2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting Program
2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting Program
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair Chanaka Edirisinghe
CONTENT Sponsors
Welcome from the General Chair
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Program & Special Event Schedule
Program Chair Bogdan Bichescu University of Tennessee
Business, Receptions, & Networking
Exhibit Listings & Technology Tutorials
Invited Sessions Chair Shabbir Ahmed Georgia Institute of Technology Sponsored Sessions Chair James Ostrowski University of Tennessee Tutorials Chairs Aparna Gupta Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Career Fair Employers
Table of Contents
Agostino Capponi Columbia University
Poster Sessions
175 & 293
Contributed Sessions Chairs Scott Mason Clemson University
Session Chair Index
Author Index
Justin Yates Francis Marion University
Session Index
Practice Program Co-Chairs Mingzhou Jin University of Tennessee
Inside Front Cover
Sean Willems University of Tennessee
The University of Chicago Press Journals Inside Back Cover
Plenary/Keynote Chair James Primbs California State University Poster Sessions Co-Chairs Melissa Bowers University of Tennessee
Oleg Shylo University of Tennessee
Arrangements Co-Chairs Christine Vossler University of Tennessee
Anahita Khojandi University of Tennessee
Copies of papers abstracted in the meeting program are available only from the authors. Requests for papers should be sent to the authors at the addresses shown in the program. Published annually prior to the meeting by INFORMS. Individual issues of the program are available upon request. Please contact the INFORMS office for additional information, 800.446.3676. Orders must be prepaid.
Thank You to Our Sponsors HOTEL KEY CARDS
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lally School of Management Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180, U.S.A.
Dear INFORMS Friends and Colleagues,
Welcome to the 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Nashville, the capital city of the state of Tennessee and the second most populated. In addition to being a major music production center, Nashville’s economy is powered by the healthcare industry along with other important industries such as automotive, financial, insurance and publishing industries. The conference theme, “Fine-Tuning Decisions in the Music City,” reflects the broad scope of what will be covered in the conference, from applications in industries such as healthcare, finance and risk, entertainment, and supply chains to methodologies and analysis in advanced computing, big data, and new challenges in the optimization of systems. An intriguing blend of topics from academics and practitioners fill the plenary and semi-plenary presentations. Guruduth Banavar, VP and Chief Science Officer at IBM, is the distinguished speaker for the opening plenary on Sunday, presenting an overview of cognitive computing, the technology breakthroughs, and the practical applications that are transforming every industry. Margaret L. Brandeau, Professor of Engineering and Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, delivers a Monday plenary on effective public health preparedness and national security implications with a view to answering very complex questions using operations research. A Tuesday plenary is offered jointly by Professors Suvrajeet Sen and Gareth James, University of Southern California, on big data and big decisions. Omega Rho’s 40th Year Anniversary is celebrated with a Monday plenary lecture given by an expert panel consisting of Professors Alfred Blumstein (Carnegie Mellon University), John Birge (University of Chicago), Ralph Keeney (Duke University), and John Little (MIT). Moreover, the IFORS Distinguished Lecture is given by Professor Rolf H. Möhring, Beijing Institute for Scientific and Engineering Computing. The winners of the Franz Edelman, UPS George D. Smith, and Daniel H. Wagner Prizes will present their accomplishments in separate keynote presentations. The lineup of keynote lectures also includes: Jeff Nichols, Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, on creating the Exascale ecosystem for science; Jason Murray, Vice President of World wide Retail Systems, Amazon, on optimizing supply chains; Edmund Jackson, Chief Data Scientist, Hospital Corporation of America, on analytics in healthcare; Stephen Prather, on sports analytics and the pursuit of usefulness; and Gerald Brown, Naval Postgraduate School, on what the goals of analysis should be. Please take advantage of the many opportunities to network, including the Welcome Reception on Sunday evening, the General Reception on Tuesday evening, and the gathering areas at the conference exhibits and the Career Center. Also, do not forget to indulge yourself in the “The Coolest, Tastiest City in the South” food offerings from southern fare to haute cuisine to quite literally everything in between. I am grateful to the INFORMS Meetings Committee for their support, and to the highly professional and efficient INFORMS staff members for their dedication to success. I am indebted to the organizing committee members for their unwavering support and hard work to put together a high quality program. The Program Chair, Bogdan Bichescu, University of Tennessee, has been my right-hand person persevering for success for over two long years, along with James Primbs, California State University, who served as Plenary and Keynote chair. Tutorial co-chairs, Aparna Gupta and Agostino Capponi; Invited sessions chair, Shabbir Ahmed; Poster sessions co-chairs, Melissa Bowers and Oleg Shylo; Contributed sessions co-chairs, Scott Mason and Justin Yates; Sponsored sessions chair, James Ostrowski; Practice program co-chairs, Mingzhou Jin and Sean Willems; and Arrangements co-chairs, Christine Vossler and Anahita Khojandi, all contributed immensely to the meeting’s success. Organizing this event would not have been possible without their creative spirit and steadfast support. I would also like to thankfully acknowledge the generous support received from our sponsors for the success of this conference. My special thanks go to the Platinum sponsor, Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee; Gold sponsors, AIMMS, Caterpillar, IBM, and Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Tennessee; Bronze sponsors, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and SAS; and various Contributor sponsors, a long list that includes Rensselaer-Lally School, UT Dallas-Jindal School, Georgia Tech-ISyE, Lehigh-Engineering, PennState, Northwestern-Engineering, SUTD-Singapore, UTenn-Business Analytics, UT Austin-Engineering, GAMS, AMPL, and LINDO Systems.
