WCL Raskin Book
Tribute to Jamie Tributes tend to exaggerate, sometimes transforming the recipient of glowing accolades into an unrecognizable person. But there is no risk that celebrating Jamie will turn him into a utopian being. His inspiring teaching, creative scholarship, committed service, and unmitigated energy are all very real. As a former dean of WCL, I witnessed firsthand all of this and more, including Jamie’s superb organizational skills as Associate Dean for many years. I admired his ability to solve the unsolvable with his disarming wit and contagious sense of humor, leaving even adversaries with smiles on their faces. Jamie, the intelligent, generous, moral treasure of our community now shines everywhere. What we all knew about him, thewholecountrynowknows.Unfortunately, Jamieknows all too well that we cannot control illness and death. But Jamie has shown us how we can face tragedy together, strengthen community, and build from our pain. Jamie is again leading by example, with tears but with determination and upholding our dearest values. Un fuerte abrazo mi querido amigo! With admiration and gratitude, Claudio Grossman Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus
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