P&P February 2016


APHSA Board of Directors Officers President Raquel Hatter , Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Human Services, David Stillman, Assistant Secretary, Economic Services Administration, Washington Department of Social and Health Services, Olympia, Wash. Treasurer, Local Council Representative Kelly Harder, Director, Dakota County Community Services, West Saint Paul, Minn. Secretary Tracy Wareing Evans, Executive Director, APHSA, Washington, D.C. Past President Reggie Bicha, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Human Services, Denver, Colo. Director Anne Mosle , Vice President, The Aspen Institute and Executive Director, Ascend at the Aspen Institute, Washington, D.C. Director Mimi Corcoran, Vice President, Talent Development, New Visions for Public Schools, Harrison, N.Y. Director Susan Dreyfus, President and Chief Executive Officer, Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, Milwaukee, Wis. Director Reiko Osaki, President and Founder, Ikaso Consulting, Burlingame, Calif. Leadership Council Representative Roderick Bremby, Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Social Services, Hartford, Conn. Affiliate Representative, American Association of Health and Human Services Attorneys Ed Watkins, Assistant Deputy Counsel, Bureau of Child Care Law, New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Rensselaer, N.Y. Nashville, Tenn. Vice President

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Vision: Better, Healthier Lives for Children, Adults, Families and Communities Mission: APHSA pursues excellence in health and human services by supporting state and local agencies, informing policymakers, and working with our partners to drive innovative, integrated and efficient solutions in policy and practice.

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Policy&Practice   February 2016

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