Welcome from the General Chair
It is my great pleasure and privilege to welcome you to INFORMS 2016! I hope you will enjoy the conference.
Chanaka Edirisinghe, General Chair Professor, Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
MCC - Music City Center | Omni - Omni Hotel
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Combined Colloquia Registration
Omni - Legends D, 2 nd Floor Omni - Legends ABC, 2 nd Floor
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Combined Colloquia
Omni - Cumberland 1-6 Omni - Legends B,C,D Omni - Music Row 2 Omni - Legends A, 2 nd Floor Omni - Music Row 3,4,5 MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3
ISR Editors Meeting
8am–2pm 8am–5pm 8am–7pm 9am–5pm
Organization Science Dissertation Competition
Data Mining & Analytics Workshop
Visit Music City
INFORMS Registration
7am–5:30pm 10am–12noon 12noon–4:30pm
Executive Committee Meeting INFORMS Board Meeting
Omni - Gibson Boardroom, 3 rd Floor
Omni - Legends EF, 2 nd Floor
Technology Workshops SAS - GAP/EDU
MCC - 201A, Level 2 MCC - 201B, Level 2 MCC - 201A, Level 2 MCC - 201B, Level 2 MCC - 202A, Level 2 MCC - 202B, Level 2 MCC - 201A, Level 2 MCC - 201B, Level 2 MCC - 202B, Level 2 MCC - 205A, Level 2 MCC - 202C, Level 2 MCC - 202A, Level 2 MCC - 208B, Level 2 MCC - 208A, Level 2 MCC - 205B, Level 2
9–11:30am 9–11:30am
Optimization Direct
12noon–2:30pm 12noon–2:30pm 12noon–2:30pm 12noon–2:30pm
SAS Institute
3–5:30pm 3–5:30pm 3–5:30pm 3–5:30pm 3–5:30pm 3–5:30pm 3–5:30pm 3–5:30pm 3–5:30pm 5–6:30pm
IBM Analytics
LINDO Systems Frontline Systems
INFORMS Member Meeting
Omni - Broadway GHJK, 2 nd Floor Omni - Acoustic, 4th Floor Omni - Electric, 4th Floor Omni - Legends G, 2nd Floor
Roundtable Reception Roundtable Dinner Program and Special Event Schedule ISS Awards & ISR Editors Reception
5–6pm 6–7pm
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 INFORMS Registration New Member Breakfast (invite only) MNSC Editorial Board Meeting (invite only) ITED Editorial Board Meeting (invite only)
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Omni - Broadway F, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway K, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway H, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway E, 2 nd Floor Music City Center & Omni Omni - Legends EF, 2 nd Floor
7:30–9am 7:30–9am 7:30–9am 8–9:30am 8am–5pm
Career Center Breakfast & Meeting
Technical Sessions (SA)
Omni - Legends B,C,D
Visit Music City Coffee Break
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 MCC - Level 2 / Omni - 2 nd Floor MCC - Davidson Ballroom, Level 1M Music City Center & Omni
9am–5pm 9:30–10am 10–10:50am 11am–12:30pm 11am–12:30pm 12noon–5pm 12noon–5pm 12noon–6pm 12:30–1:30pm 12:30–1:30pm 12:30–2:30pm
Welcome & Plenary: Guru Banavar
Technical Sessions (SB)
QSR Student Intro. & Interactive
Omni - Mockingbird 2
Exhibits, Career Center, Technology Center INFORMS Center, Networking Lounge
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Omni - Legends A, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway E, 2 nd Floor
Junior Faculty Interest Group Lunch (ticketed event)
Lunch Break (on your own)
M&SOM Associate Editors Lunch (invite only)
Omni - Broadway A, 2 nd Floor Music City Center & Omni
Technical Sessions (SC)
1:30–3pm 3:10–4pm 3:10–4pm 3:10–4pm 4–4:30pm 4:30–6pm
Keynote: UPS George D. Smith Reprise Keynote: Jeff Nichols, ORNL Keynote: IFORS Distinguished Lecture
MCC - Davidson Ballroom A, Level 1M MCC - Davidson Ballroom B, Level 1M MCC - Davidson Ballroom C, Level 1M MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 / Omni - 2 nd Floor
Coffee Break
Technical Sessions (SD)
Music City Center & Omni
INFORMS Community Meetings
See p. 6
INFORMS Connect & Social Networking Reception
Omni - Broadway AB, 2 nd Floor MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Omni - Broadway K, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway EF, 2 nd Floor
Welcome Reception - Exhibits Open Minority Issues Forum Reception
7:30–9pm 7:30–9pm
Awards Ceremony & Dessert
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Omni - Broadway H, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway B, 2 nd Floor Music City Center & Omni Omni - Broadway D, 2 nd Floor
7am–5pm 7:30–9am
ACORD Breakfast & Meeting
Engagement with Organization Committee Meeting
Technical Sessions (MA)
Service Science Editorial Board Meeting (invite only)
Interfaces , EIC Orientation Chapters/Fora Committee
Omni - Broadway A, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway J, 2 nd Floor MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Omni - Broadway J, 2 nd Floor
8am–12noon 8:30–9:30am
Exhibits, Career Center, Technology Center INFORMS Center, Networking Lounge
9am–5pm 9am–5pm 9am–5pm
Visit Music City
Section/Societies Committee
Coffee Break
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 / Omni - 2 nd Floor MCC – 6 th Ave Exit, Near Rooms 210-214 MCC - Davidson Ballroom, Level 1M
Amazon Fulfillment Center Plant Tour Plenary: Philip McCord Morse Lecture Technical Sessions (MB) Education Committee Meeting Lunch Break (on your own) Sections/Societies Officers Lunch (invite only)
9:30–12:30pm 10–10:50am 11am–12:30pm 11am–12noon 12noon–1:30pm 12noon–1:30pm 12:30–1:30pm 12:30–1:30pm 12:30–1:30pm 12:30–2:30pm 12:30–3:30pm 12:45–2:30pm 12:30–2pm
