Informs Annual Meeting Phoenix 2018
INFORMS Phoenix – 2018
49 - An ALNS Algorithm for the Port Scheduling Problem Erik Orm Hellsten, DTU, Boulevarden 14, 75, Lyngby, 2800, Denmark The problem of routing vessels within larger ports was developed together with industry and modelled as a routing open shop problem with additional constraints. High quality solutions, to instances with up to 12 terminals and 30 vessels, were generated using an ALNS algorithm. The problem is strongly NP- hard, and to our knowledge, there exists no previous studies of it. 50 - Towards Bridging the Gap Between Business Model Innovation and Practice Using Hypergraph Based Modeling Mahei Manhai Li, University of Kassel, Pfannkuchstrasse 1, Kassel, 34121, Germany, Sissy-Josefina Ernst, Christoph Peters, Christoph Peters, Jan Marco Leimeister, Jan Marco Leimeister A hypergraph-based modeling of businesses bridges the gap between business model innovations and its implementation into enterprise solutions. By formalizing resources, actors, activities (processes) and functions into one model, their relationships are clearly defined, while encompassing both the data and processual structure. A database-based graphical tool supports system analysts and decision makers to structure and analyze their business model and corresponding value proposition. This model can thus be used for future implementations. 51 - The Use of FPGAs for High Performance Discrete Simulation Ed Ramsden, Murata Power Solutions, Attleboro, MA, 02703, United States While discrete-event/discrete-time simulations are normally run on general purpose computers, there are cases in which specialized hardware can be used to increase runtime performance by orders of magnitude. This paper presents an example of such a specialized processor designed around a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The processor in this example models passenger boarding of an aircraft. 52 - Improved Placement of Drinking Water Treatment System Infrastructure to Meet Conflicting System Objectives Sara Schwetschenau, Carnegie Mellon University, 129 Baker Hall 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United States, Jeanne VanBriesen, Jared L. Cohon Drinking water systems are modified over time to meet changing regulatory and urban requirements. Planning for expensive and long-lived water infrastructure is a complex decision problem. Here, a multi-objective optimization model is combined with a water quality simulation model to evaluate the location and size of drinking water system improvements. 53 - Understand The Relations of Regional Freight Transport Structure and Carbon Emissions Dandan Li, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China, Mi Gan, Mingfei Wang Aims on comprehensively study the economic and environmental impact of freight structure. In this paper, the economic effect and environmental effect are respectively measured by economic output value per unit freight turnover and carbon emissions per unit freight turnover based on the panel data model. Our results indicate the economic output value per unit turnover, carbon emissions per unit turnover, and carbon emission intensity remarkably varies by transportation modes and regions, point out how to optimize the regional freight structure accordingly. 54 - Spatialtemporal Evolution and Influencing Factors of Inland Port’s Hinterland Ronghui Xie, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China, Mi Gan, Qinglan Huang As the implementation of Belt and RoadInitiative, the strategic position of inland port in international trade has been significantly improved. However,few papers can be found exploring the evolution of hinterland of inland port among the previous studies. This paper intends to depict spatial-temporal features to catch space-time evolution that how hinterland’s attraction in inland port develops. Furthermore, this paper aims to propound some optimal suggestions to promote regional development in inland areas through analyzing the macroeconomic policies to find crucial factors influencing the evolution of hinterland. 55 - Evaluation of Regional Logistics Development Level by Multisource Data Xinyuan Li, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China, Mi Gan, Fadong zhang Based on multi-source data, this paper studies the development level of logistics industry and the spatial structure of logistics network in Sichuan Province. At first, factor analysis is used to analyze the economic and trade level, logistics market size, logistics infrastructure construction and information level. Then, based on the data of road freight O2O platform, the spatial distribution of freight resources is presented through data visualization method. Finally, comprehensively analyze the relationship between the logistics competition level of each city and state and the spatial distribution of freight resources.
