Tidelines Winter 2018
MSSA Annual Spring Tournament – AMATEUR/KAYAK 35 th Championship on the Chesapeake May 4-6, 2018 8461C Fort Smallwood Rd - Pasadena, MD 21122 • Email: fish@mssa.net - Website: www.mssa.net - Telephone: 410-255-5535
CAPTAIN (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Home Ph:_____________Cell Ph: ____________ Email: Boat Name: ________________________________ Boat Length: _______________________________ Shirt Size: M L XL XXL XXXL ALTERNATE CAPTAIN (Optional) Name: Cell:
Kayak: Member $65 Non-Member $95 Member: Jan.,Feb, Mar - $225 Apr, May - $250 Non-Member: Jan, Feb, Mar - $275 Apr, May - $300 ENTRY FEE TOTAL TOURNAMENTS WITHIN TOURNAMENT (TWT) Each TWT is a separate & OPTIONAL selection NOT included in the Main Tournament Entry Fee. You may enter any combination of the TWTs. Please see official tournament Rules & Regulations for more information. Single Fish TWT’s $50_____ $75_____ $100_____ $200_____ $300____ $500(one winner)____ $50 Pro-Am Challenge (one winner)____ Multiple Fish TWT’s Kayak Division TWT $250 (2 fish)____ $25 Single Longest_____ $400(four fish)____ TWT TOTAL BOAT/MOTOR/TOW PRIZES* AMATEUR DIVISION ONLY Circle ONE – if BOAT type WILL BE TOURNAMENT VESSEL: Carolina │ Whaler │ Grady White │ Judge │ Parker May-Craft │ Sailfish │ Sea Hunt │Sportsman│ Pro-line Circle ONE if applicable to TOURNAMENT VESSEL: Yamaha Motor │ Honda Motor │ Mercury │ Suzuki $ $ NEW – Ladies Division – $100 per angler Must pre-register each lady angler prior to tournament Name:_________________________ 1 st -$3,000; 2 nd -$1500; 3 rd -$500 *based on 60 anglers AWARDS PARTY May 17, 2018 – 7 PM to 10 PM All You Can Eat & Drink, Door Prizes, Music & More! $20/person in advance! Space Limited (Indicate # Attending) CAPTAIN (FREE) Yes___ No___ # of Crew & Guests X $20 $ Circle if you have TowBoat U.S. Yes I have TowBoat U.S. *subject to change
CHAPTER OPTIONS: Annapolis Atlantic Coast Broadneck/Magothy Carroll County DC Metro Dorchester County Essex-Middle River Frederick County Kent Island Northern Bay Northwest Perry Hall Southern MD Susquehanna
* Captain Individual
1 Year $25 1 Year $30
3 Year $65 3 Year $70
Chapter (select one): Alt. Captain
1 Year $25 1 Year $30
3 Year $65 3 Year $70
Chapter (select one):
Membership TOTAL
Will you be fishing on your own boat? Yes___ No___
I have read & will abide by the official Rules & Regulations of the tournament & agree to them without exception. It is understood that the Division selected by the captain (applicant) on this form will be abided by automatically in processing this entry into the tournament. Professional & charter captains fishing in the Amateur Division will be disqualified without immunity. The accuracy of the data entered on this application is understood to be the responsibility of the captain. MAIL CAPTAIN’S PACKET – OPTIONAL If unable to attend any Captains’ Meeting (try to make it!) MAIL PACKET ( $20) $
Cash # Credit: ______ GRAND TOTAL Check
MSSA Office Use ONLY
Date Received:
Amount Received:
__ BOAT #_____________
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