Policy & Practice June 2018
ASSOCIATION NEWS continued from page 25
program efficiencies—but to better position the system to address root causes and move upstream to preven- tive and more effective interventions. Now at the leading edge of the applica- tion of predictive analytics and smart data usage, Cherna’s peers across the country are constantly looking to him for guidance and inspiration. “He has been an influential voice in the devel- opment of APHSA’s policy and practice recommendations over the years, singing the chorus of what can happen at the local level from the very moment I met him. The way in which our local members engage and impact the work of APHSA today was driven as much by Marc as anyone else,” said Tracy Wareing Evans, President and CEO of APHSA. Always open to sharing his insights, work products, and learning, it would be impossible to quantify how much of an impact Cherna has had on the health and human services field. APHSA and its members are honored to have leaders like Harder, Adams, Lightbourne, and Cherna, recipients of the 2018 member awards, as partners in the effort to improve the well-being of children, adults, families, and com- munities across the country. Their unwavering commitment to unlocking the potential of all people in all places continues to be an inspiration. Congratulations! 2018 ISM Awards and Fellowships Deadline Approaching IT Solutions Management for Human Services (ISM), an affinity group of APHSA, is accepting nomi- nations for the 2018 Recognition Awards for Excellence in Human Services Information Technology. Award winners will be announced at the 2018 ISM Conference being held September 16–19 in Seattle, WA. Awards will be presented for the fol- lowing categories:
Resources in North Carolina, is a pas- sionate advocate of APHSA and the association’s work on both local and national platforms. As a dedicated member, Adams currently serves on APHSA’s National Council of Local Human Services Administrators and is always willing to share his insights and lived experiences. When he speaks, everybody listens—his compassion for life and for people is contagious. He embodies what is achievable when applying know-how, being open and ready to learn new things, and keeping a steady focus on solutions. State Outstanding Member Award. Established to recognize an individual or state agency for their outstanding con- tributions and commitment to APHSA, its members, and the field as a whole. This year’s recipient, Will Lightbourne , Director of the California Department of Social Services, is a longstanding and influ- ential voice on the APHSA Leadership Council and a prior Executive Governing Board member, making significant contributions to APHSA’s strategic planning and legislative positions over the years. His atten- tion to detail and strategy has been invaluable—often pausing from his very busy schedule to take the time to provide direct input to APHSA’s policy work. Under Lightbourne’s leadership, California is currently reforming the child welfare system to reduce the dependency on congregate care with the goal of having all children sup- ported by loving families. He continues to have a truly positive impact on the innovation and advancement of today’s health and human services system. Lifetime Achievement Award. Established by APHSA to recognize an individual’s lifetime contributions to the field of health and human services. This year’s recipient, Marc Cherna , Director of the Allegheny County Department of Human Services in Pennsylvania, has been at the forefront of innovation for many years. He was one of the very first in the field to truly embrace integration across sectors— not just for the sake of creating
� Collaboration Across Boundaries recognizing the use of technology to support collaboration and/ or integration that crosses tradi- tional program or organizational boundaries � Best Use of Technology for Operations recognizing the innova- tive use of technology to enhance and improve the internal produc- tivity and/or efficiencies of the health and human services organiza- tion or program � Best Use of Technology for Customers recognizing the innova- tive use of technology to enhance and expand external service delivery to those we serve � Jerry W. Friedman Excellence in Leadership recognizing an individual who has demonstrated a clear understanding of the fun- damental role that information technology can play in efficient and effective operation in the field of health and human services. It honors innovative leadership that has promoted sound information technology solutions, policies, and practices. Any organization may submit a nomination and there is no limit to the number of nominations; however, a separate entry for each nomina- tion must be submitted no later than Monday, June 25 . More information can be found at http://bit.ly/2k90tjK . Nominations can be submitted at http://bit.ly/2KPcjea. ISM is also accepting applica- tions for fellowships to the 2018 ISM Conference. Both full and partial travel fellowships are available to state and local government employees. Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, June 29 . More information can be found at http://bit.ly/2GuK0za . Applications can be submitted at http://bit.ly/2IEPIVg.
Policy&Practice June 2018 34
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