ICMARC Associate Handbook August 2016
Details regarding telecommuting are available on the intranet or from your Human Resources manager and include such topics as the request process, equipment requirements, computer security, tax issues, safety, and training. Your Human Resources manager is also available to help you resolve problems or address concerns regarding telecommuting or other alternative work arrangements. OVERTIME ICMA‑RC pays overtime to associates in nonexempt positions only. Any nonexempt associate who works overtime must be paid for all hours worked, but all overtime should be approved in advance. Associates working unauthorized overtime may be subject to disciplinary action as noted in the Conduct & Discipline section of this Handbook. Required Overtime Although supervisors should attempt to provide reasonable notice when the need for overtime work arises, the corporation recognizes that the need to serve our clients means that advance notice is not always possible. The corporation reserves the right to require overtime based on business needs. We recognize that these schedule changes might require family or other adjustments, and managers and associates are encouraged to work together to reach a reasonable solution. When overtime is necessary, associates refusing to work overtime may be subject to disciplinary action as noted in the Conduct and Discipline section of this Handbook. Overtime Compensation Calculation ICMA‑RC pays nonexempt associates time-and-a-half for hours worked over 40 per workweek unless local law provides a different requirement. ICMA‑RC’s normal work week is a minimum of 37.5 hours for full- time associates. Hours worked in excess of 37.5 but fewer than 40 will be paid at the associate’s regular hourly rate. Overtime hours are those actually worked; they do not generally include typical commuting time. (See “Pay and Overtime while on Business Travel” on page 38.)
The following sections regarding overtime pay apply to nonexempt associates.
OVERTIME, VACATION, AND SICK LEAVE If you are nonexempt and take vacation time or sick leave during a given week and then work on Saturday, for example, you are not eligible for overtime compensation unless you actually worked over 40 hours during the week in addition to the leave time. OVERTIME AND HOLIDAYS If an official ICMA‑RC holiday occurs during the normal workweek, the holiday is included in hours worked for the purpose of calculating overtime for nonexempt associates. For example, if ICMA‑RC closes for Memorial Day on a Monday, and you work more than 32.5 hours during the remainder of that workweek, you would receive time-and-a-half for all hours over 40.
Confidential — for Internal Use Only
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