Tray BragBook - Jon Brothers

web press printing For larger-volume projects like catalogs, full-color magazines, inserts, and direct mail, Tray offers web printing, including medium- to long-run, half-web, and full-web capabilities. We can run stochastic full-size 8.5” x 11” publications on a heatset web press, without under-trimming, in the quantities you need. sheet-fed printing For high-quality brochures, folders, catalogs, and sell sheets in medium volumes, from a single color to 10 colors, Tray provides sheet-fed printing on 28”, 40”, and even 78” presses. To complement the sheet-fed printing process, we can UV coat, laminate, emboss, die cut, stitch, bind, and finish. digital printing We use the latest digital printing technology to deliver printed materials faster—and in many cases, more cost effectively—than with offset printing. Save time and reduce costs by uploading your 4-color process files directly to us, bypassing the traditional steps of film separations and plates. You’ll receive a high-quality product in a fraction of the time. If you’re doing direct mail promotions, we’ll show you how digital printing with variable imaging, variable copy, and personalization can improve your results.

digital publications Tray offers more than just printed output. Now you can upload content and let Tray transform it into e-magazines, e-catalogs, or whatever else your marketing plan might require. Our flip-book reader delivers an engaging user experience that incorporates images, video, and sound to keep your customers coming back. plastic cards Your company can grow membership, retain customers, and encourage gift purchases with member, loyalty, or gift cards. We offer embossing, thermal imaging, barcoding, and magnetic stripe, ensuring you get the product that helps you meet your marketing objectives. business forms/labels Since 1970, Tray has been a leading provider of business forms. From unit sets and checks, to continuous forms and labels, we can provide the materials needed to operate your organization.


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