APHSA Annual Report 2017
FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CEO Dear APHSA Members, Friends and Colleagues, As 2017 comes to a close, and we reflect on the year’s achievements, we are reminded just how much we have learned together. We are motivated more than ever to continue the journey with you and advance our shared desire that all people – no matter where they live, work and play – can reach their full potential. We hope that you will take the time to read this annual report – and see how each of you as leaders in the field are driving a systems- level transformation of health and human services and achieving better outcomes for children and families in your communities. We continue to see the guiding principles laid out in our Pathways initiative taking root throughout the nation. As we move towards a whole-family, generative approach and away from a system rooted in compliance and programmatic outputs, we are experiencing a seismic shift in thinking about human services across the country. Leaders at all levels of government and across political parties are embracing innovative ideas that more effectively address root-cause issues and improve the return on taxpayer investment. As key officials in the new Administration have taken office, we shared our member-driven Pathways transition paper (available at http://bit.ly/2yjbsAD ) that provides an overview of how these efforts are driving better outcomes and identifies how we can accelerate that change by further modernizing and aligning federal policy with state and local innovations and proven practices. We are especially appreciative of the contributions of our Leadership Council in advancing these efforts. You can read more about how we have engaged these new leaders and members of Congress regarding these modernization efforts in this report. At the foundation of our work at APHSA is the Health and Human Services Value Curve, which we often refer to as simply the Value Curve. As many of you already know, the Value Curve has gone “viral.” By our count, more than one hundred jurisdictions and partners are using the Value Curve as a lens for assessing delivery of health and human services in their organizations and communities, and at all levels of leadership. It is through this lens that organizations are driving change in practice and lifting-up areas for modernizing policy to get at root-causes and achieve better population-level health and well-being. To support our members’ effective use of the Value Curve to drive desired change in their states and counties, we have worked in partnership with universities, sister associations and foundations to illustrate its usefulness at all levels – across sectors, communities and organizations, as well as within departmental units and at the individual leader and staff levels. Included among these efforts:
2018-2022 APHSA
STRATEGIC PLAN We would like to thank you – our members – for your invaluable input in the development of APHSA’s strategic plan for the next five years. Our work - carried out for and with our members – reflects your observations and insights about what you are experiencing and anticipating. This insight helps us develop the policies, practices and principles that guide our work. We look forward to sharing our new Strategic Plan in early 2018.
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