Policy & Practice | Spring 2024

By Reggie Bicha Note From APHSA’s President & CEO

A s you read this, my time with the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) is several months underway and we have hit the ground running! APHSA has always been a top-notch membership organization—I already knew this through my time as an active member. I’ve been involved with our affinity groups and the Executive Governing Board while leading agencies in Wisconsin and Colorado. To say I am excited to take these experiences and combine them with the most current insights I have garnered through extensive conversations this year with staff, members, and partners across the country, would be an understate ment. With and through all of you, APHSA has already accomplished so much as an organization over the past 90 years. It’s time to take these accom plishments to the next level of growth and impact. Together we can, and we will, reach our desired future state for human services. During our time together at the upcoming APHSA National Human Services Summit—or other events, meetings, and interactions to follow— I look forward to connecting with you and strategizing about how we can move forward a new generation of policy solutions, give greater voice to the people we serve, and strengthen relationships while building new ones. This is what will take us to the next level so we can continue to build thriving communities across the nation for years to come. I hope to see you soon!

In action with the APHSA team

at the Spring Staff Retreat

Meeting with APHSA Executive Governing Board and Leadership Council. Pictured from left to right: Reggie; Matt Lyons, APHSA; and Fariborz Pakseresht, Oregon Department of Human Services

Spending time with members and partners. From left to right: Reggie; Joe Ribsam, Annie E. Casey Foundation; and Janee Harvey, Iowa Department of Health and Human Services


Spring 2024 Policy & Practice

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