INFORMS 2021 Program Book

INFORMS Anaheim 2021


6 - Effectiveness of an Mhealth Intervention on Glucose Monitoring for Older Adults with Diabetes in Taiwan: A Clinical Trial Chou-Chun Wu, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, Shinyi Wu Mobile health applications (apps) can support diabetes self-management activities but less than 10% of older adults with diabetes adopted an app. We analyze a clinical trial (N = 305) of an intergenerational mHealth program by comparing 4- month effectiveness on glucose monitoring between the intervention and the control group. We used propensity score matching method on the baseline demographics, diabetic symptoms, and complications to ensure group comparability. We found that patients in the intervention group significantly improved glucose monitoring and A1c control. This innovative program has the potential to be an effective diabetes improvement model for the post-COVID pandemic world. 7 - Designing Subscription Contracts for Two Sided Markets Neha Sharma, Northwestern University, Evanston, IN, United States a shared economy platform, users rent their assets in exchange for extra earnings. Most platforms offer asset financing options wherein, individuals can own the asset by incurring a recurring fee and can earn rental income to offset this fee by listing the asset on the platform.We study a car rental platform that lets users subscribe to a car by paying a monthly fee. We observe from data that with such contracts, 15-20 percent of users never list their cars. We study how the subscriber’s listing behavior changes with contracts. Further, we find how these contracts change with the platform’s budget and asset market price. We also study when is it optimal for a platform to have subscribers who do not list. 8 - Quantifying the Impact of Ecosystem Services for Landscape Management under Wildfire Hazard Marie Pelagie Elimbi Moudio, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United Statesm Cristobal Pais Effective planning for mitigating future expected losses under wildfire risk is a complex challenge. Previous works simplify the analysis by valuing the landscape using a unique objective(e.g., minimize the average expected area burned). We expand previous works by weighting multiple objectives and analyzing the trade- off between present objectives and future protection against wildfire risk. We study three regions based on their fire history, landscape, and demographic variety and obtain treatment plans reflecting how different priorities of the decision-makers could affect treatment policies. 9 - Political Polarization and Platform Migration: A Study of Parler and Twitter Usage by United States of America Congress Members Jacqueline Otala, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, United States, Gillian Kurtic, Isabella Grasso, Yu Liu, Jeanna Matthews, Golshan Madraki Growing dissatisfaction with platform governance decisions at social media platforms has led to efforts to shift to new platforms. We examine the effort on the political right to shift from Twitter to Parler in response to Twitter’s increased efforts to flag 2020 US election misinformation. We analyze the usage of Parler by US Congress members and compare that to their usage of Twitter. Parler usage was small in comparison to Twitter, but was still impactful. It was linked to the planning of the January 6 2021 US Capitol building attack. This offers lessons about the relationship between platform migration, the impacts of platform governance decisions, and the splintering of our media landscape.

major modeling and computational challenges in the development of deterministic and stochastic linear/nonlinear mixed-integer optimization models for planning and scheduling for the optimization of plants and entire supply chains that are involved in EWO problems. We address the following major challenges in this area: a) multi-scale optimization, b) linear vs. nonlinear models, c) handling of uncertainty and disruptions, d) multiobjective and multilevel optimization. We illustrate these challenges in areas such as planning and scheduling of batch plants, simultaneous optimization of supply chain planning with inventory policies, optimization of business transactional processes in digital supply chains, demand side management in power intensive processes, development of infrastructure for shale gas production, and design of resilient and responsive supply chains for chemical products. These problems, which have been addressed in collaboration with industry through a consortium, have led to substantial economic savings. Keynote: Research, Data, and Policy at the Department of Transportation: An Overview Keynote Session 1 - Research, Data, and Policy at the Department of Transportation: An Overview Robert C. Hampshire, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-2150, United States In this talk I will discuss elements of the Infrastructure Bill and the priorities of the Department of Transportation. Specially, I will discuss how the safety, equity, economic strength, and climate goals of the Department of Transportation can benefit from the active engagement of operations research and data science communities. Sunday Keynote 03 CC Ballroom C /Virtual Theater 3 Keynote: Challenges and Opportunities for OR in Electricity Markets Keynote Session 1 - Challenges and Opportunities for Operations Research in Electricity Markets Shmuel S. Oren, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 95708, United States Socio economic forces, development in generation technologies and environmental considerations have led to restructuring of the electric power systems in part of the USA and in many systems worldwide, transforming them from vertically integrated regulated monopolies to competitive market based systems. From a supply chain perspective competitive electricity markets represent, perhaps, the most challenging supply chain. The commodity is non- storable; demand is uncertain and highly correlated with weather, all the demand must be satisfied instantaneously with a high level of reliability (one day in ten years criteria for involuntary load curtailment). In addition service is provided over a network that is prone to congestion, flows over transmission lines cannot be directly controlled as in a transportation system (flows follow Kirchhoff’s laws) and the market is encumbered by numerous externalities and market power. In spite of such obstacles there has been fascinating developments in the design and operations of competitive electricity markets over the last two decades through the use of state of the art optimization tools and economic principles. This talk will describe some of the key challenges in designing and operating competitive electricity markets. I will review the basic elements and alternative approaches adopted in different systems and discuss what we have learned so far in this area. I will also discuss new challenges and opportunities due to massive integration of renewable resources, proliferation of smart grid technologies and electrification of the transportation sector. Sunday Keynote 02 CC Ballroom B /Virtual Theater 2

Sunday, 1:30PM 2:30PM

Sunday Keynote 01 CC Ballroom A /Virtual Theater 1

Keynote: Challenges in the Application of Mathematical Programming Approaches to Enterprise-wide Optimization of Process Industries Keynote Session 1 - Challenges in the Application of Mathematical Programming Approaches to Enterprise-wide Optimization of Process Industries Ignacio E. Grossmann, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United States Enterprise-wide optimization (EWO) is an area that lies at the interface of chemical engineering and operations research, and has become a major goal in the process industries due to the increasing pressures for remaining competitive in the global marketplace. EWO involves optimizing the operations of supply, production and distribution activities of a company to reduce costs and inventories. A major focus in EWO is the optimization of manufacturing plants as part of the overall optimization of supply chains. Major operational items include production planning, scheduling, and control. This talk provides an overview of


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