Policy & Practice | Spring 2024

staff spotlight

Name: Nana Sasu Title: Senior Process Innovation Associate, Portfolio Management Time at APHSA: I joined APHSA in March 2023. Priorities at APHSA: My primary

assistance as well as data and project management. I also worked at Capital Vision Services as the Systems Optimization Supervisor providing project management support in the development of robotic process automations and business process optimization initiatives. What I Can Do for Our Members: I provide support in areas of project management and process improvement. Best Way to Reach Me: You can reach me via email at nsasu@aphsa.org. When Not Working: I enjoy cooking, trying out new recipes, sampling food at restaurants from a variety of cultures, travelling, going to the beach, watching movies, and spending time with family. Motto to Live By: “Behind every art, there is a science.” —Nana Sasu Technical Assistance Centers, my career goal has always been to make this world a better place for very young children and their families. What I Can Do for Our Members: I love to talk child care policy! If you have questions or ideas, reach out! Best Way to Reach Me: You can reach me via email at eadams@aphsa.org. When Not Working: You’ll find me with my family and dogs. I love to knit and listen to audiobooks, get out into the Colorado mountains, or organize craft supplies (that’s a hobby!) Motto to Live By: When people tell you their truth, believe them.

task is providing project management support for the Aligned Customer-Centered Ecosystem of Services and Supports (ACCESS) initiative and other Process Innovation projects, as well as the Advancing Family Economic Mobility (AFEM) initiative. I also serve as a staff liaison for the IT Solutions Management for Human Services (ISM) affinity group. Life Before APHSA: Prior to joining APHSA, I worked at the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) as a Clinical Data Specialist for the NACHC CDC Million Hearts Project, providing technical

Name: Emily Adams Title: Policy Associate, Child Care and Early Childhood Programs Time at APHSA: I joined APHSA in November 2023. Priorities at APHSA: In my

role I serve as liaison for the National Association of State Child Care Administrators (NASCCA) affinity group. We are working to make high-quality child care accessible and affordable for all families. Life Before APHSA: Over the course of my career, I have worked in and for Early Head Start and Head Start Programs. From teaching infants to working in National

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