Policy & Practice | December 2021
Strategic Industry Partners
APHSA Executive Governing Board
Chair David A. Hansell , Commissioner, NewYork City Administration for Children’s Services, NewYork, NY Vice Chair Dannette R. Smith, CEO, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Lincoln, NE Treasurer Reiko Osaki, President and Founder, Ikaso Consulting, San Bruno, CA Leadership Council Chair S. Duke Storen, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Social Services, Richmond, VA Member At-Large Rodney Adams, Principal/CEO, R Adams & Associates, Indian Land, SC
Immediate Past Chair David Stillman, Assistant Secretary, Economic Services Administration, Washington Department of Social and Health Services, Olympia, WA Elected Director Derrik Anderson, Executive Director, Race Matters for Juvenile Justice, Charlotte, NC Elected Director Anne Mosle, Vice President, The Aspen Institute and Executive Director, Ascend at the Aspen Institute, Washington, DC Elected Director Katherine H. Park, CEO, Evident Change, Madison, WI Elected Director Jennifer Sullivan, Senior Vice President, Strategic Operations, Atrium Health, Charlotte, NC
Policy&Practice December 2021
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