Music City Center & Omni Omni - Broadway D, 2 nd Floor
Omni - Broadway J, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway A, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway H, 2 nd Floor Omni - Legends E, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway K, 2 nd Floor MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Omni - Broadway C, 2 nd Floor Omni - Legends D, 2 nd Floor Music City Center & Omni Omni - Broadway D, 2 nd Floor
Bonder Scholarship Lunch COIN-OR Members & Users PSOR Business Meeting
MOOR Editorial Board Meeting (invite only)
Poster Session & Competition
Publications/Editors-in-Chief Meeting
Fellows Lunch (invite only) Technical Sessions (MC) Subdivisions Council
1:30–3pm 2:30–4:30pm
Analytics Program Director Meeting
MCC - Executive Boardroom, Level 3 MCC - Davidson Ballroom, Level 1M
Plenary: Omega Rho – 40 th Year Anniversary Panel
3:10–4pm 4–4:30pm 4:30–6pm 4:30–6pm
Coffee Break
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3
Omega Rho Reception (invite only)
MCC - Davidson Ballroom A, Level 1M
Technical Sessions (MD)
Music City Center & Omni
INFORMS Community Meetings
See p. 6
Interfaces Editorial Board Meeting (invite only)
Omni - Broadway B, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway G, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway EF, 2 nd Floor
International Activities Reception
Student Awards Reception
WORMS Networking/Dessert Reception
Frothy Monkey (off-site)
Program and Special Event Schedule
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Omni - Broadway F, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway J, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway K, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway F, 2 nd Floor Music City Center & Omni MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3
Chapters/Fora Officers Breakfast
7–8am 7–8am
IFORS Members Societies Representatives Breakfast Transportation Science Associate Editors (invite only)
7:30–9am 8–8:45am 8–9:30am 9am–5pm 9am–5pm 9am–5pm 9:30–10am
Student Chapter Officers Meeting
Technical Sessions (TA)
Exhibits, Career Center, Technology Center INFORMS Center, Networking Lounge
Visit Music City Coffee Break
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 / Omni - 2 nd Floor MCC - 6 th Ave Exit, Near Rooms 210-214 MCC - Davidson Ballroom, Level 1M
Smyrna Vehicle Assembly Plant Tour (ticketed event) Plenary: Suvrajeet Sen & Gareth James, Univ. of Southern Calif.
9:30–11:30am 10–10:50am 11am–12:30pm 12noon–1:30pm 12:30–1:30pm 12:30–1:30pm 12:30–2:30pm
Technical Sessions (TB) Lunch Break (on your own)
Music City Center & Omni
IJOC Editorial Board Meeting (invite only) Women in OR/MS Lunch (ticketed event)
Omni - Broadway G, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway F, 2 nd Floor MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Music City Center & Omni
Poster Session & Competition Technical Sessions (TC)
1:30–3pm 3:10–4pm 3:10–4pm 3:10–4pm 4–4:30pm 4:30–6pm
Keynote: Wagner Prize Winner Reprise Keynote: Jason Murray, Amazon Keynote: Edelman Reprise: UPS
MCC - Davidson Ballroom A, Level 1M MCC - Davidson Ballroom B, Level 1M MCC - Davidson Ballroom C, Level 1M MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 / Omni - 2 nd Floor
Coffee Break
Technical Sessions (TD)
Music City Center & Omni Omni - Broadway JK, 2 nd Floor
Exhibitor & Organizing Committee Reception
INFORMS Community Meetings
See p. 6
General Reception
MCC - Grand Ballroom, Level 4
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 Music City Center & Omni MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3
7am–4:30pm 8–9:30am 9am–3pm 9am–3pm 9:30–10am 10–10:50am 10–10:50am 10–10:50am
Technical Sessions (WA)
Exhibits, Career Center, Technology Center INFORMS Center, Networking Lounge
Coffee Break
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 / Omni - 2 nd Floor MCC - Davidson Ballroom A, Level 1M MCC - Davidson Ballroom B , Level 1M MCC - Davidson Ballroom C, Level 1M
Keynote: Edmund Jackson, HCA
Keynote: Gerald Brown, Naval Postgraduate School Keynote: Stephen Prather, SportSource Analytics
Technical Sessions (WB) Technical Sessions (WC) Technical Sessions (WD) Technical Sessions (WE) Coffee Break
Music City Center & Omni Music City Center & Omni Music City Center & Omni Music City Center & Omni
11am–12:30pm 12:45–2:15pm 2:15–2:45pm 2:45–4:15pm 4:30–6pm
MCC - Exhibit Hall A, Level 3 / Omni - 2 nd Floor
MCC - Music City Center | Omni - Omni Hotel
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Information Systems
Omni - Legends D, 2 nd Floor
5:15–6:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 7:15–8:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 6:15–7:15pm 7:15–8:15pm 7:15–10:15pm 12:30–1:30pm 6–8pm
Aviation Applications
MCC - 107A, Level 1
Decision Analysis Society Council
ENRE Section
MCC - 101D, Level 1 MCC - 211, Level 2 MCC - 107B, Level 1 MCC - 105A, Level 1 MCC - 108, Level 1 MCC - 105B, Level 1 MCC - 207D, Level 1 MCC - 110A, Level 1 MCC - 110B, Level 1 MCC - 209A, Level 2 MCC - 212, Level 2 MCC - 207D, Level 2 Off-Site MCC - 104D, Level 1 MCC - 207A, Level 2 MCC - 106B, Level 1 MCC - 109, Level 1 MCC - 208A, Level 2 MCC - 107A, Level 1 MCC - 207C, Level 2 MCC - 108, Level 1 MCC - 210, Level 2 MCC - 107B, Level 1
