P&P December 2016
Treasurer: Sarjoo Shah, Cluster Chief Information Officer, OK Office of State Finance NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PROGRAM INFORMATION AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT (NAPIPM) President: JimMcTague, Director, Eligibility and Quality Assurance, NY State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, Bureau of Audit and Quality Improvement Vice President and Conference Chair: Leslie Henderson, Manager, Quality Control and Management Evaluation, UT Department of Workforce Services Second Vice President and Conference Co-Chair: Sallie Kirsch, SNAP Quality Control Program Manager, PA Department of Human Services Secretary: Kim Sanchez, Quality Compliance Administrator, AZ Health Care Cost Containment System the gap between justice and human services to stop people falling through the cracks, we can reduce recidivism and improve public safety while cutting our jail and emergency room costs. Reference Notes 1. www.wsipp.wa.gov/BenefitCost 2. https://stepuptogether.org/toolkit 3. www.urban.org/sites/default/files/ alfresco/publication-pdfs/412788- Opportunities-for-Information-Sharing- to-Enhance-Health-and-Public-Safety- Outcomes.PDF 4. www.vera.org/pubs/cost-benefit-analysis- and-justice-policy-toolkit 5. www.it.ojp.gov/documents/
leadership around the TANF program and the national conversation related to poverty. Its nationally recognized and sought-after expertise has helped many states develop innovative ideas and programs that are designed to assist TANF families lift out of poverty. Its reputation makes it a sought after source of information at a national level where it has historically been called upon to provide that informa- tion to Congress. The CBPP continues to help shape TANF policies and prac- tices and has assisted numerous states in improving the lives of their citizens. Affiliate Elections The following volunteer leaders were elected to office during the annual business meetings of their respective affiliates: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ATTORNEYS (AAHHSA) President: Mark Gutchen, JD, General Counsel, MO Department of Social Services by the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Education, and Labor, upon which the justice informa- tion-sharing is based. Another obstacle is how to justify investments in programs. A wave of justice reinvestment initiatives is sweeping across the country. The Vera Institute has developed a toolkit to support cost–benefit analysis that provides a methodology . 4 Use that methodology with your local cost data to determine the required investment and savings potential in your com- munity. If you’re missing information, you may be able to fill those gaps with WSIPP reference data. A traditional approach to integra- tion requires large capital expenses up front and larger counties or states may be able to support that model. If that is not in your budget, this may be a good opportunity to experiment with cloud-based and subscription services, an operating expense (opex) model. One option is to borrow the concept
Vice President: Sandra Barnes, Assistant Attorney General, MD Department of Human Resources Secretary: Doris Leisch, Chief Counsel, PA Department of Human Services Treasurer: Natalie Bacon, JD, Assistant Attorney General, NC Department of Justice Immediate Past President: Lynn Rambo-Jones, Administrative Law Judge, OK Health Care Authority IT SOLUTIONS MANAGEMENT FOR HUMAN SERVICES (ISM) President: Kristen Duus, Chief InformationOfficer, ORHealth Authority First Vice President: Rob St. John, Director, Washington Technology Solutions Second Vice President: Tricia Cox, IT Manager, UT Department of Technology Services Secretary: Brady Birdsong, Chief Information Office/Acting Chief of Administrative Operations, DC Department of Behavioral Health of patient-mediated exchange from health care. In this model, the partici- pant enables the release of information with and across providers. External cloud services need not be “Shadow IT” if they support the necessary regulatory requirements, but they can still be low touch. Such an approach can enable a couple of departments to experiment, testing how staff react, leading to a results- based consensus in favor of a larger change effort. A cut-and-paste model may still produce results, if staff under- stands the value. A per-participant cost model also enables IT to be recognized as a direct cost or program expenses, enabling different budgets to be tapped. Justice agencies have sponsored a number of different criminal justice specifications, including a privacy framework, 5 a method to normalize privilege and identity management, 6 and the global reference architecture, 7 to name just a few. If we can bridge
CASE MANAGEMENT continued from page 6
ImplementingPrivacyPolicy ATechnicalFramework.pdf
6. www.gfipm.net/gfipm-overview 7. www.it.ojp.gov/initiatives/gra
Louise Wasilewski is CEO of Acivilate, which provides Pokket, a software platform for justice–health information sharing.
December 2016 Policy&Practice 25
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