2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting Program
All Technology Tutorials will take place in the Music City Center, 5 th Avenue Lobby.
AnyLogic North America, LLC
AIMMS is an innovative technology company with offices in Europe, the U.S. and Asia. Half of the global Fortune top 20 corporations rely on AIMMS because of our unique analytics, modeling and
AnyLogic Software–the first and only tool that brings together System Dynamics, Process-centric (Discrete
Event), and Agent Based methods within one modeling language and one model development environmentis–the leading provider of dynamic simulation tools, technologies and consulting services for business applications. The language of AnyLogic has unmatched flexibility enabling modelers to capture the complexity of business, economy and social systems at any level of detail to gain deeper insight into interdependent processes inside and around an organization.
optimization platform that supports both strategic and daily operational challenges such as supply chain optimization, strategic sourcing, pricing, workforce optimization, portfolio optimization and production planning and scheduling.
Amazon’s mission is to be Earth’s most customer-centric company where people can find and discover anything
Artelys is a global provider of decision- support solutions through numerical optimization and analytics technologies,
they want to buy online. Amazon’s evolution from website to e-commerce and publishing partner to development platform is driven by the pioneering spirit that is part of the company’s DNA. The world’s brightest technology minds come to Amazon to research and develop new technologies that improve the lives of our customers: shoppers, sellers, content creators, and developers around the world. Because that’s what being Earth’s most customer-centric company is all about, and it’s still Day 1 at Amazon.
with offices in France, United States, Canada and UK. The organization is particularly active in the energy & environment, logistics & transportation, telecommunications, finance and defense sectors with half of their clients coming from the top French stock market index (CAC 40). Artelys offers a superior level of expertise to help governments and commercial entities with highly qualified consultants. The company also develops and supports a comprehensive portfolio of efficient and robust optimization tools such as Artelys Kalis, FICO Xpress Optimization suite, Knitro and AMPL. In addition, many of our customers are professional who use the Artelys Crystal suite, a set of user-friendly software dedicated to the optimization of energy and transportation systems. Artelys offers comprehensive and flexible solutions that range from functional analysis and organizational architecture design to implementation of solutions and operational tools. Monday, November 14, 8:45–9:30am Technology Tutorial: Solving Large Least-Squares Models with the Artelys Knitro Nonlinear Optimization Solver. Presenting Author: Richard Waltz, Senior Scientist, Artelys Corp, richard. waltz@artelys.com. Artelys Knitro is the premier solver for nonlinear optimization problems. This software demonstration will highlight the latest Knitro developments, including a new specialized API, as well as enhanced algorithms, for large-scale nonlinear least-squares models. We will demonstrate how to solve least-squares models using Knitro through a variety of interfaces such as R, MATLAB and C/C++, and also provide some benchmarking results. In addition, we will summarize some of the other recent developments in Knitro.
AMPL Optimization Inc.
Exhibit Listings & Technology Tutorials
AMPL’s modeling language and system give you an exceptionally powerful and natural tool for developing and deploying the complex optimization models that arise in diverse business applications. AMPL lets you
formulate problems the way you think of them, while providing access to the advanced algorithmic alternatives that you need to find good solutions fast. It features an integrated scripting language for automating analyses and building iterative optimization schemes; access to spreadsheet and database files; and application programming interfaces for embedding within larger systems. AMPL works with over 30-powerful optimization engines including all of the most widely used large-scale solvers. Monday, November 14, 5:15–6pm Technology Tutorial: AMPL in the Cloud: UsingOnline Services to Develop andDeployOptimization Applications through Algebraic Modeling Robert Fourer, President AMPLOptimization Inc., 4er@ampl. com. Optimizationmodeling systems first appeared online almost 20 years ago, not long after web browsers came intowidespread use. This presentation describes the evolution of optimization alternatives in what has come to be known as cloud computing, with emphasis on the role of the AMPLmodeling language inmakingmodels easy to develop and deploy. We start with the pioneering freeNEOS Server, and then comparemore recent commercial offerings such as Gurobi Instant Cloud; the benefits of these solver services are readily leveraged through their use with the AMPLmodeling tools. We conclude by introducingQuanDec, which creates web-based collaborative applications fromAMPLmodels. Robert Fourer, an authority on the design and implementation of computer software to support large- scale optimization, studied at MIT and Stanford andwas a professor of Industrial Engineering andManagement Sciences for over 30 years. He is a founder and is currently President of AMPLOptimization Inc. and is co-author of a popular book onmodeling in the AMPL language.
Bayesia, USA
Bayesian Networks & BayesiaLab: Artificial Intelligence for Research, Analytics, and Reasoning. The objective
of this workshop is to show that “Artificial Intelligence” should not be perceived as a quasi-magic technology that is mostly incomprehensible to normal mortals. We want to illustrate how scientists in any field of study—rather than only computer scientists—can employ AI to explore complex problems. For this purpose, we present Bayesian networks as the framework and BayesiaLab as the software platform. In this context, we demonstrate BayesiaLab’s supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms for knowledge discovery in high-
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