Forum on Education (INFORM-ED)
Location Analysis Section
Manufacturing & Service Operations Society
MCC - Davidson B, Level 1M
Minority Issues Forum
Military Applications Society Board Multiple Criteria Decision Making
MCC - Davidson A, Level 1M
Railway Applications
Revenue Management & Pricing Telecommunications Section
Transportation Science & Logistics Society Board
Women in OR/MS
Revenue Management & Pricing Board Meeting
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 PSOR DM, QSR, & Artificial Intelligence
Omni - Legends E, 2 nd Floor MCC - Davidson B, Level 1M
Applied Probability
CPMS Isolated Practitioners Workshop
Business, Receptions, & Networking Decision Analysis e-Business
Financial Services Health Applications
MCC - Davidson C, Level 1M
Military Applications Society
Social Media Analytics
Tech., Innovation Mgmt., & Entrepreneurship
MCC - Davidson A, Level 1M
Behavioral Operations Management Military Applications Reception
MCC - 109, Level 1 MCC - 108, Level 1
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SpORts CPMS Section Membership Reception
Baileys Sports Grille (off-site) Palm Restaurant (off-site)
6:00–7:00pm 6:15–7:15 pm 6:45–7:30pm
Service Science
MCC - 107A, Level 1
Omni - Legends A, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway H, 2 nd Floor Omni - Legends E, 2 nd Floor Omni - Legends F, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway D, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway A, 2 nd Floor Omni - Legends C, 2 nd Floor Omni - Broadway C, 2 nd Floor
Princeton University
Tepper School of Business - Carnegie Mellon University
University of Florida
University of Texas at Austin (Sponsored by: IROM & ORIE)
7–9pm 7–9pm
University of Notre Dame
Cornell University
7:15–8:15pm 7:30–9:30pm
Northwestern University
All Technology Tutorials will take place in the Music City Center, 5 th Avenue Lobby.
AnyLogic North America, LLC
AIMMS is an innovative technology company with offices in Europe, the U.S. and Asia. Half of the global Fortune top 20 corporations rely on AIMMS because of our unique analytics, modeling and
AnyLogic Software–the first and only tool that brings together System Dynamics, Process-centric (Discrete
Event), and Agent Based methods within one modeling language and one model development environmentis–the leading provider of dynamic simulation tools, technologies and consulting services for business applications. The language of AnyLogic has unmatched flexibility enabling modelers to capture the complexity of business, economy and social systems at any level of detail to gain deeper insight into interdependent processes inside and around an organization.
optimization platform that supports both strategic and daily operational challenges such as supply chain optimization, strategic sourcing, pricing, workforce optimization, portfolio optimization and production planning and scheduling.
Amazon’s mission is to be Earth’s most customer-centric company where people can find and discover anything
Artelys is a global provider of decision- support solutions through numerical optimization and analytics technologies,
they want to buy online. Amazon’s evolution from website to e-commerce and publishing partner to development platform is driven by the pioneering spirit that is part of the company’s DNA. The world’s brightest technology minds come to Amazon to research and develop new technologies that improve the lives of our customers: shoppers, sellers, content creators, and developers around the world. Because that’s what being Earth’s most customer-centric company is all about, and it’s still Day 1 at Amazon.
with offices in France, United States, Canada and UK. The organization is particularly active in the energy & environment, logistics & transportation, telecommunications, finance and defense sectors with half of their clients coming from the top French stock market index (CAC 40). Artelys offers a superior level of expertise to help governments and commercial entities with highly qualified consultants. The company also develops and supports a comprehensive portfolio of efficient and robust optimization tools such as Artelys Kalis, FICO Xpress Optimization suite, Knitro and AMPL. In addition, many of our customers are professional who use the Artelys Crystal suite, a set of user-friendly software dedicated to the optimization of energy and transportation systems. Artelys offers comprehensive and flexible solutions that range from functional analysis and organizational architecture design to implementation of solutions and operational tools. Monday, November 14, 8:45–9:30am Technology Tutorial: Solving Large Least-Squares Models with the Artelys Knitro Nonlinear Optimization Solver. Presenting Author: Richard Waltz, Senior Scientist, Artelys Corp, richard. waltz@artelys.com. Artelys Knitro is the premier solver for nonlinear optimization problems. This software demonstration will highlight the latest Knitro developments, including a new specialized API, as well as enhanced algorithms, for large-scale nonlinear least-squares models. We will demonstrate how to solve least-squares models using Knitro through a variety of interfaces such as R, MATLAB and C/C++, and also provide some benchmarking results. In addition, we will summarize some of the other recent developments in Knitro.
