Be Well Network Brandstorm

Be Well Network Brandstorm


BeWell Recovery

Agenda DAY 1

2. CHECK IN / HUMAN DOING VERSUS THE HUMAN BEING The goal of this exercise was to get in touch with the essence of who we are. Make four lists of your characteristic. • What you look like • What you do (work, fun, life, etc.) • What you have (house, family, cars, tennis request, etc.) execution. Similarly, constructed, goal- oriented conversations stifle creativity and force blinders on participants. The BRANDSTORM™ exercise results in a flood of ideas that make YOU, YOU…. HOUSEKEEPING • You will all take in the information in your own way. Take notes, listen, follow along in the agenda, whatever works best for you. • There is no power point, or handout. Branding is not teaching, it is creating • Stay mobile • Restroom break whenever you want • We will do breaks throughout • Ask questions, interactive • When we are coming up with statements and word clouds, nothing is final. If we have two great ideas for a creative statement, we keep both. There is no wrong or right. • If you need something, ask - you are responsible for your needs • Have a great time with this!

1. INTRODUCTION AND HOUSEKEEPING GLENN HADLEY - Senior Vice President of Strategy for Dreamscape Marketing All along this journey, I have seen many brands come and go and many companies struggle to find their identity and lose their way because they couldn’t. This will guide us to a clear recognition of who and what BeWell is and action to become that which it could be - The definition of Humility… WHAT IS A BRANDSTORM™? Brainstorming within a group doesn’t work. It’s confusing, disorganized and seldom yields data that results in real-world

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• What are your Characteristics (Joyful, Loving, Caring, Compassionate, etc.) What was left as you removed those four columns from consideration? 3. WHAT Does Be Well Do &WHY… &WHY The question above was posed to the group as an exercise. We distilled the results down into one statement. (Break everyone into 4 groups of 5 by numbering) - each group came up with an answer and we honed it down to one answer each. What is Be Well Network? What are we??? What do we sell? Why? AndWhy? Why do we need to serve them?

What: Be well empowers clients to find their way forward to their healthiest selves Why: to connect people & bring them out of isolation into community Why: To give pain a purpose by being of service to others

What: BeWell engages in the relentless pursuit of preserving the lives of individuals suffering with addiction and mental health through excellent, focused, compassionate care. Why: To prevent the unfathomable suffering of those who are left behind Why: Gratitude. We are thankful and want to give to others; love; passion to change lives

What: We treat addiction and everything it encompasses

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Why: We are dedicated to the calling for our purpose which is our gift Why: To create change by guiding those addicted on to the path of sobriety

When we combined the statements, and identified the key terms in each, certain ideas began to form and the essence of BeWell Network started to emerge. What: BeWell Network provides comprehensive care for individuals with substance use disorder and co-occurring conditions using an interdisciplinary, evidence based approach to care Why: All Humans deserve the highest level of health & wellness so they are equipped to live their best lives Why: The healer DNA within us


• Empower • Find • Engage • Preserve life • Care

• Connect • Treat

• Provides care • Provides safety • Nurturing • To guide people on the path to recovery • To build connection • To prevent suffering

What: We connect people with hope, community, and tools for recovery; we empower addicts and devour addiction Why: Because we’ve been there before Why: Giving my gifts and abilities for a greater purpose


• People deserve their best life • Because we’ve been there • Others were there for us

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5. ACTIVITY #2 Astraphobia Astraphobia is the fear of lightning and thunder and as the Brandstorm began to grow we tried to understand the fears of our target markets by doing some role play exercises. This industry is fear based. Remember we are working with individuals and their families who are operating at the base level of survival. Everything is a threat. Upon establishing the brand’s appropriate target markets, it’s then very important to understand these markets. Participants were asked to spend some time in the minds of each market to determine their fears, breaking points, challenges, what keeps them up at night and what gets them up in the morning. The outcome helped us establish specific messaging of the Be Well brand to appeal to each market. Here were some of the persona’s along with their listed fears. At Dreamscape, we added a few more to consider when moving forward.

4. ACTIVITY #1 HELLO, MY NAME IS ... We then broke into 4 groups and participants were asked to think of specific people the Be Well brand would potentially touch and record those names on a name tag. Upon completion, specific names were categorized to establish the target markets of the brand. In no specific order, results include: • Families • Employers • Stake Holders • Medical Providers • Schools • Faith Based • Community • Parents • Spouse • Siblings

• Employees • Generations • Institutions • Alumni • Pets

• Friends • Clients • Children • Law Enforcement

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• This won’t work • Can I afford it? • Why am I here again? Will it stick? • What did I do wrong? • Will they live? • Fear of the phone call? • How does recovery affect me? Social life? • What will people think? Stigma? – That our family is flawed? • How do I protect the rest of the family? • Fear of family secrets/ dynamics revealed in recovery • Fear of violence • That you’ll want to “fix” me too • Is it in our genes? • What does rock bottom look like?

