Policy & Practice | Fall 2024

from our partners

By Megan Lazalier and Brian Chidester

Empowering Government to Deliver Experience Driven Outcomes for Human Services Agencies

T he traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to engaging human services clients is increasingly inef fective. Historically, agencies relied on compliance-driven outreach and generic messaging, but today's beneficiaries demand personalized interactions that address their unique circumstances, whether online or offline. The recent unwinding of the public health emergency exposed significant flaws in government com munication strategies, underscoring the need for a shift toward clear, empathetic, and omnichannel engagement to build trust and deliver services effectively. Transitioning to an experience-led approach requires a strategic founda tion. Agencies must define program goals, identify target populations, and foster a culture of experimentation. By aligning data and content, agencies can create highly relevant experiences that resonate with clients and guide them toward the “next-best-action.” This is especially crucial for human services programs. Proactive, per sonalized communications delivered through clients’ preferred channels can dismantle bureaucratic barriers, optimize processes, and offer more timely support. Such a customer centric approach enhances the relationship between the agency and the public, driving increased program utilization, client engagement, and improved outcomes. Nevertheless, achieving seamless, personalized experiences often creates operational challenges. Fragmented data, systems, and teams

frequently result in inconsistent and confusing interactions.

master data management platforms help organize and maintain client data, CDPs enrich these data by combining operational, transac tional, and behavioral information. This results in highly personalized and relevant experiences. 2. Journey Orchestration Tools: These tools facilitate seamless, omnichannel experiences that center on the customer. They allow indi viduals to interact with government

Three Emerging Technologies to Assist: 1. Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): CDPs consolidate data from various systems and touchpoints to provide a unified, real-time view of each individual. While customer rela tionship management systems and

Illustration by Chris Campbell

Policy & Practice Fall 2024 28

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