Policy & Practice | April 2022
execute a randomized controlled trial to determine the impacts of a guaran teed income on the overall health and well-being of recipients, with partic ular attention to child welfare system involvement. Through investing in the provision of economic and concrete supports, while forming the partnerships necessary to improve access to these resources and reach families in need early, OCFS is committed to narrowing the front door to child welfare, developing pathways to more upstream services, and creating a just and equitable child and family well-being system. A., Schott, L., Bellow, E., & Magnus, A. (2021, August 4). TANF policies reflect racist legacy of cash assistance: Reimagined program should center Black mothers. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. https://www.cbpp.org/sites/default/ files/8-4-21tanf.pdf 2. Azevedo-Mccaffrey, D., & Safawi, A. (2022, Reference Notes 1. Floyd, I., Pavetti, L., Meyer, L., Safawi, n Have you asked the families you serve to provide input about the research, data, and information you use to design policies or programs? If yes, in what ways have you asked, and how often do you ask? If no, how can you begin to make this happen? n How do your programs leverage the voices and assets of families to provide better supports? n How do you know if the policies you design or the services you provide meet the needs of families? Conclusion Research and data play a critical role in how human services policies and programs are designed and imple mented. As human services programs work to identify and characterize the diversity, range of experiences, strengths, and cultural assets of Black families, it is important to pay attention January 12). To promote equity, states should invest more TANF dollars in basic assistance. Center on Budget and Policy
Priorities. https://www.cbpp.org/sites/ default/files/atoms/files/1-5-17tanf.pdf
https://www.chapinhall.org/wp-content/ uploads/Economic-Supports-deck.pdf 9. Ruder, A., DuMez, J., Yang, K., Hernandez, J., & Garvey, K. (2022, February 1). Webinar: Navigating the Benefit Cliffs of Guaranteed Income Pilots. American Public Human Services Association (APHSA). 10. West, S., Castro Baker, A., Samra, S., Coltrera, E. (n.d.) SEED: Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration. Preliminary Analysis: SEED’s First Year . https://static1.squarespace.com/ static/6039d612b17d055cac14070f/t/6050 294a1212aa40fdaf773a/1615866187890/ SEED_Preliminary+Analysis SEEDs+First+Year_Final+Report_ Individual+Pages+.pdf 11. Newman, A., (2022). “How $1,000 a Month in Guaranteed Income Is Helping N.Y.C. Mothers.” The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/18/ nyregion/guaranteed-income-nyc-bridge project.html Jennifer Maurici , LMSW, is the Special Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner at the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Division of ChildWelfare and Community Services. 4. https://www.childtrends.org/publications/ an-applied-research-agenda-on-black children-and-families-to-advance practices-and-policies-that-promote-their well-being 5. https://www.childtrends.org/publications/ family-economic-and-geographic characteristics-of-black-families-with children 6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ articles/PMC8110889/ 7. https://equity-coalition.fpg.unc.edu/ wp-content/uploads/LG21031-CT-Early Care-Ed-Supports-4-Black-Kids-Rep-r3.pdf; https://prba.isr.umich.edu/ 8. https://www.pewresearch.org/ social-trends/2011/10/03/chapter-3 demographics-of-multi-generational households/ 9. https://www.childtrends.org/publications/ reimagining-black-families-cultural assets-can-inform-policies-and-practices that-enhance-their-well-being 10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ articles/PMC3044484/
3. Floyd, I., Pavetti, L., Meyer, L., Safawi, A., Schott, L., Bellow, E., & Magnus, A. (2021, August 4). TANF policies reflect racist legacy of cash assistance: Reimagined program should center Black mothers. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. https://www.cbpp.org/sites/default/ files/8-4-21tanf.pdf 4. The state of America’s children 2020: Child poverty. Children’s Defense Fund. (2020). https://www.childrensdefense.org/policy/ resources/soac-2020-child-poverty/ 5. Hines, A. M., Lemon, K., Wyatt, P., & Merdinger, J. (2004). Factors related to the disproportionate involvement of children of color in the child welfare system: A review and emerging themes. Children and Youth Services Review, 26 , 507–527 6. Loman, L. A., & Siegel, G. L. (2012).
Effects of anti-poverty services under the differential response approach to child welfare. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(9), 1659–1666.
https://doi.org/10.1177/10775595211065761 7. Albany, Chautauqua, Greene, Monroe, Niagara, and Schenectady 8 . Family and Child Well-being System: Economic & Concrete Supports as a Core Component. (2021, June). Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.
NUANCED RESEARCH continued from page 11
to leveraging research to better support them. Utilizing research and leveraging these assets to inform how policies are designed and programs are implemented will strengthen their effectiveness for Black families and are an important and critical aspect of effective services provision. Reference Notes 1. https://www.childtrends.org/publications/ reimagining-black-families-cultural assets-can-inform-policies-and-practices that-enhance-their-well-being 2. https://www.childtrends.org/publications/ an-applied-research-agenda-on-black children-and-families-to-advance-practices and-policies-that-promote-their-well-being 3. https://www.msm.edu/ RSSFeedArticles/2021/October/ aachildandfamilyresearchcenter.php;
https://www.bu-ceed.org/; https://fpg.unc.edu/projects/ equity-research-action-coalition
April 2022 Policy&Practice 27
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