• How do I treat them post- rehab? • Can I keep this a secret? • How do I share this situation with others? • Do I have an obligation to tell the addicts peers or friends? • Will my family survive this? • How do I re- prioritize finances to cover costs and still meet all family members’ needs? • When are they “fixed”? • Will I be able to trust or love again? • Will I feel safe with them again? • Am I doing this right or just enabling? • Where do I find help? • Fear that crime will go up • Fear that drug use will go up • Fear that it will reduce safety


• Failure – relapse again • Disappointing friends/family • Uncertainty – future direction • Social Stigma – Shame/ Judgment, death, ruining lives of loved ones • What is treatment? • Death • Ruining lives of loved ones • Detox process – pain • Time away from work/school • Length of Treatment

• How far away is treatment • Self-reflection • Comfort Level • Group Environment • Job Security • Responsibility • What is recovery/ what will I do? • What is life without addiction? • Gossip • No more fun in life • Won’t have relationship or sex again

• Fear of not Community

wanting it in their backyard

• Fear that

property values will go down

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• Fear that it will ruin the

• Breakpoint – impact of suicide • Challenge – acceptance • Challenge – support from community • Challenge – disagreement between community members • Challenge – retaliation • If we don’t care – people will die • New-found appreciation for religion or new community • Fear of being stigmatized by a past failure • Can you still “go out” with friends, family at a party, restaurant or bar? or where they have been)

• Fear that they will never be able to stay sober • Fear of being removed/ discharged from the system • Will I hear from the team after the client admits • Can client afford cost? • Will they value • Is it the real deal? • Tools for success • What if it is a bad experience? • Are my co- workers “Quality”? Therapists Professionals • Decrease value of my neighborhood • Grim presence • Confrontation • Law (scripts) • Isn’t “real” • Reputation if not real Business Owners HCPs Legal

• Fear of letting people down,

reputation of the company

relapse and fear of failure

• Fear that it

will increase the number of homeless people

• Fear that it will increase demand on police • Breakpoint – • Breakpoint – introduce drugs to the community • Fear of what they did to themselves – physical damage • Relapse (their own relapse) • Fear of where they have been • Reputable as an advisor/mentor • Need to support family and reenter the workforce • Legal, financial issues (of past Alumni increased traffic readjusting to a new life • Ashamed of

my opinion? • Word-of-mouth referral • Reputation risk

• 360 Support around me • Internal Integrity • Value my opinions

• Not educated, just processing

• Loss of

customers ($)

• Theft

• Fear that

they cannot rebuild broken relationships substitution of a new “vice” (gambling, etc.)

• Revenue Loss • Unknown (About Disease)

• Fear of

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• Fear – losing votes • Fear of community backlash • Fear of neighborhood complaints • Public Image • Fear of the size and influence BeWell will have on the insurance industry • Fear of change and having to adopt new business practices LawMakers • Just going to be like everybody else, what makes BeWell different? • Concerned about helping people, don’t just be in it for the money Employees

• Keeps them up – the recovery community coming together and voting – asking lawmakers to discuss these issues opportunity to create extraordinary • No track record, make sure they will follow through with promises • Need to have mission – what comes first? companies are small picture/ short-sighted and BeWell is in it for the big picture/long term • They are treating the symptoms, we are treating the disease • Insurance


• Not meeting investment projections • Bad press • Losing money • Change in insurance, change in market conditions • Executive management • Concerned that there will no news to report, or an inability to make a deadline headlines are not “exciting” enough • Reporters have a personal brand, news coverage that they are known for • Worried they will be outside of • Fear of change/ unknown • Cost of treatment – short term and long term • Fraud by providers and patients Carriers • Fear that Press

• Be Well is not

different, fear we do not deploy evidence- based practices,

same-old/ same-old

• Fraud • Deception fraud – saying one thing, but doing another • Execution

the news events, that they will not be the first to break a story

• Fear of unreliable sources • Not enough

education on topic they are writing about making it “big time” – only getting local, small stories

• Afraid of not

• Unknown – transition from stable to unknown,

• Fear that treatment doesn’t work/ poor success rate • Fear of being insensitive/ being a barrier to treatment

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6. Check In To check in on Day 2, we talked about the importance of a personal mission statement along with an industry mission statement. Glenn brought some examples of both to get the group starting to think in terms of mission, vision, and values. Below are the examples for reference: • Personal Mission Statement: To bring people together to do something meaningful. • My Industry Mission statement: We provide a safe, evidence-based environment for individuals suffering from SUD to repair damaged neural pathways in the brain by establishing a meaningful therapeutic alliance with our providers. • My Vision: To live in a world where SUD is viewed in the same light as other chronic brain diseases • Values: Compassionate, Evidenced, Consistent, and Persevering. 6. ACTIVITY #4 Superheroes Participants were asked to team up to create super heroes to represent the BeWell brand against the forces of evil (Insert sinister laugh here.) We were all asked to be fun, be silly, be real, be authentic! This hero needed to have the following: • Super powers • A mission • A back story • A nemesis It is through this activity we are able to determine specific traits of the Be Well brand that speak to specific markets. These

traits are the foundation of who the brand is as well as who the brand combats and the background of why these attributes represent Be Well.

