Be Well Network Brandstorm
5. ACTIVITY #2 Astraphobia Astraphobia is the fear of lightning and thunder and as the Brandstorm began to grow we tried to understand the fears of our target markets by doing some role play exercises. This industry is fear based. Remember we are working with individuals and their families who are operating at the base level of survival. Everything is a threat. Upon establishing the brand’s appropriate target markets, it’s then very important to understand these markets. Participants were asked to spend some time in the minds of each market to determine their fears, breaking points, challenges, what keeps them up at night and what gets them up in the morning. The outcome helped us establish specific messaging of the Be Well brand to appeal to each market. Here were some of the persona’s along with their listed fears. At Dreamscape, we added a few more to consider when moving forward.
4. ACTIVITY #1 HELLO, MY NAME IS ... We then broke into 4 groups and participants were asked to think of specific people the Be Well brand would potentially touch and record those names on a name tag. Upon completion, specific names were categorized to establish the target markets of the brand. In no specific order, results include: • Families • Employers • Stake Holders • Medical Providers • Schools • Faith Based • Community • Parents • Spouse • Siblings
• Employees • Generations • Institutions • Alumni • Pets
• Friends • Clients • Children • Law Enforcement
Brandstorm 6
BeWell Recovery
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