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ISM2016 Attendees have
Unrivaled Access to the
Federal Partners!
Federal Office Hours*
State and local attendees will have an opportunity to schedule an
appointment for one-on-one meetings with specific federal
agency representatives during “Office Hours” sessions. These
sessions give states time to engage in a dialogue with program
leaders from federal agencies on state-specific issues.
More information about Office Hours and how to make an
appointment with FNS or ACF/HHS can be found on the ISM
Conference site at
http://www.ism conference.com.FNS/USDA
SNAP Systems and Policy
Child Support, Child Welfare, Eligibility and Enrollment
Wednesday afternoon has been expanded to include a
Super Federal
where attendees will have an opportunity to ask panel members
questions during the general session. Many federal agencies are also
participating in several conference sessions, including a session devoted
to the new CCWIS rules. Panel members include:
• Jessica Kahn, Director, Data and Systems Group, Center for Medicaid and CHIP
Services, CMS, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
• Chris Traver, Senior Advisor for Information Sharing, Office of the Assistant
Secretary, ACF, DHHS
• Lizbeth Silbermann, Director, Program Development Division, Food and
Nutrition Service (FNS), USDA
• Karen Painter-Jaquess, State Systems Director, FNS, USDA
• Terry Watt, Children's Bureau, ACYF, ACF, HHS
• Raghavan Varadachari, Office of Child Support Enforcement, ACF, HHS
Immediately following the general session there will be a
Roundtable with Federal Partners
During the roundtable session,
attendees will have an opportunity to meet with panel members.
*open only to state and
local agency attendees
*open only to state and local agency attendees by appointment only