Policy & Practice October 2018
our do’ers profile
In Our Do’ers Profile, we highlight some of the hardworking and talented individuals in health and human services. This issue features Leslie Henderson, Quality AssuranceManager at the Utah Department of Workforce Services.
Name: Leslie Henderson Title: Quality Assurance Manager Years of Service: 33 years
uploads its electronic case files to the federal database SNAP QC system, as well as to a paperless web-based child care database, which was launched in November 2012. Future Challenges for the Delivery of Public Human Services: n Eliminating fraud and abuse of support services; n Increasing opportunities to build knowledge and skills to support self-sufficiency; Little Known Facts About Me: I currently serve as an executive advisory council member on the board of the National Association for Program Information and Performance Measurement (NAPIPM), an affinity group of APHSA. I am also a member officer of a nonprofit organization, the UtahWomen of Color Council, which works with civic and social organizations. I am a volunteer with the International Rescue Committee, assisting applicants in completing applica- tions for citizenship. I also volunteer at community and voter registration events. I enjoy cooking, traveling, listening to music, gardening, and singing in my church choir. n Public awareness of supportive services; and n Addressing the intergenerational poverty loop.
Rewards of the Job: Knowing that our services help those in need is very rewarding. I get to interact with others around the country to improve services, accuracy outcomes, and to network, share successes, and work with federal and state partners. In my role, I appreciate the opportunity to manage and mentor employees—guiding and directing them on how to research and find information. Accomplishments Most Proud Of: I was proud to receive the 2014 Cornerstone Award for Operational Excellence as part of the Eligibility Services Division’ Quality Control Project Team. Our team was instrumental in moving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Quality Control (QC) process from hard copy case files to a paperless electronic process in fiscal year 2011. Utah is one of many states that
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3. Erickson, W., Lee, C., & von Schrader, S. (2017). Disability Statistics from the American Community Survey (ACS). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Yang-Tan Institute (YTI). Retrieved from Cornell University Disability Statistics website: www.disabilitystatistics.org ; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2016). BLS Report 1060. A Profile of the Working Poor, 2014. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/2O8WaG2 4. Larson, S.A., Eschenbacher, H.J., Anderson, L.L., Taylor, B., Pettingell, S., Hewitt, A., Sowers, M., & Fay, M.L. (2017). In-home and residential long-term supports and services for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities: Status and trends through 2014. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota, Research and Training Center on Community Living, Institute on Community Integration. 5. Hemmeter, J., Kauff, J., & Wittenburg, D. (2009). Changing circumstances: Experiences of child SSI recipients before and after their age-18 redetermination for adult benefits. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation , 30, pp. 201–221 6. Wittenburg, D. C., & Loprest, P. J. (2007). Early transition experiences of transition-age child SSI recipients: New evidence from the National Survey of Children and Families. Journal of Disability Policy Studies , 18(3), 176-187. Wittenburg, D. (2011). Testimony for Hearing on Supplemental Security Income
Benefits for Children. Subcommittee on Human Resources Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research. 7. Carter, E., Austin, D., & Trainer, A. (2012). Predictors of Postschool Employment Outcomes for Young Adults with Severe Disabilities. Austin, TX: Journal of Disability Policy Studies Hammell Institute on Disabilities. Gold, P., Fabian, E. & Luecking, R. (2013). Job acquisition by urban youth with disabilities transitioning from school to work. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 57, pp. 31–45 8. See footnote #5
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