APHA 2016 Annual Meeting


CCC, 504

5112.0 CCC, 113 HIV, Hepatitis C and Infectious Diseases: Screening, monitoring, and treating Moderator(s): Anjali Sibley, MD 10:30 a.m. Rapid scale-up of hepatitis C treatment in underserved communities through a capacity-building initiative with primary care providers at four federally-qualified health centers (FQHCs)— Megan Crowley, MPH 10:45 a.m. Hepatitis C: Implementing evaluation and treatment in primary care— Alexandra Heinz, LCSW, MPH 11:00 a.m. Implementing routine HIV and HCV testing in an FQHC and best practices in outreach to bring patients into the health center for lab based screening— Tracie Meyers, MSW, LCSW 11:15 a.m. Infectious Disease Risks Increasing During Patient Care: A 5-Year Snapshot of Occupational Incident Data— Amber Mitchell, DrPH, MPH, CPH 11:30 a.m. Implementing EHR modifications to CCC, 706 Double Jeopardy: Federal and local roles in helping people with disabilities survive disasters. Special Session in collaboration with Disabilities Section Moderator(s): Ron Manderscheid, PhD 10:30 a.m. Promoting Mental Health Resilience for Those Affected by Disasters— Richard Beinecke, DPA, ACSW 10:50 a.m. Closing the Gap in Community Health Center Emergency Planning: An Emergency Planning Toolkit— Susan Wolf-Fordham, J.D. 11:10 a.m. Integrating the Access and Functional Needs of At-Risk Individuals into Emergency Planning— Cheryl Levine, PhD 11:30 a.m. Water quality, stress, and depressive symptoms in Genesee County, MI: Findings from the Speak to Your Health Survey— Vicki Johnson-Lawrence, MS, PhD 11:50 a.m. Special Session Abstract: Ensuring Disaster Resilience for People with Disabilities and Mental Health Conditions— Cheryl Levine, PhD Organized by: Mental Health Endorsed by: APHA-Committee on Women’s Rights, Injury Control and Emergency Health Services support universal HIV screening in a large urban federally qualified health center— Melissa Schwarz, BA Organized by: Medical Care Section Endorsed by: Occupational Health and Safety 5113.0

10:45 a.m. From those who know: Firefighters’ delineated organization factor

Understanding and Preventing Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths Moderator(s): Shanna Bierman, Registered Nurse 10:30 a.m. Investigation of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death in Harris County, TX 1995— 2013—Stacy Drake, PhD, MPH, RN 10:50 a.m. Reducing Preventable Infant Deaths through Safe Baby’s Hospital and Community Based Education— Lisa Colen, MHA 11:10 a.m. Comprehensive, targeted and tailored safe sleep promotion: Home visiting and SUID prevention— Susan Altfeld, PhD 11:30 a.m. Cross-collaboration to reduce African

influences on firefighter safety, health and well-being— Todd Smith, PhD, CSP

11:00 a.m. Connectedness within and across communities: Building community resiliency for disaster preparedness for immigrant Latino workers— Isabel Cuervo, PhD 11:15 a.m. Mucking, Gutting, and Mold Remediation after Super Storm Sandy: Addressing the training needs of the Spanish speaking workforce— Luis Vazquez, MPH 11:30 a.m. Perceived Barriers to a Healthy Lifestyle in Firefighters— Carolyn Muegge, MS, MPH, PhD(c) Organized by: Occupational Health and Safety Endorsed by: Vietnam Caucus Occupational Illness and Infectious Diseases—OHS Roundtable Moderator(s): Bradley King, PhD CIH, James Gibson, MPH, PhD Table 1 Developing training tools to improve risk assessment practices for infectious diseases using available pathogen safety data resources— Jonathan Rosen, MS, CIH Table 2 Seroconversion rates among healthcare workers exposed to human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus-contaminated body fluids: The University of Pittsburgh experience— Chibueze Nwaiwu, BSN, RN Table 3 “Connecting the dots:” occupational disease detection and prevention in the US— Robert Harrison, MD, MPH Table 4 Voices of Hanford Workers Exposed to Toxic Chemical Vapors: Case Studies of Interactions with Workplace Safety, Health Care and Compensation Systems— Emily Turk, MPH Table 5 Research Participation and Health: Healthcare Workers in a Developing Country: The Case of Once Health Care Facility in Malawi— Haeok Lee, RN, MA, PhD, FAAN Table 7 When sex is employment -- the impact of adult film on occupational health policy— Deborah Gold, MPH, CIH Table 8 Post-deployment Health and Functioning in a Sample of Employed Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans: Results from the Study of Employment Retention for Veterans (SERVe)— Kathleen F. Carlson, MS, PhD Table 9 Is occupational hearing loss associated with an increased risk of diabetes?— Jonathan Corbin, MPH Organized by: Occupational Health and Safety Endorsed by: Vietnam Caucus 5115.0 CCC, Mile High Ballroom 3B Insight a Health-related Illness (HRI) Study among Florida Farmworkers— Jose Tovar, PhD Table 6 HBV Vaccination Status among

American infant mortality: Design and implementation of Colorado’s state- local partnership— Kellie Teter, MPA

Organized by: Maternal and Child Health Endorsed by: Injury Control and Emergency Health Services, Medical Care Section, Women’s Caucus

5110.1 CCC, Mile High Ballroom 1DE Promoting APHA Support and Engagement with Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAH Roundtable) Moderator(s): Dennis Li, MPH Table 1 Evaluating a proposed policy statement on meaningful youth engagement in health promotion initiatives— Michele Kelley Table 2 Involving adolescents and young adults and youth-serving organizations with APHA— Brittany Chambers, MPH, CHES Table 3 Planning a cross-section scientific or

plenary session on adolescent and young adult health— Dennis Li, MPH

Organized by: Maternal and Child Health Endorsed by: Population, Reproductive and Sexual Health, Women’s Caucus


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Delivering on the Affordable Care Act Moderator(s): Rebecca Perry, MSc 10:30 a.m. Fulfilling an ACA Promise:

Infrastructure needed to scale up Primary Care Extension Programs— Leah Gordon, MPH

10:45 a.m. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Preventive Service Use after the Full Implementation of the Affordable Care Act— Robin Bloodworth, PhDc, MPH 11:00 a.m. Variations in Receipt of Preventive Care by Race and Ethnicity in Medicare Private Plans: Tracking the Impact of Pay for Performance— Daniel Jung 11:15 a.m. Paving the Way for Practice Success Under Value-based Payments: Implementing the Southern New England Practice Transformation Network— Judith Steinberg, MD MPH 11:30 a.m. Prevention Research Center and state



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Community Preparedness and Disaster Response—OHS Moderator(s): Michelle Fanucchi, PhD 10:30 a.m. Outside the Facility Fenceline: The

partner planning to disseminate state innovation model population health components— Lesley Cottrell, PhD

Proximity of Chemical Facilities to Communities and Potential Public Consequences of Catastrophic Accidents— Veronica Tinney, MPH

Organized by: Medical Care Section Endorsed by: Women’s Caucus





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