2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting Program
infORmational SESSIONS INFORMS CENTER is located in Exhibit Hall A in the Music City Center. InfORmational Q&A sessions with INFORMS members are listed below. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 CAP/aCAP 3:30–5pm Ever wonder what this thing called CAP is? And now there’s an aCAP to boot. Find out what they are, why they’re important to you and get answers to any other questions about the certification program. 3:30–5pm Learn about many exciting things to see and do next year at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Houston. Stop by for info and a giveaway while supplies last. 3:30–5pm Service Science publishes articles about various aspects of service and service systems. Come chat with the Editor-in- Chief and Area Editors to learn more about the journal and the service science community at INFORMS. 3:30–5pm The Editor-in-Chief and Area Editor for classroom games will provide suggestions to authors who wish to submit their work to ITE . What material should be included in a case study or classroom game? To what extent should my approach be classroom tested? What are the main criteria to accept or reject a paper for ITE ? Service Science Transactions on Education
SpORts 3:30–5pm The mission of the Section on OR in Sports is to promote and disseminate research and applications among professionals interested in theory, methodologies, and applications of ORMS to sports problems. Basically have fun with sports analytics.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Volunteering Opportunities
2017 Houston
ProBono Analytics
Interested in volunteering your analytical skills to help underserved communities? Come learn about recent projects we have undertaken, and discover how you can join your colleagues who have already signed up to be a Pro Bono Analytics volunteer!
INFORMS Center 2017 Houston
What’s New @ INFORMS 3:30–4:30pm Stop by and visit with Executive Director Melissa Moore to learn more about what we are doing to promote the OR & Analytics professions, our members, and more.
Initiative Proposals 9–10:30am Do you have an idea for a special project for INFORMS? Attend this special discussion about the initiatve proposal process to learn how to get visibility, support, and funding to bring your idea to fruition. MICRO-VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITY INFORMS Pro Bono Analytics has paired with Safe Haven of Nashville to help measure the impact of the organization’s education support program for school-age children. It involves assessing the social and cognitive levels of children before and after enrolling in the program by assisting with the design and implementation of a survey, and conducting analysis of the survey data. As a special aside, we invite all Annual Meeting attendees to visit the INFORMS Center to create cards of encouragement or to wish happy holidays for program families who have recently moved from the shelter to housing. It’s just one more way for us to give back, and we hope you’ll take a moment to stop by the INFORMS Center to help us make a difference. And be sure to keep an eye out in INFORMS Connect and in the Center for more ways to help.
Meet the Board
2017 Houston
Volunteering Opportunities 9–10:30am No matter how much (or little) time you have to give, INFORMS offers opportunities to get involved, make a difference, and build your network. Come chat with staff about current volunteer opportunities. 9–10:30am Management Science is ranked among the top journals in the area of O.R. The journal’s submission rate has grown steadily over the years. In 2015, the journal received 150% more original articles as compared to 2011. Teck Ho, editor-in-chief, will be present to share the journal’s selection criteria. Management Science
2017 Houston
Editor’s Cut 3:30–5pm Come learn about multimedia collections, INFORMS Editor’s Cut , speak with series editor Anne Robinson, and volume editors. See what INFORMS is publishing on hot topics like Big Data Analytics and Elections, and learn how you can use Editor’s Cut in your research or classroom. There is also a unique giveway!
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