statistics (1) Board 1 Validation of undervaccination patterns

Board 3 Technology Needs, Perceptions and Current Usage among Family Caregivers: Results from a Nationwide Mixed-Methods Needs Assessment— Margaret Griffin, MPH Board 4 Role of Mexican American grandparents as change agents for family health— Ramandeep Kaur, Student Board 5 Social network types and functional health among the old ~ a 10-year follow-up study: The AGES project— Chiyoe Murata, PhD, MPH Board 6 Creating real relationships among older adults in a virtual world— Catherine O’Brien, PhD, MPH Board 7 Couples’ physical limitations and their preferences to work together to manage illness— Cynthia Khan, PhD Board 8 Effect of Living Arrangements on the Well-Being of Older Adults— Fahim Board 9 Ambient sensor monitoring: Detecting

in the Vaccine Safety Datalink using stratified sampling methods— Sophia Newcomer, MPH screening preferences: A latent class analysis of discrete-choice data— Jonathan Boyajian, PhD candidate

Board 7 Determining the Effectiveness of Physician and Patient Communication on U.S. Adult BMI Measure Based on Multinomial Logistic Regression Model— Rachel Cooper, MSPH Board 8 Association between marijuana use and condom use: A systematic review and meta-analysis of event-based studies— Amy Schumacher, MS Board 9 From searches to PRISMA: Tracking systematic review data— Helena M. VonVille, MLS, MPH Organized by: Applied Public Health Statistics Endorsed by: APHA-Committee on Women’s Rights, Black Caucus of Health Workers, Injury Control and Emergency Health Services, Public Health Education and Health Promotion CCC, Halls A/F Community Health Program Evaluation and Implementation Poster Session Board 1 Incarceration as a time of weight gain: Developing a weight loss intervention for female inmates at the Rhode Island Adult Correctional Institution— Nell Baldwin, BA Board 3 Developing and conducting a street- scale health evaluation for an innovative built environment project in Los Angeles: Process and results— Gabrielle Green, MPP Board 4 Examining an Urban Redevelopment Project’s Potential to Change Community Health Outcomes— Holley A. Wilkin, PhD Board 5 Variations in diabetes-related Medicaid cost claims in Tennessee regions by ICD-9 codes— Brittany Davis, B.S. Board 6 Watts Community Studio: An Academic, Government, and Community Partnered Initiative— Cynthia Gonzalez, PhD, MPH Board 7 Access to Guidelines-Based Care to Improve Asthma Health Outcomes in Medicaid Populations: A Look at the Coverage and Barriers to Care in State Medicaid Programs— Ara Janoyan, J.D., M.P.H. Board 8 A Hmong Community’s Perspectives on HealthDisparities inWisconsin: Implications for Health Equity Programming— Tourette Jackson, DrPH, MPH Board 9 Integration of Primary Care and Public Health— Bellinda Schoof, BSPH, MHA, CPHQ Board 10 Communities Matter— A Place-Based Approach to Breastfeeding and Community Health—Kimberly Seals- Allers, MA Organized by: Community Health Planning and Policy Development Endorsed by: Women’s Caucus 4260.0

Board 2 Differences in colorectal cancer

Board 3 A structural equation model in assessing the mediation effect of treatment options in pediatric cancer patients using a Kid’s Inpatient Database— Yi-Fang (Alice) Lu Board 4 Big Data Analyses of Birth Defects Using a Spatiotemporal Statistical Model— Chi Wei Board 5 Associations of drugs with acute myocardial infarction: Bias correction, global profiling and inference on individual drugs— Joyce(Jia) Zhan Board 6 Sensitivity Analysis of Handling Missing Values for Cervical Cancer Stage at Diagnosis in Florida— Layla Bouzoubaa, BSIE, MSPH (c) Board 7 Data Modeling to Analyze The Incidence And Screening of Sickle Cell Trait Among Hispanics In The U.S— Anunay Bhattacharya, MPHc Board 8 Is health insurance making us fat? : The Board 9 An MPH practicum experience: Pilot analysis of the effectiveness of a Detroit-based lifestyle change intervention to reduce type 2 diabetes— Elyse Reamer, BS Board 10 Expressive Writing to Reduce Stress Among College Students: A Meta- Analysis— Qian Ji, MS, CHES Organized by: Applied Public Health Statistics Endorsed by: APHA-Committee on Women’s Rights, Black Caucus of Health Workers, Injury Control and Emergency Health Services, Public Health Education and Health Promotion CCC, Halls A/F Emerging Methods in Applied Public Health Statistics (2) Board 1 Simulating real world study results 4259.0 Board 2 Childhood obesity and adult cardiovascular disease risk factors: A systematic review with meta-analysis— Amna Umer, BDS, MPH Board 3 Functional impairment and depression Impact of Health Insurance Coverage on Overweight and Obesity in Young US Adults— Erin Andrews, DrPH, MPH based on randomized clinical trials and baseline real world data— Xiaochen Li

loneliness and depression in older adults via passive home sensing— Kimberly Lent, MPH

Organized by: Aging & Public Health Endorsed by: APHA-Committee on Women’s Rights


CCC, Halls A/F

Applications of Public Health Data Techniques Board 1 Binge Drinking in the Country of Georgia: Evidence from

12:30–2:00 & 2:30–3:30

Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factor Surveillance— Anthony Kondracki, MD, MPH, CPH

Board 2 Using Propensity Score Matching Method to Study Adult Obesity in the United States— Jessica Ruff, MD, MA Board 3 Use of the IVhet versus random- effects model for a meta-analysis on community-deliverable exercise and depression in adults with arthritis— George A. Kelley, Ph.D Board 4 Applying Test Information Function to Assess Reliability of Health Quotient Scale Among Chinese Postpartum Women— Jichuan Wang, PhD Board 5 Using Statistical Models to Predict Out- Board 6 Generalized linear mixed model analysis of potential factors for colorectal cancer screening in California adults— Kesheng Wang, PhD Board 7 Using Propensity Score Matching and Principal Component Analysis to Study U.S. County-Level Adult Diabetes Rate and Related Risk Factors— Jessica Ruff, MD, MA Board 8 Comprehensive Cost Saving Analysis of TB Treatments— Di Miao, Ph.D. of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Estimates in Rural South Dakota— Ramu Goud Sudhagoni

in older adult couples: The mediating role of social support at the dyadic level— Jennifer Guida, MPH





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