Informs Annual Meeting 2017
INFORMS Houston – 2017
3 - Linear Programming Filtering Algorithms for a Class of Biobjective Optimization Problems over the Efficient Set Daniel Jornada, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, United States, This presentation deals with a class of biobjective optimization problems over the efficient that is reformulated as a biobjective mixed binary linear program (BOMBLP).Two objective space search algorithms are proposed. Computational experiments suggest that both algorithms run faster than existing general purpose objective space search procedures.
360A Funding Opportunities for OR and Advanced Manufacturing Invited: Invited OR and Advanced Manufacturing Invited Session Chair: Yu Ding, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 77843-3131, United States, 1 - NSF Georgia-Ann Klutke, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA, 22230, United States, 2 - DOE Sudarsan Rachuri, 3 - Moderator Yu Ding, Texas A&M.University, Dept Industrial & Systems Engineering, ETB 4016, Ms 3131, College Station, TX, 77843- 3131, United States, Program directors from three federal agencies will discuss their program’s scope, focus, opportunities and initiatives that may be of interest to researchers in OR and advanced manufacturing. 360B Public and Nonprofit Applications Sponsored: Public Sector OR Sponsored Session Chair: Ece Zeliha Demirci, Bilkent University, Merkez Kampus, Rektorluk Binasi EA325, Ankara, 06800, Turkey, 1 - Decision Support for Choosing among Projects: Handling Multi-dimensional Efficiency and Equity Concerns Özlem Karsu, Bilkent University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey,, Nur Kaynar We develop interactive algorithms that will help policy makers make choices among a set of projects. The projects are evaluated based on their benefits to different population groups and there are multiple benefit types to consider. We assume that both efficiency and equity are relevant and hence the problem is a multicriteria decision making problem. Our computational experiments demonstrate the satisfactory performance of the algorithms. We believe that such decision support tools may be of great use in practice and help in moving towards fair and efficient service provision. 2 - Will Aging Voting Machines Cause Long Waiting Lines Muer Yang, University of St. Thomas, 1000 Lasalle Avenue, TMH 451E, Minneapolis, MN, 55403, United States, As the majority of voting machines in use today approach or exceed their expected lifetime, there is an impending crisis from the increased number of voting machine failures expected in the upcoming elections. This study examines and quantifies the impact of aging machines on voter wait times via simulation. The reliability issue of aging voting machines might not be as serious as predicted. 3 - One- or Two-Channel Subsidies? Donor Funding for Drug Availability SA43 Iva Petrova Rashkova, Washington University in St. Louis, Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, MO, 63130, United States, Abstract: We study the decision of a donor subsidizing health programs by allocating a limited budget between the commercial and non-commercial distribution channels. The two channels differ in their affordability to patients and quantity yield per-unit subsidy. We show that the variability of the random yield in the non-commercial channel generates inter-channel cannibalization and reduces total consumption. Thus, efforts of the donor should be focused on reducing this variability. We evaluate the consumption improvement of the optimal subsidy using historical data from three donor organizations.
352D Analytics Society Sponsored: Analytics Sponsored Session
Chair: Matthew Lanham, Purdue University, 112 Eastland Drive, Lafayette, IN, 47905, United States, 1 - Value of the Society and New Offerings Stefan E. Karisch, Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, Seattle, WA, The President of the Analytics Society invites you to an open forum to share your recommendations and ideas for how the society grows with you and the industries we support to provide the value and relevant offerings. We will as well review the strategic goals and key initiatives of the Society this year and through 2018. 352E 2017 Edelman Finalists Reprise Sponsored: The INFORMS Section on Practice Sponsored Session Chair: Anne G. Robinson, Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ, 07920, United States, 1 - Analysis and Improvement of Blood Collection Operations Turgay Ayer, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Groseclose 417, Atlanta, GA, 30332, United States,, Can Zhang, Chenxi Zeng, Chelsea C. White, Kevin Lee, Mary Deck, V. Roshan Joseph We describe a regional-level cryoprecipitate (cryo)-collection project at the American Red Cross Southern Region (ARC-SR). The implementation of our proposed solution resulted in a significant improvement: about 1,000 more cryo units at a slightly lower collection cost, resulting in an approximately 40% reduction in per-unit cryo collection cost. Based on the successful implementation at the ARC-SR, the ARC plans to implement our proposed model at its 10 other cryo production facilities. 2 - The New York City Off-Hour Delivery Program: A Business andCommunity-Friendly Sustainability Program Trilce Encarnacion, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street, Jonsson Engineering Center # 4049, Troy, NY, 12180, United States,, José Holguín-Veras, Stacey Hodge, Jeffrey Wojtowicz, Caesar Singh, Cara Wang, Miguel Jaller, Felipe Aros-Vera, Kaan Ozbay, Michael Marsico, Andrew Weeks, SA40 Mark Simon, Susan McSherry, Xia Yang, Asheque Rahman, Diana Gineth Ramirez-Rios, Lokesh Kalahashti, Johanna Amaya, Michael Silas, Brandon Allen, Brenda Cruz The New York City Off-Hour Delivery program, a private-public-academic partnership, implemented policy designed with the help of OR/MS, including behavioral micro-simulation. By successfully inducing more than 400 commercial establishments in NYC to accept OHD, economic benefits accrued are considerable: carriers reduced costs by 45%; receivers enjoy more reliable deliveries and reduce inventory; trucks reduced emissions up to 67%. Total economic benefits exceed $20 million per year. Michael Replogle, Charles Ukegbu, Xuegang Ban, Matthew Brom, Shama Campbell, Ivan Sanchez-Díaz, Carlos Alberto Gonzalez-Calderon, Alain Kornhauser,
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