AMPL Optimization Inc.
Exhibit Listings & Technology Tutorials
AMPL’s modeling language and system give you an exceptionally powerful and natural tool for developing and deploying the complex optimization models that arise in diverse business applications. AMPL lets you
formulate problems the way you think of them, while providing access to the advanced algorithmic alternatives that you need to find good solutions fast. It features an integrated scripting language for automating analyses and building iterative optimization schemes; access to spreadsheet and database files; and application programming interfaces for embedding within larger systems. AMPL works with over 30-powerful optimization engines including all of the most widely used large-scale solvers. Monday, November 14, 5:15–6pm Technology Tutorial: AMPL in the Cloud: UsingOnline Services to Develop andDeployOptimization Applications through Algebraic Modeling Robert Fourer, President AMPLOptimization Inc., 4er@ampl. com. Optimizationmodeling systems first appeared online almost 20 years ago, not long after web browsers came intowidespread use. This presentation describes the evolution of optimization alternatives in what has come to be known as cloud computing, with emphasis on the role of the AMPLmodeling language inmakingmodels easy to develop and deploy. We start with the pioneering freeNEOS Server, and then comparemore recent commercial offerings such as Gurobi Instant Cloud; the benefits of these solver services are readily leveraged through their use with the AMPLmodeling tools. We conclude by introducingQuanDec, which creates web-based collaborative applications fromAMPLmodels. Robert Fourer, an authority on the design and implementation of computer software to support large- scale optimization, studied at MIT and Stanford andwas a professor of Industrial Engineering andManagement Sciences for over 30 years. He is a founder and is currently President of AMPLOptimization Inc. and is co-author of a popular book onmodeling in the AMPL language.
Bayesia, USA
Bayesian Networks & BayesiaLab: Artificial Intelligence for Research, Analytics, and Reasoning. The objective
of this workshop is to show that “Artificial Intelligence” should not be perceived as a quasi-magic technology that is mostly incomprehensible to normal mortals. We want to illustrate how scientists in any field of study—rather than only computer scientists—can employ AI to explore complex problems. For this purpose, we present Bayesian networks as the framework and BayesiaLab as the software platform. In this context, we demonstrate BayesiaLab’s supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms for knowledge discovery in high-
All Technology Tutorials will take place in the Music City Center, 5 th Avenue Lobby.
Cornell Tech
dimensional, unknown domains. Also, while AI is commonly associated with another buzzword, “Big Data”, we wish to prove that AI can be useful for dealing with problems for which we possess little or no data. Here, expert knowledge modeling is critical, and we describe how even a minimal amount of expertise can serve as a basis for sound reasoning aided by AI. Sunday, November 13, 11:45am–12:30pm Technology Tutorial: AArtificial Intelligence in Marketing Science: Marketing Mix Modeling and Optimization with Bayesian Networks & BayesiaLab , “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Various versions of this quote have been attributed to John Wanamaker, Henry Ford, and Henry Procter, yet 100 years after these marketing pioneers, in this day and age of big data and advanced analytics, the quote still rings true. The current practice is often “more art than science.” The lack of a well-established marketing mix methodology has little to do with the domain itself. Rather, it reflects the fact that marketing is yet another domain that typically has to rely on nonexperimental data for decision support. Marketing mix modeling is a causal problem, which means we are not looking for a prediction of an outcome based on the observation of marketing variables, but attempting to manipulate the marketing variables to optimize the outcome. Thus, we must simulate interventions, not observations, and switch from observational to causal inference. This brings us to deriving causal inference from observational data. We introduce the fundamental concepts of graphical models and how they can help us perform causal identification, i.e., determine whether it is possible to estimate causal effects from observational data, which requires causal assumptions about the domain plus a decision criterion, e.g., the Adjustment Criterion. However, the complexity of the marketing domain limits the practical application of this criterion. We introduce the Disjunctive Cause Criterion, which reduces the number of assumptions required for causal identification and, thus, confounder selection. Proceeding from causal identification to estimation requires an “inference engine.” In the simplest case, we could use a regression, but with dozens of interacting variables, that is not practical. Instead we use Artificial Intelligence by employing BayesiaLab’s machine- learning algorithms, which builds a high-dimensional Bayesian network model that represents the joint probability distribution of all variables. This causal inference engine plus BayesiaLab’s Target Optimization algorithm enable us to search efficiently for the ideal marketing mix.
At Cornell Tech, students across programs learn and work side-by-side, spending one-third of their experience together working on a studio-based core curriculum. They collaborate with the tech industry and postdoc-level researchers to build start-up companies and new products. By bringing these talents together at the start, there is enormous potential for better, more impactful and ultimately more successful companies and products. Programs offered: Master of Engineering in Computer Science, Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Master of Engineering in Operations Research and
Information Engineering, Technion-Cornell Dual Degree in Connective Media, Technion-Cornell Dual Degree in Health Tech, Johnson Cornell Tech MBA, and Master of Laws in Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship.
