Policy and Practice February 2017
Expertise, proven effectiveness, customized solutions and unmatched client service are the hallmarks of Myers and Stauffer. For more than 35 years, government health programs have been our focus, and there’s never a conflict of interest because we don’t work for providers. Our depth and breadth of services and expertise are unrivaled. Maybe that’s why we have a client retention rate of 97%. YOUR FULL SPECTRUM PARTNER These are our major areas of focus, with impressive results in all categories. We’re happy to share results, case studies and more with you. ThOUSANdS SERvEd. biLLiONS SAvEd.
RESULTS ThAT SPEAk FOR ThEMSELvES 70% We helped a client achieve a 70%
reduction in their state’s eligibility error rate (from 5% to 2%) between PERM cycles.
$1b Our Program Integrity efforts have led to the identification, recovery and cost avoidance of nearly $1 billion. We have identified more than $200 million in incorrect managed care capitation payments. $200M
rAte setting consulting progrAm integrity
Find out more. Call us at 800.374.6858.
www.mslc.com dedicated to government health programs
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