Policy & Practice | Fall 2024

partnering for impact

By Pat Aguilar

Synchronizing Program Vision with Technical Innovation to Shape Future Frameworks for Government Agencies

W e live in the age of experi ence. Due to the influence of consumer messaging, the public has come to expect a high level of customer experience when engaging with any organization, including gov ernment agencies. State and local government leaders are increasingly turning to the wide range of emerging technologies avail able to them to improve the public services their agencies deliver daily. As agency leaders aim to modernize their programs for the future, they recognize the importance of deploying digital tools and applications, using advanced analytics to measure impact, and implementing technologies such as artificial intelligence or machine learning to achieve success. However, these leaders also under stand that the success of new program initiatives is not solely dependent on the technology itself. It requires thoughtful alignment with the objec tives of a specific agency’s program as well as a focus on improving the lives of staff and consumers alike. For government agencies under taking a modernization project, effective collaboration is a common theme in all successful initiatives. Consider these three tips for any mod ernization effort: 1. Start by Listening The best industry partners will commence any project by listening to agency leaders describe the challenges and desired outcomes that, in turn,

inform the business and technical support needed to ensure solution quality. Every level of the organiza tion, from end-users to senior leaders, should be engaged to develop an understanding of their pain points and priorities. By promoting open dialogue and collaboration, leaders can leverage their team’s collective wisdom to create a modernization plan that effectively addresses challenges and implements change.

2. Partner Program and Technology Modernization is fundamentally about improving the lives of indi viduals and communities. Effective collaboration between the technology and program teams is essential to understand the benefits from each perspective. Throughout the process, everyone involved should keep the needs of the agency and the people it serves front and center. By human izing the modernization process,

Illustration by Chris Campbell


Policy & Practice Fall 2024

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