Darden Business Publishing http://store.darden.virginia.edu
Darden Business Publishing markets case-based educational materials written by the renowned faculty at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Darden maintains a catalogue of student-centered learning materials that energize classrooms around the world with dynamic interactive simulations and thought-provoking paper cases.
Dynamic Ideas, LLC www.dynamic-ideas.com
Exhibit Listings & Technology Tutorials
Dynamic Ideas, LLC is a publisher of scientific books that have quality and originality in the areas of Operations Research and Applied Mathematics. The key objective of our titles is to “educate the next generation.” Many of our
books are currently being used as the main textbook in academic courses in some of the finest universities and research institutions in the world.
Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org/academic
Elsevier publishes leading journals in OR/MS and Decision Sciences, including European Journal of Operational Research , Computers & Operations Research , and Omega- International Journal of Management Science . Elsevier journals occupy 7 of the Top 10 Impact Factor positions in the Thomson Reuters
Cambridge University Press’ publishing in books and journals combines state-of-the-
art content with the highest standards of scholarship, writing and production. Visit our stand to browse new titles, available at 20% discount, and to pick up sample copies of our journals. Visit our website to find out more about what we do.
‘Operations Research & Management Science’ category. Come to the booth to find out more, including how to use Elsevier’s researcher centric tools to develop your research.
Clemson University/COIN-OR Foundation
FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
The Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research publishes high quality, free, open-source tools for OR professionals and students, suitable for commercial,
The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) performs an essential public health task by making sure that safe and effective drugs are available to improve the health of people in the United States.
educational, and personal use. COIN-OR is the place to go when you need a “white box” for algorithm research and development. COIN-OR is a strategic partner of the INFORMS Computing Society.
All Technology Tutorials will take place in the Music City Center, 5 th Avenue Lobby.
GAMS Development Corp
The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. It consists of a language compiler and a stable of integrated high- performance solvers. GAMS is tailored for complex,
FICO is a leading analytics software company, helping businesses in 90+ countries make better decisions that drive higher levels of
growth, profitability and customer satisfaction. The company’s groundbreaking use of Big Data and mathematical algorithms to predict consumer behavior has transformed entire industries. FICO provides analytics software and tools used across multiple industries to manage risk, fight fraud, build more profitable customer relationships, optimize operations and meet strict government regulations. Many of our products reach industry-wide adoption. These include the FICO ® Score, the standard measure of consumer credit risk in the United States. FICO solutions leverage open-source standards and cloud computing to maximize flexibility, speed deployment and reduce costs. The company also helps millions of people manage their personal credit health. Tuesday, November 15, 4:30–5:15pm Technology Tutorial: How to deploy your analytic models to empower non-technical business users. You have a team with great analytics background. They have developed advanced analytical tools using SAS, Python, R, or with your current traditional optimization solver. They have derived crucial insights from your data, and figured out how your decisions shape your customers’ behaviors. Now it’s time to put these critical analytical insights in the hands of your non-technical business users. In this tutorial, we will cover how FICO’s Optimization Suite (including Xpress and Optimization Modeler) make it possible to embed your analytic models in user- friendly business-user facing applications. Learn how you can supercharge your analytic models with simulation, optimization, reporting, what-if analysis and agile extensibility. and developers to get results quickly with just a browser, spreadsheet, or programming language, instead of expensive enterprise software with steep learning curves. See how easily you can solve optimization, simulation/risk analysis, forecasting and data mining problems–starting for free, and scaling up easily to the largest models, using AnalyticSolver.com, Analytic Solver ® for desktop Excel, and our RASON ® modeling language and REST API. Use our Solver and XLMiner ® SDKs for C#, Java, C++, R and Python to create your own analytics applications. Find your fastest path to real analytics results. Tuesday, November 15, 8–8:45am Technology Tutorial: AnalyticSolver.com: Data Mining, Simulation and Optimization in Your Web Browser. AnalyticSolver.com is the new, simple, point-and-click way to create and run analytic models using only your web browser – that also works interchangeably with your spreadsheet. Whether you need forecasting, data mining and text mining, Monte Carlo simulation and risk analysis, and conventional and stochastic optimization, you can “do it all” in the cloud. We’ll show how you can upload and download Excel workbooks, pull data from SQL Server databases and Apache Spark Big Data clusters, solve large-scale models, and visualize results – without leaving your browser. If you’re more comfortable working on your own laptop or server, we’ll show how you can do that, too. Frontline Systems, Inc. 39 www.solver.com Frontline Systems is democratizing analytics, enabling business analysts
large-scale modeling applications, and allows you to build large maintainable models that can be adapted to new situations. Come to our booth to learn more about GAMS or ask for an evaluation license. Visit our technology workshop or software demo. Monday, November 14, 1:30–2:15pm Technology Tutorial: We demonstrate many of the capabilities of the GAMS software as we start with a simple optimization model and build it out by adding nonlinear and integer variables to the model and connecting it with a GUI in a sample application.