56 - Spatiotemporal Distribution Analysis of Carbon Emissions and Energy Efficiency Driving Factors of China Railway Cold Chain Logistics Mingfei Wang, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China, Mi Gan, Dandan Li, Qian Zhang Based on the traditional carbon emissions formula of the transportation industry, this paper designs a carbon emission formula for railway cold chain transportation(RCCT), and calculates the carbon emissions of China’s RCCT from the provincial level using the waybill data from 2014 to 2016. Then, the SBM model and TOBIT model are employed to estimate the energy efficiency and the driving factors of energy efficiency of China’s RCCT. The results give out a detailed SpatiotemporalDistribution Characteristics of china’s RCCT, and show that urbanization level, railway cold chain construction level and industrial structure are positive factors to improve the energy efficiency of RCCT. 57 - Solving the Rich Train Timetabling Problem with Complex Constraints Model Reformulation for Dual Decomposition Yongxiang Zhang, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China, Qiyuan Peng, Xuesong Zhou, Yu Yao We introduce the rich train timetabling problems (RTTP) that extends the scope of the standard train timetabling problem by incorporating multiple complicating constraints. We develop a modeling framework to prebuild those complex “rich constraints as state transition relationships into a well-structured hyper-network, so that the resulting optimization model can be nicely reformulated as multi- commodity network flow models with capacity constraints. A novel dual decomposition method is adopted to handle the reformulated network flow optimization problem. Numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed reformulation method and solution algorithms. 58 - Study on the Government Subsidies and Exit Mechanism for China Railway Express Based on the Tripartite Game Qisheng Zhang, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, Yinying Tang, Yang Ge CHINA RAILWAY Express has an important place and the great prospects in “The Belt and Road Strategy. However, due to the start-up phase, it is now faced with the problem of subsidy for increasing competition. From the perspective of government, the reasonable setting of financial subsidies is considered, through the Tripartite Game between the government, the company and the shipper; On the basis of incentive mechanism design and freight volume forecast, the rational subsidy method and exit plan are studied, in order to achieve sustainable development. 59 - The Investigation and Analysis on Inter-city Passenger Rail Travel – A Case Study on Chengyu Region from China ZiShuai Pang, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, Liwen Wang, Shihang Zhang, Anjun Li, Dian Wang, Qiyuan Peng, Siyu Tao Based on the intercity rail trip chain survey in Chengyu region in China, several problems has been found in the whole travel, such as long railway waiting time, multi-security checking, inconsistent ticket system, and long transfer distance.The aims are to identify the problems in the inter-city trip chain, and propose corresponding improvements base on scenario analysis. It can achieve the aim that reducing the travel link, saving the intercity rail travel time and gaining economic benefits.The combination scenario 7 could reduce the total travel time by 42.29 minutes, decrease time ratio of inner-city travel to 37.2%, along with economic benefits achieved 30.64 million yuan per year. 60 - Analysis and Calculation for Subway Network Capacity Base on Simulation Feifan Jia, PhD Candidate, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, Haiying Li, Xi Jiang, Lingyun Meng The analysis and calculation of subway network capacity is one of the core issues of network operation. From the perspective of passenger demand and service level, we built a conceptual model of subway network capacity calculation problem. A method to calculate network capacity based on pressure test and simulation experiment was designed. And we studied the problems of service level determination and passenger loading in the algorithm and gave the steps of the algorithm. Taking Beijing subway network for example, the network capacities under different service level in peak hours were calculated. Finally, we analyzed where the bottlenecks of Beijing way network are. 61 - Study on Optimization of China-EU Regional Supply Organization Based on Spatial Arrangement Xuqiiang Li, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, YinYing Tang, qisheng zhu In order to effectively and uniformly integrate the China railway express that have been successively implemented in various regions, this paper uses the method of the division of the traffic zone to divide the supply-state space of each region to a certain extent, and then adopts the method of fuzzy cluster analysis to supply the goods according to the relevant indexes. The district conducts analysis and integration, and analyzes the evolutionary results and impacts after its integration, and finally determines a more reasonable goods organization and the operation plan of railway freight trains. Key words: Traffic Zone; State Space; Fuzzy Cluster; Evolutionary
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