2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting Program
INFORMS Nashville – 2016
Allocation Of Organization’s Resource Using Data Envelopment Analysis & Topsis Method: A Case Of Capital Medical University Tao Du, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, dutao0608@163.com We proposes a DEA-TOPSIS combined method for the problem of organization’s resource allocation. This method, firstly, measures the DMUs’relative efficiency using DEA model, and determines the organization’s efficiency objectives and alternatives. In the second stage, we ranks the alternatives using TOPSIS method for organization making decision. DEA measures the DMUs’ relative efficiency about multiple-input and multiple-output index, so it is theoretically possible to the decision matrix for the TOPSIS method. Taking the 10 affiliation hospitals of capital medical university for example, results show DEA-TOPSIS combined method can sequence alternatives effectively. Rachel Eatherly, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Tennessee, 2621 Morgan Circle, 307 G-Agricultural Economics, Knoxville, TN, 37996, United States, reather1@vols.utk.edu High commercial fertilizer costs have necessitated further investigation into alternative sources of N, P, and K to meet the fertility requirements of crops grown in East Tennessee. The objective of this analysis is to determine the optimal fertilizer mix strategy and minimum cost threshold for utilizing spent microbial biomass as an alternative to commercial fertilizer in Loudon County, Tennessee using a linear programming model. Additionally, the analysis will examine the optimal spatial distribution of the spent microbial biomass across typical crops and crop rotations. A Cyber-physical Vulnerabilities Framework For Manufacturing Systems: A Quality Control Perspective Ahmed Elhabashy, PhD Student, Virginia Tech, 1145 Perry Street, 114 Durham Hall, Blacksburg, VA, 24061, United States, habashy@vt.edu, Lee J Wells, Jaime Camelio, William Woodall With recent technological advancements, manufacturing systems have become more susceptible to cyber-attacks that can maliciously affect the physical world. Moreover, such cyber-physical attacks can be designed to avoid detection by traditional Quality Control (QC) tools. Hence, this work proposes a framework that allows for understanding the relationships between QC systems, manufacturing systems, and cyber-physical attacks; in order to develop better QC tools minimizing the chances of such attacks being effective in manufacturing systems. The proposed framework analyzes the different levels involved in cyber- physical attacks and explores potential QC tools exploitation mechanisms. Analysis Of Competition And Cooperation Strategy Of Railway Inland Port And Seaport Mi Gan, Associate Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University, Jinniu District, 111 N 1st Erhuan Road, Chengdu, 610031, China, migan@swjtu.cn, Shuai Yang, chen si, Juan Yu China government has constructed a number of inland ports to narrow the economic development gap between coastal developed areas and inland area. The function of inland port is similar to seaport; especially to those inland ports possess an international express railway could transport cargoes by freight train directly from inland region to abroad. Given that, there is a new decision problem urgent to solving for urban policy maker and related enterprises: what is the optimal strategy (competition /cooperation) for the inland port and seaport? In this sense, we aim to construct a competition-cooperation model to support the port operators and local government to make decisions on strategy level. Optimal Number Of Choices In Rating Contexts Sam Ganzfried, Assistant Professor, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL, 33199, United States, sam.ganzfried@gmail.com In many settings people give numerical scores to entities from a small discrete set, e.g., attractiveness from 1-5 on dating sites and papers from 1-10 for conferences. We study the problem of understanding when using a different number of options is optimal. We study several natural processes for score generation. One may expect that using more options always improves performance, but we show that this is not the case, and that using fewer choices—even just two—can surprisingly be optimal. Our results suggest that using fewer options than typical could be optimal in certain situations. This would have many potential applications, as settings requiring entities to be ranked by humans are ubiquitous. Information Technology Investment And Logistics Outsourcing Contract Fengmei Gong, Assistant Professor of Information Technology, University of La Verne, 1950 Third Street, La Verne, CA, 91750, United States, fgong@laverne.edu, David Kung Third party logistics (3PL) providers have invested a lot in information technologies (IT) to improve its logistics service quality. We compare four different contracts for logistics outsourcing and consider a 3PL’s investment in IT. We find that the performance of contracts is related to the 3PL’s IT investment. Spent Microbial Biomass As An Alternative Fertilizer: A Spatial Cost And Optimal Product Mix Analysis