Gurobi Optimization www.gurobi.com
Gurobi Optimization is dedicated to helping our users succeed with optimization. We provide
the leading math programming solvers, offering best-in-class performance as well as a broad array of tools for developing and deploying optimization applications on top of these solvers. We support all of the most popular programming languages, as well as client-server architectures, cloud computing, and distributed optimization. We also provide outstanding, easy-to- reach support and transparent, no-surprises pricing. Monday, November 14, 4:30–5:15pm Technology Tutorial: Advanced Python Modeling with Gurobi. Are you looking for an environment that combines the expressiveness of a modeling language with the power and flexibility of a programming language? The Gurobi Python interface allows you to build concise and efficient optimization model, using high-level modeling constructs. This tutorial will provide an overview of these capabilities, including an introduction to new modeling features that significantly enhance the expressiveness of our environment. should respond. IBM is paving the way to the next generation of analytics solutions and platforms by combining descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics with the power of cloud and cognitive insights. These advanced analytics capabilities provide robust; user friendly platforms aimed at helping you solve even the most complex business and research problems. Visit the IBM Advanced Analytics booth to learn more Monday, November 14, 11:45am–12:30pm Technology Tutorial: IBM Decision Optimization: Performance gains and New features in CPLEX and CP Optimizers. In this tutorial, you will learn about the new CPLEX and CP Optimizer engine features in the upcoming IBM CPLEX Optimization Studio release, including how to use the new features, how they can help you during the development of your model, and how they can speed up the resolution of your models. IBM 35 www.ibm.com Critical business decisions can be made with ease when you know what is likely to happen in the future and how you
Exhibit Listings & Technology Tutorials
All Technology Tutorials will take place in the Music City Center, 5 th Avenue Lobby.
The International Federation of Operational Research Societies
The MATLAB and Simulink product families are fundamental applied math and computational
(IFORS) is an umbrella organization comprising the national Operations Research societies of over 45 countries from four geographical regions: Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, South America. Total membership is over 30,000 persons. IFORS’ mission is to promote Operations Research as an academic discipline and a profession.
tools at the world’s educational institutions. Adopted by more than 5,000 universities and colleges, MathWorks products accelerate the pace of learning, teaching, and research in engineering and science. MathWorks products also help prepare students for careers in industry worldwide, where the tools are widely used for data analysis, mathematical modeling, and algorithm development in collaborative research and new product development. Application areas include data analytics, mechatronics, communication systems, image processing, computational finance, and computational biology. Monday, November 14, 8–8:45am Technology Tutorial: Data Analytics with MATLAB. Mary Fenelon, Product Manager, MathWorks, mary.fenelon@ mathworks.com. Using data analytics to turn large volumes of complex data into actionable information can help you improve engineering design and decision-making processes. However, developing effective analytics and integrating them into business systems can be challenging. In this session you will learn approaches and techniques available in MATLAB to tackle these challenges through an example showing steps of data access, exploration, predictive and prescriptive model development, and deployment.
Ivey Publishing www.iveycases.com
Ivey Publishing is the leader in providing business case studies with a global perspective. With
over 35,000 products in our library, Ivey Publishing adds more than 350 classroom-tested case studies each year. Virtually all Ivey cases have teaching notes. Clear, concise, and current, Ivey cases are lauded by the academic community as meeting the rigorous demands of management education by responding to the ever changing needs of business and society. Meet with one of our case experts on how to publish with us and how you can integrate world-class cases into your curriculum.
LINDO Systems, Inc.
Operations Research professionals across nearly every industry for over 30 years. LINDO offers a full range of solvers to cover all your optimization needs. The Linear Programming solvers handle million variable/constraint Exhibit Listings & Technology Tutorials
Military Operations Research Society
MORS is a professional society of nearly 1,000 operations researchers and national security analysts. Since 1966 MORS’ mission has been to
problems fast and reliably. The Quadratic/SOCP/Barrier solver efficiently handles quadratically constrained problems. The Integer solver works fast and reliably with LP, QP and NLP models. The Global NLP solver finds the guaranteed global optimum of non-convex models. The Stochastic Programming solver has a full range of capabilities for planning under uncertainty. Get all the tools you need to get up and running quickly. LINDO provides a set of versatile intuitive interfaces to suit your modeling preference. What’s best is an add-in to Excel that you can use to quickly build spreadsheet models that managers can use and understand. LINDO has a full featured modeling language for expressing complex models clearly and concisely, and it has links to Excel and databases that make data handling easy. LINDO API is a callable library that allows you to seamlessly embed the solvers into your own applications. You can pick the best tool for the job based upon who will build the application, who will use it, and where the data reside. Technical support at LINDO is responsive and thorough - whether you have questions about the software or need some guidance on handling a particular application. Monday, November 14, 2:15–3pm Technology Tutorial: Optimization Modeling Made Easy. Presenter: Mark Wiley, VP Marketing, mwiley@lindo.com. Come and learn how easy it is to: quickly build linear, nonlinear, quadratic, conic and integer optimization models; incorporate uncertainty into optimization models; easily access data from Excel and databases; seamlessly embed a solver into your own application. Come and see a demonstration of the power and flexibility of the new releases of: LINDO API – a callable solver engine, LINGO – an integrated modeling language and solvers, for Excel.
enhance the quality of analysis to address real world national security interests through the advancement of the operations research profession. Today MORS services include the Annual MORS Symposium with 500+ classified and unclassified sessions, year-round communities of practice, geographic chapters, an annual Education and Professional Development Colloquium for students and young analysts, classified and unclassified special meetings/workshops, tutorials and CEU Courses, Phalanx the magazine of national security analysis and a catalog of original books, reports and republished historical manuals.
