Policy & Practice April 2015
contents www.aphsa.org
Vol. 73, No. 2 April 2015
Meeting the People Where They Are
3 Director’s Memo Previewing APHSA’s 2015 National Policy Forum
Increasing financial well-being through integrating financial capability services
6 Spotlight on Foster Care
Engaging youth voices: Basing policy changes in daily realities
7 Spotlight on Foster Care
Self-sabotage in foster care placements
24 Legislative Update Next steps for child care: Robust reforms mark two decades to reach reauthorization
Building the Consumer Voice How executive functioning, resilience, and leadership capacity are leading the way
26 Partnering for Impact
Improving father engagement in Texas home visiting programs
28 Technology Speaks
ConneCT creates modernized health and human service delivery
30 Locally Speaking
Cleveland County Department of Social Services saves $10,000 in county dollars while helping county citizens in need of food
Pathway to Reform Using authentic engagement to revamp Michigan’s child welfare system financing
32 Legal Notes Financial eligibility criteria to be a foster or adoptive parent
38 Staff Spotlight
Shakieta Campbell, administrative assistant for the legislative affairs department and the AAICPC interstate division
40 Our Do’ers Profile Frank L. Alexander, director of the Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services
The 21st Century Workforce Guiding human service
leaders as they prepare their organizations for the future
Cover photograph via Shutterstock
April 2015 Policy&Practice
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