2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting Program
INFORMS Nashville – 2016
SD17 105B-MCC Polyhedral Methods in Integer Programming under Uncertainty Sponsored: Optimization, Optimization Under Uncertainty Sponsored Session Chair: Weijun Xie, Georgia Institute of Technology, 225 North Ave, Atlanta, GA, 30332, United States, wxie33@gatech.edu 1 - Decomposition Methods For Solving Distributionally Robust Two-stage Stochastic Integer Programs Sanjay Mehrotra, Northwestern University, mehrotra@northwestern.edu, Manish Bansal, Kuo-Ling Huang We present a cutting surface L-shaped method for solving 2-stage distributionally robust mixed integer programs. We show the finite convergence of the algorithm under suitable conditions. Wasserstein and moment based uncertainty sets are considered. Numerical results will be presented that demonstrate the performance of our approach and illustrate its ability to perform distributional sensitivity analysis. 2 - An Integer Programming Approach For Two-sided Chance-constrained Programs Xiao Liu, The Ohio State University, liu.2738@osu.edu Simge Kucukyavuz, Fatma Kilinc-Karzan We study two-sided chance-constrained programs with a finite probability space. We reformulate this class of problems as a mixed-integer program. We study the key substructure of the reformulation and propose valid inequalities that define the convex hull of this substructure. Finally, we propose polynomial optimization and separation algorithms for the optimization problem over this substructure. 3 - A Polyhedral Approach To Online Bipartite Matching Alfredo Torrico, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States, atorrico3@gatech.edu, Alejandro Toriello, Shabbir Ahmed We study the i.i.d. online bipartite matching problem, a dynamic version of the classical model where one side of the bipartition is fixed and known in advance, while nodes from the other side appear one at a time as i.i.d. realizations of a uniform distribution, and must immediately be matched or discarded. We consider various relaxations of the polyhedral set of achievable matching probabilities, introduce valid inequalities, and discuss when they are facet- defining. Several of these relaxations correspond to ranking policies and their time-dependent generalizations. 4 - On Risk Averse Submodular Minimization Weijun Xie, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States, wxie33@gatech.edu, Shabbir Ahmed This paper studies a risk averse submodular minimization problem (RASMP) under a knapsack constraint. Many problems can be reformulated as RASMP (e.g., chance constrained problems, mean-risk models, optimization with conditional-value-at-risk, etc). Approximation algorithms are proposed for RASMP by rounding an optimal solution to a suitable convex relaxation. We also propose new valid inequalities by partitioning binary variables into groups, and their separation. SD18 106A-MCC Marketing VI Contributed Session Chair: Gary Chao, Kutztown University, 888 Kingston Ln, Breinigsville, PA, 18031, United States, chao@kutztown.edu 1 - Product Life Cycle Among Different Generations Gary Chao, Kutztown University, PO Box 730, Department of Business Administration, Kutztown, PA, 19530, United States, chao@kutztown.edu, Maxwell Hsu The launch of a new product needs a larger commitment in time, money, and managerial resources. The new product introduction requires careful planning to ensure the expected market success of a new product. We would like to study how frequently and when an automaker introduced the new models, how an automaker designed their product line, what factors influence the diffusion. We attempt to fit longitudinal data across brands to the Bass diffusion model and examine the generation change within the same model from different automakers in order to identify the factors influencing car sales.
4 - Sparse Convex Regression Nishanth Mundru, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States, nmundru@mit.edu, Dimitris Bertsimas Given data (xi, yi) (d+1), i=1,..,n, the problem of convex regression finds a convex function f: d that minimizes the error ∑ i (yi - f(xi) )2. We propose a cutting plane algorithm that scales to (n,d) = (10^4,10) in minutes and (n,d) = (10^5,10^2) in hours. Sparse convex regression finds the best k out of d features, and solves for the optimal convex function on that subset. Using Mixed integer optimization methods and first order convex optimization based heuristics, we extend our algorithm to model sparsity, and solve the problem to provable optimality for (n,d,k) = (10^4,10^2,10) in minutes. SD16 105A-MCC Buffered Probability of Exceedance and Applications Sponsored: Optimization, Optimization Under Uncertainty Sponsored Session Chair: Matthew Norton, University of Florida, 355 Tigert Hall, Gainesville, 32611, United States, mdnorton@ufl.edu 1 - Buffered Probability Of Exceedance And Applications To Machine Learning Matthew Norton, University of Florida, mdnorton@ufl.edu We present a new characterization of uncertainty, called Buffered Probability of Exceedance (bPOE), specifically addressing its application to machine learning. Using ideas from Robust Optimization, we show that Robust bPOE minimization provides a highly flexible framework for binary classification which encompasses support vector machines (SVM’s), including SVM variants which utilize Robust Optimization and various convex/non-convex regularization schemes. While also providing a more concrete interpretation for various SVM formulations, the proposed framework reveals a fundamental connection between many This paper investigates a new probabilistic characteristic called buffered probability of exceedance (bPOE). With bPOE, it is possible to count outcomes similar to a threshold value, rather than only outcomes exceeding the threshold. To be more precise, bPOE counts tail outcomes averaging to some specific threshold value. bPOE can be considered as an important supplement to POE. We will discuss the Cash Matching problem for a Portfolio of Bonds. We minimize bPOE that assets exceed liabilities. 3 - Smoothed Buffered Probability Of Exceedance: A New Class Of Probability-like Uncertainty Measures Alexander Mafusalov, University of Florida, mafusalov@ufl.edu Buffered probability of exceedance (bPOE) is a risk-averse alternative to probability of exceedance and cumulative distribution function. Minimization of bPOE is reduced to convex programming or even LP for a wide class of problems. However, being a non-smooth function, bPOE is not always well suited for gradient optimization. In addition, bPOE reverses the curve of CVaR values, while another family of risk measures might be preferable in a given application. This paper introduces a new class of smooth probability-like uncertainty measures, which are based on bPOE. Dual representations and other mathematical properties, along with advantages in optimization, are studied. 4 - Approximation Of A Distribution With A Finite Mixture Of Some Other Distributions Using Cvar Norm Giorgi Pertaia, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States, georgepertaia@gmail.com CVaR norm is applied to approximate a distribution with a finite mixture of some other distributions. A finite mixture is a weighted sum of simple distributions (such as normal or triangular). Despite the simplicity of underlying distributions, the finite mixture can model a wide variety of distributions with heavy tails. Classical approach of fitting the mixture relies on Maximum Likelihood estimation, which, in general, leads to a nonconvex optimization problem (with many local minima where the optimization algorithms might get trapped). In contrast, procedures using CVaR norm minimization lead to convex programming, which can be reduced to linear programming problems. regularization schemes and Robust Optimization principals. 2 - Buffered Probability Of Exceedance: Methodology And Applications Stan Uryasev, University of Florida, uryasev@ufl.edu
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