MIT Sloan
MIT Sloan is a mission-driven organization. We develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and generate ideas that advance management practice. Our diversified,
specialized, and action-oriented curriculum exemplifies our commitment to balancing innovative ideas and theories with hands-on, real-world application. The coursework at MIT Sloan is markedly rigorous and further distinguished by emphasis on real-world engagement that turns innovative ideas into practical solutions to the world’s problems. MIT Sloan School offers a variety of degree programs to help you advance your career. The two-year full time MBA program allows you to customize your curriculum to focus on specific areas of interest. Optional tracks and certificates in Enterprise Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Finance, Healthcare, and
All Technology Tutorials will take place in the Music City Center, 5 th Avenue Lobby.
North Carolina State University
Sustainability help you dive more deeply into your career interests. For students interested in careers in finance or data analytics, MIT Sloan has innovative programs to help them succeed. The new one-year Master of Business Analytics (MBAn) program is tailored for graduating college seniors and early- stage professionals. This innovative program features Action Learning labs, collaboration with other MIT Sloan programs, a Summer Capstone project, career support, and tailored electives in statistics, finance, economics, and operations research. The program answers the industry’s demand for a skilled pool of graduates who can apply data science to solve business challenges. The 12-month and 18-month Master of Finance (MFin) program is designed for students who want to become leaders in the field of finance. The MFin program combines in-depth study of quantitative techniques with practical problem solving and the 18-month pilot allows time for a summer internship. MIT Sloan is about invention. It’s about ideas that are made to matter. At MIT Sloan, we discover tomorrow’s interesting and important challenges and opportunities. We go where we want to have impact. And then, we invent the future.
Within NC State’s renowned College of Engineering, the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) is among the top ranked programs in the country by US News & World Report . The department
has created a legacy of success by partnering with industry, government and universities while producing engineers with cutting edge ingenuity, interpersonal skills and business acumen. The College ranks ISE #1 in student satisfaction, job placement and job placement in their field of study. Currently, there are more companies looking to hire our students than there are candidates to fill those positions.
Now Publishers
Now Publishers publishes a suite of reference journals called Foundations and Trends including Information
Systems , Machine Learning , Operations Management , Optimization , and Systems and Control , academic journals including the DEA Journal and Review of Behavioral Economics , and scholarly books in the fields of business and technology. We will also represent World Scientific who publishes about 600 new titles a year and 130 journals in various fields. Started in 1981, it has established itself as one of the leading scientific publishers in the world, and the largest international scientific publisher in the Asia-Pacific region.
MOSEK ApS provides optimization software to help clients making better decisions.
It specializes in creating advanced software for solution of mathematical optimization problems. In particular, the company focuses on solution of large-scale linear, quadratic, and conic optimization problems. MOSEK ApS was established in 1997 by Erling D. Andersen and Knud D. Andersen. Our customer base consists of financial institutions and companies, engineering and software vendors, among others.
Exhibit Listings & Technology Tutorials
Optimization Direct Inc. www.optimizationdirect.com
Optimization Direct Inc., markets IBM ® ILOG ® CPLEX Optimization Studio ® , the world’s leading software
Neusrel/Success Drivers
product for modeling and optimization. CPLEX Optimization Studio solves large-scale optimization problems and enables better business decisions and resulting financial benefits in areas such as supply chain management, operations, healthcare, retail, transportation, logistics and asset management. It has been applied in sectors as diverse as manufacturing, processing, distribution, retailing, transport, finance and investment. Monday November 14, 11–11:45am Technology Tutorial: Recent advancements in Linear and Mixed Programing give us the capability to solve larger Optimization Problems. CPLEX Optimization Studio solves large-scale optimization problems and enables better business decisions and resulting financial benefits in areas such as supply chain management, operations, healthcare, retail, transportation, logistics and asset management. In this tutorial using CPLEX Optimization Studio, we will discuss modeling practices, case studies and demonstrate good practices for solving Hard Optimization Problems. We will also discuss recent CPLEX performance improvements and recently added features.
NEUSREL is the leading software for exploring cause-effect networks using the Universal Structure
Modeling approach. Because it leverages machine learning techniques it is a self-learning system and the only methodology to explore previously not hypnotized nonlinearities (of any form) or interactions (of any type). It is the first system meeting the need of researcher to explore success factors instead of just falsifying a given set of hypothesis. It bridges the largely relevant gap between qualitative exploration and statistical testing/modeling. NEUSREL Causal Analytics is dedicated to provide software as well as training and statistical consulting to the academic community. Tuesday, November 15, 2:15–3pm Technology Tutorial: NEUSREL is a self-learning causal analysis software and leverages Advanced Machine Learning techniques. It builds cause-effect networks (path models) in order to understand the impact and role of success factors. The software is the only solution worldwide that is able to explore unexpected nonlinearities and unexpected interactions – a capability that not only led to largely increased explanation power but turned out to be crucial when understanding true key drivers of outcomes. The software is applied in all fields where many factors drive a particular outcome and therefore it is not clear how important those are and how they interact.
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