APHSA Annual Report 2018
• Summarizing the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act; • Recognizing when a Mandated Report should be made; and • Understanding the impact and emotional effects on the person who is making the report. Community-based health and human services agencies identified the transfer of learning support leads from those who participated in the pilot training program to augment their ability to provide ongoing learning support throughout their agency after the initial training session. The second major initiative during the past year included the development of a Community Navigator Program Model. Through a national assessment of 100+ health and human services agencies, Monterey County defined a Community Navigator as a trusted individual or place within the community/local neighborhood that assists residents in navigating and accessing resources or services that will enhance the well-being of children and families. The national assessment and focused interviews with thirteen like-demographic agencies included the collection and synthesis of information around leadership and community-based partners, finance, staff support and evidence-based practices. A multi-sector team including families who have received services through the MCDSS were the drivers of the Community Navigator Program Model. The goal is for the Navigator to provide a whole-family (2-Gen) experience to parents/caregivers with, or expecting, children up to age six and connect them to services and programs while enhancing the family’s Protective Factors (through a focus on Social Determinants of Health) and continued self-support. Parent cafes of parent-to-parent community-based events are another critical component of the County’s Community Navigator Model.
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