Policy & Practice | Winter 2024

Teams should not continue on a course that is not working or benefitting the customers. Being willing to admit when it’s time to pivot is critical for success.

firsthand knowledge equips them to provide compassionate guidance and advocacy, driving systemic improve ments. In sharing their personal stories, our navigators inspire hope, build com munity, and contribute to a more just and equitable society. A recent grant by the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) and Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign, Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports (CSNS), provided an opportunity to pilot this innovative approach in outreach and enrollment services. Our agency aimed to enhance accessibility to food assistance programs by stra tegically positioning CRNs within high-traffic community locations. This initiative enabled us to collect valuable data on the efficacy of on the-ground support in overcoming enrollment barriers and improving food security within the area. For the past couple of years, we have held open forums and community conversations where our neighbors can share their needs or barriers. These sessions were held in person and virtually, and in different locations throughout the county, to ensure all voices are heard. This year, we plan to launch multiple community gatherings where we will continue to have those conversations—but we’ll center them at a meal. We hope this initiative will bring out more people and, in turn, allow us to hear more of their stories and voices. Throughout these events, we’ll partner with local restaurants and caterers to actively and continu ously support our community. Harnessing Partnerships to Bolster Community Voices Given the dynamic needs of our com munity, our partnerships make our programs possible. Caroline County Public Schools Nutrition Services has adopted a holistic approach, providing access to nutritious meals Multicultural Resource Center is the only community-based organization in the region with a sole mission to address the needs of recent immigrants in Caroline County and surrounding areas with the help of people with lived on weekends and when school is on vacation breaks. Chesapeake

experience. The Maryland Governor’s Office for Children has identified Caroline Human Services Council, Inc. as the Local Management Board and the backbone organization for our anti-poverty campaign, Caroline Better Together. These partnerships mobilize our community members by giving them direct and local access to resources. Our CRNs have been pivotal in the success of our programs, but this work would not be possible without our partner agencies and nonprofits. Bringing different organizations together can be challenging, so it’s important to set expectations accord ingly when merging projects or campaigns. Leaders who are working together with other organizations might benefit from enlisting the Four Cs of Partnership: 1. Communication. As in all relation ships, communication is key. This helps ensure things go smoothly and that set goals are attainable between the organizations. 2. Collaboration. Every organiza tion brings different perspectives to the table. Sitting both teams down together for collaborative planning sessions or meetings encourages alignment. Enabling each side with an opportunity to participate will create cohesion between teams. 3.Common Goal. It’s easy to lose sight of the common goal when you’re in the trenches. Our work can already be challenging by nature, and adapting to another working style can feel exhausting when you forget your “why.” Frequently revisiting the goals in place will remind teams why they’re collaborating and how their work can benefit the greater good. 4. Course Correction. On our team, we’re rapidly prototyping things.

Being agile and trying something new is an innovative way to serve the county, but this method can require course correction at times. Teams should not continue on a course that is not working or benefitting the cus tomers. Being willing to admit when it’s time to pivot is critical for success. Working well together is imperative when aiming to operate efficiently and effectively. Employing these tips can help organizations partner together better. In our time partnering with agencies and nonprofits, we’ve found that keeping the individual at the fore front promotes their well-being and improves outcomes. Making a Difference Our CSNS CRN Project allows Caroline County to explore new ways of doing business by centering the wishes of the community on our work. Feedback from our CRNs provides our people with a strong voice. Creating additional forums to hear our neighbors further empowers them to speak up. At the end of the CSNS project, our small rural county will demonstrate how listening to and responding to the voices of community members can strengthen service delivery models. Bringing together organizations with different strengths and mobilizing the right people can change the lives of individuals and restore trust. We hear you, we value you, and we will do right by you. Learn more about the Coordinating SNAP and Nutrition Supports program at https://aphsa.org/coordinating snap-and-nutrition-supports-csns . Shari Blades , LCSW-C, is the Director of the Caroline County Department of Social Services of the Maryland Department of Human Services.


Winter 2024 Policy & Practice

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