Superhero #1: Name: Vision

Super Powers: Tender heart, protective, intuitive, can fly, See through walls, read minds, night vision, read hearts, read body language, read energy and fears, clairvoyant and omniscient Mission: Saving people and all who love them from self-destruction Back Story: They came inside the house after chasing birds and squirrels all day and found their humans unmoving on the floor. They licked their face and pawed their heart trying to wake her up, but they could not. They realized she was dead. Nemesis: Drugs and Alcohol

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Superhero #2: Name: Narcana

Superhero #3: Name: BeWellinator Super Powers: Telepathy (Mind reading), x-ray vision, telekinesis, ability to transform into a bird Mission: To eradicate addiction Back Story: Parents were killed by an overdose and the dealers were to blame. They became an addict, experienced a drug overdose, went into a coma, and awoke with super human powers Nemesis: Drug dealer enablers

Super Powers: Narcan Breath, can sense overdose, has super-empathy, she can fly better than Spirit Airlines, IQ of 156 (MENSA Level), very strong so she can fight drug dealers, has x-ray vision and drug detecting vision, and a super K-9 sense of smell Mission: End the opiate epidemic Back Story: She was a scientist at Purdue Pharma that was creating a synthetic opiate and there was an explosion... Nemesis: The Sackler Family

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Superhero #4: Name: The Transformer

8. ACTIVITY #5 VALUES What what are 4 core values of BeWell - We created a word cloud, derived from the superheroes exercise, to come up with the BeWell values. Company values (also called corporate values or core values) are the set of guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help a group of people function together as a team and work toward a common business goal. Below are each group’s work on their own values and the final set of values were chiseled out of the rock into these pillars:

Super Powers: Stops withdrawal in its tracks, ability to see trauma and heals it, heals all types of pain including emotional, physical, and spiritual pain, provides a spiritual awakening, and creates a total perspective shift. Mission: Provide the antidote for addiction Back Story: Grew up in a Christian home and had no alcohol or drug use in his family. He thought he had no issues. Then, he used drugs for the first time and felt normal for the first time. He then spent many years addicted and lost everything. Nemesis: Enabling parents who think they did something wrong in the past and literally love their family member to death.

The final list of Be Well values are: Compassion, Innovative, Authentic, Dedicated.

And the votes were in! After the tally, we had our values!

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8. ACTIVITY #6 Who we are, What we do, and Howwe do it This is the Mission statement. We used the different super heroes to build a word cloud to construct the mission statement. As a group we all pulled words from each superhero mission to build a word cloud. The difference between vision and mission is that vision (Strategy) is the eventual objective or why people are doing a particular activity, whereas mission (Tactics) denotes what the people/ organization should do to achieve that objective (i.e. “how”). Below are the different Mission statement we created, followed by the final product: Team Vision: • Example 1: Be Well is an innovative group of professionals that foster connection and meet clients with safety and solution. • Example 2: Be Well is a solution focused team of professionals dedicated to change. • Example 3: Be Well is a solution-focused team of compassionate professionals who provide a safe and structured setting to begin your journey in recovery How you got there:

Team Narcana: Example 1: We are a network of authentic, innovative, and dedicated, professionals empowering the lives of those who are suffering How you got there:

Team Transformer Example 1: We are a catalyst for transforming lives by empowering others.

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ACTIVITY #7 WHERE ARE WE GOING - VISION STATEMENT With the information gained over the course of this brandstorm, we at Dreamscape marketing have come up with a Vision statement for your review. Please consider it next to some of the examples below. Remember, just like the in-person exercise we did, this is a fluid project and there are no wrong answers. My hope is that you will take this as a starting point and grow it into a vision for you. BeWell: To be a real solution for those seeking to overcome addiction and live full, meaningful, lives. • Google: “To provide access to the world’s information in one click” • IKEA: “To create a better everyday life for the many people” • Instagram: “Capture and share the world’s moments” • LinkedIn: “Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce” • Microsoft: “To help people throughout the world realize their full potential” • Nike: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world” • Oxfam: “A just world without poverty” • Shopify: “To make commerce better for everyone” • Sony: “To be a company that inspires and fulfills your curiosity.” • TED: “Spread ideas” • Tesla: “To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy” • Uber: “We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion” • Whole Foods: “To nourish people and the planet.

Team BeWellinator: Example 1: BeWell Recovery Centers are a team of dedicated professionals that transform lives, to overcome addiction, using safe and innovative processes.

This is the Be Well Mission statement as we created it: Be Well is a collaborative team of professionals who provide a safe environment where empowerment, education, and connection takes place; where the lives of our clients and their families are transformed.

Here is a revised and carefully crafted version of the same statement for consideration: Be Well is a collaborative team of professionals dedicated to empowering, educating, and connecting those struggling with the disease of addiction. We provide a safe and compassionate environment where the lives of our clients and their families are transformed.

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Team Signatures



























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BeWell Recovery

BE WELL MISSION Be Well is dedicated transforming the lives of those struggling with the disease of addiction in a safe and compassionate environment through empowerment, education, and connection. VISION STATEMENT To be a real solution for those seeking to overcome addiction and live full, meaningful, lives. VALUES Compassionate, Innovative, Authentic, Dedicated


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