Policy & Practice | Spring 2024

LEADERSHIP CORNER continued from page 8

Ensure Fair Compensation Practices n Regularly review and address pay gaps based on gender, ethnicity, or other demographic factors. n Implement transparent salary struc tures to promote fairness. Commit to Community Engagement n Engage with the communities you serve to understand their needs and concerns. n Tailor your strategies to address specific challenges faced by different groups within the community. Display Diversity in Leadership n Actively work toward diversi fying leadership roles within your organization. n Promote individuals from underrep resented groups to critical positions. Establish Equity Metrics n Develop and monitor equity metrics alongside traditional performance indicators. n Use data to identify areas that require targeted interventions to promote equity.

learning, responsiveness, willingness to make changes based on feedback, and an evolving understanding of equity issues. Proactively addressing inequities builds a more just and inclu sive environment for your team and the broader community. Becoming an inclusive leader takes time; there is no easy fix, no shortcuts. In my three decades of leadership, my goal has been to leave everyone I encounter better than I found them. This has meant meeting people where they are and seeking first to under stand who they are and how they navigate through life. I have devel oped nine distinct, but overlapping, qualities of inclusive leadership. Those elements are:

Empathetic n According to recent research, this is the most important leadership skill. Fifty percent of people with empathetic leaders reported their workplace was inclusive, compared with only 17 percent of those with less empathetic leadership. n You contribute to positive outcomes by being relational, inclusive, and engaged. Trustworthy n Trust is one’s willingness to be vul nerable with another person based on the confidence that the other person is benevolent, honest, open, and competent. 1 n To foster trust, you display reli ability, predictability, benevolence, accountability, openness, and competence. Relational n You understand that relationships are foundational to building a func tional team. n You are grounded and implement the fundamental principles of Carl Rogers (a counseling pioneer), genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and empathy. n You express concern for good of the community and the individuals you lead by centering the importance of relationships. equity, inclusion, and belonging is a four-pronged and interconnected approach. n You welcome and encourage each team member’s unique experience and contribution to the team and organization. Curious n You foster an environment of ongoing learning by leaning into your curiosity. n You provide space to adapt as you and your team learn new information. Inclusive n You understand that diversity,

Ensure Accessibility and Inclusion n Ensure that your products, services,

and facilities are accessible to everyone, regardless of ability.

n Consider inclusive design principles to accommodate a diverse range of users.

Commit to Equity-Centered Policies n Develop and enforce policies that explicitly address and combat dis crimination, harassment, and bias. n Create a zero-tolerance culture for inequitable behavior.

This is not an exhaustive list but a blueprint to get you started. I have found that in my quest to ensure that the people I lead feel heard and respected, I lean into these nine key components on most days. Here is a short description of each of these components. Authenticity n You stand in your truth and are unapologetically yourself. n You are self-aware and have an honest understanding of one’s values, desires, thought patterns, motivations, emotional responses, strengths and weaknesses, and effect on others.

Investment in Underserved Communities

n Direct resources and investments to underserved communities to address historical disparities. n Collaborate with local organizations to support community development initiatives.

Leading upstream with an equity lens involves a commitment to ongoing

Policy & Practice Spring 2024 24

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