Policy & Practice | Summer 2023
outcomes. For employers, workers with stronger digital skills produce a larger pool of qualified applicants—with the added benefit of those applicants understanding important corporate priorities such as cybersecurity. Above all, these kinds of digital literacy programs can help agencies achieve their most important mission— promoting the well-being and stability of individuals, families, and com munities. Fortunately, the funding is available for agencies to proactively close the gap on the digital divide and support their obligation to help residents improve outcomes. Human services organizations, in particular, with their unique mission, have an unparalleled opportunity to blaze new paths in the pursuit of equity for all. More information on Skill Finder and how the Hawaii State Public Library System built a bridge to digital literacy is available at adobe.ly/3Q8neos . 11
role. Some states are pioneering ways 10 to deliver digital assistance; for instance, the state of Hawaii’s public library system has deployed an online platform called Skill Finder, with more than 1,500 online courses in 17 catego ries, to provide accessible, practical courses to help residents upskill or reskill to secure a job, advance in their career, or build their own business. Skill Finder is free and available to all resi dents, easily accessible, and emphasizes short-term credentialing, micro learning, flexibility, and self-pacing to assist workers with limited time. A program like Skill Finder has enormous potential to benefit indi viduals, families, employers, and the government by generating a positive economic impact for workers and the broader economy. It can help close equity gaps among populations tra ditionally underserved, including individuals with low income, people of color, rural residents, and older adults. For individuals, increased digital skills translate to better employment oppor tunities, improved access to resources, greater agency, and better health
Reference Notes 1. https://broadbandnow.com/research/ fcc-broadband-overreporting-by-state 2. https://www.fcc.gov/reports-research/ reports/broadband-progress-reports/2020 broadband-deployment-report 3. https://broadbandusa.ntia.doc.gov/ funding-programs/ digital-equity-act-programs 4. https://www.pewresearch.org/ internet/2019/10/09/ americans-and-digital-knowledge/ 5. https://fortune.com/2023/03/20/what is-digital-literacy-high-school-teachers misinformation/ 6. https://nationalskillscoalition.org/news/ press-releases/new-report-92-of-jobs-require digital-skills-one-third-of-workers-have low-or-no-digital-skills-due-to-historic underinvestment-structural-inequities/ 7. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/ empsit.pdf 8. https://www.bankrate.com/banking/ federal-reserve/unemployment-vs underemployment-how-they-differ/ 9. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/ stories/poverty-awareness-month.html 10. https://www.skillfinder.librarieshawaii.org/ 11. https://blog.adobe.com/en/ publish/2023/02/22/hawaii-state-public library-system-builds-bridge-digital-literacy
Megan Atchley-Lazalier is the Director of Health and Human Services at Adobe Public Sector.
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