Comparing The Impact Of Park And Ride, Non-park And Ride, And Terminals On Schedule Time For The Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Erika Gonzalez, New Jersey City University, 1809 Bergenline Ave, Apt 2B, Union City, NJ, 07087, United States, erikaygonz482@gmail.com The Hudson-Bergen Light Rail transportation service provides commuters accessible ways to travel throughout Hudson and Bergen Counties in New Jersey. In addition, commuters have the option to use a “Park and Ride” service adjacent to several light rail stations. Hence, this study investigates the service quality with respect to the efficiency and reliability of train arrival and departure time. The Effect Of High Socioeconomic Inequalities On The Educational Efficiency This study constructs a two-stage model that takes into account the link between educational efficiency and socioeconomic indicators, using DEA methodology followed by the tobit regression. These aims are achieved using data from 5,020 municipalities in Brazil. The results suggest that for less wealthy municipalities other factors than expenditure per capita have much more influence on IDEB, but for the richest municipalities the expenditure per capita is considered an efficient determinant of education. The tobit regression results strongly confirm that municipalities with high inequality are inclined to have lower educational efficiency. Maria Cristina Gramani, Professor, INSPER, rua Indiana, 463 ap. 82, Brooklin, Sao Paulo-SP, 04562000, Brazil, mcgramani@gmail.com Ge Guo, PhD Candidate, Iowa State University, 3004 Black Engineering Building, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011-2164, United States, geguo@iastate.edu Recently, optimization of risk measures has attracted attention in stochastic mixed-integer programs. Computational issues regarding lower bound for Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) models, however, are largely unexplored. We present a method to obtain convergent and tight lower bounds from the Progressive Hedging Algorithm (PHA) for CVaR-based stochastic mixed-integer programs. This method can assess solution quality for PHA and also integrate with exact algorithms that rely on lower bounds. We report computational results on stochastic server location and manufacturing instances. Evaluation Of Traffic Management Strategies At The Swedish Emeregency Call Center The Swedish emergency call center fail in achieving government agreement regarding availability. In this project we evaluate different traffic management strategies using our designed discrete event simulation model, also supposed to apply as a traffic planning tool assisting daily issues. Outputs from the study has so far contributed to the managerial decision of implementing a new strategy, currently being evaluated. The result from this evaluation is statistical significant. As a result of our evaluation we have pinpointed some challenges of great value for the management team. For instance, if they measure sociological parameters, the model performance will be significantly improved. The Growing Role Of Analytics In Management Education Owen P Hall, Professor, Pepperdine University, 6100 Center Drive, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA, 90045, United States, ohall@pepperdine.edu, Ken Ko Business schools are under growing pressure to engage in significant programmatic reforms in light of the business community’s call for web-savvy, problem solving graduates. The increase use of Analytics represents one approach for helping addressing these challenges. The purpose of this presentation is to highlight best practices in the use of Analytics throughout the management VHA Supply Chain Enterprise System Benchmarking Analysis Julie Lynn Hammett, Texas A&M University, 301 Holleman Dr E, Apt 728, College Station, TX, 77840, United States, jhammett@tamu.edu We present the final outcome of a benchmarking analysis of supply chain enterprise systems conducted by Texas A&M University for the Veterans Health Administration and the Veterans Affairs Center for Applied Systems Engineering. This project entailed market research, stakeholder analysis, functionality requirements definition and prioritization, and benchmarking analysis using SWOT and Data Envelopment Analysis. The use of dual benchmarking methodologies was beneficial for representing the alternatives to the varied perspectives of the decision making units. Klas Gustavsson, PhD Student, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, 85170, Sweden, klas.gustavsson@miun.se Obtaining Lower Bounds For Conditional Value-at-risk Optimization In Stochastic Mixed-integer Programs
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