APHSA Symposium 2019

III. Highlights of Presentations Below is a summary of each presentation at the symposium. Please see Appendix C for some of the slides that speakers used during their presentations. 1 Welcome and Introduction. Opening remarks were made by Scott Dunn (Director of Health and Human Services Programs, Optum), FredWulczyn (Senior Fellow, Chapin Hall at University of Chicago), and Phil Basso (Director, Organizational Effectiveness, APHSA). They discussed the value of analytics; new partnership models that involve government practitioners, academics, and industry thought leaders; the critical importance of building infrastructure – systems, software, and human capital – that create the enabling conditions for analytics; and the results of the pre- symposium survey of attendees. The primary goals for the symposium were to share practical tips and best practices on how to advance the use of analytics and make analytics an integral part of the health and human services culture. (Please see Appendix B for the results of the pre-symposium survey.) Panel 1: State Showcase. Patricia Babcock (Deputy Secretary, Florida Department of Children and Families) and KimMcCoyWade (Acting Director, California Department of Aging, and formerly the Director of California’s CalFresh (SNAP) program) described innovative analytics projects their states are pursuing to enable data-informed decision-making for state priorities. The session was moderated by Yvonne Powell (Senior VP, The Lewin Group). Patricia Babcock presented the strategies that new leadership of Florida’s Department of Children and Families are using to integrate child welfare, substance abuse and mental health, and economic self-sufficiency data to achieve two key goals: (1) reducing the number of people in crisis and (2) reducing re-entry. These included: • An Office of Innovation that solicits improvement ideas from staff and strengthens enterprise-wide data analytics capacity. • Establishing an Advanced Statistical Analysis Laboratory for ChildWelfare, which will bring in university students. • Creating a Child Safety Data Hub tasked with identifying and integrating all data sources, including education, that can extend child safety when incorporated into analytics, research, and operational processes.

• Creating visualization tools to help front-line workers and supervisors use data for case management. For example, FL created a visualization tool for perpetrator chronicity in child welfare by merging data frommultiple sources. • Making a Chief Quality Officer responsible for data quality in a central data repository that can be used to create the right metrics, at the right time. This office draws on academics and university students and provides training for staff on how to use data. Babcock stressed the importance of involving front-line workers and supervisors as new visualization tools are developed to ensure they see the value of the new tools and have the necessary training to use them. Future projects will focus on using integrated data to refine metrics, creating data visualizations to inform decision- making, and pursuing opportunities to incorporate artificial intelligence and bots into the agency’s data strategy. (Please see Appendix C-1 for slides .) KimMcCoy-Wade described the strategies California’s HHS is using to deliver people-centered, data-driven services across 58 counties and to answer these key questions: (1) how well are we serving the people of California? (2) who are we missing? (3) how can we reach new people? (4) what is the impact of our services on people? and (5) how do we develop data leaders to keep asking and answering these questions with and for the people we serve? She presented specific examples CA is using including: • The CalFresh Data Dashboard 2 , which analyzes and visualizes SNAP trends, by county, in demographics, participation rates, timelines, benefit accuracy, and churn rates. • A participation analysis that links Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other program data to understand where enrollment gaps exist (e.g., individuals who are likely eligible for multiple programs that are only enrolled in one). • A data hub , under development, that will link state and county data on SNAP and SSI recipients, including languages spoken, to help counties conduct outreach and enroll SSI recipients in SNAP. • A research study by the University of California

San Francisco, funded by philanthropy, to examine the impact of SNAP benefits on health outcomes of older adults on SSI.

1 Slides in Appendix C only include highlights & select slides.You may find all full presentations online here: https://aphsa.org/NC/NC/events_and_ engagement.aspx 2 CalFresh Data Dashboard: http://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/Data-Portal/Research-and-Data/CalFresh-Data-Dashboard


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