Tidelines Winter 2018
Official Publication of the Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association
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A Message from MSSA President Frank Holden
22/ Tournament Results 25/ 2017 Captain of the Year 29/ Chapter Updates
ON THE COVER: Jordan Miller and Greg Shute of iFishMD.com.
WINTER 2018 | Page 1
A Message from MSSA President FRANK HOLDEN
I hope 2018 is finding everyone happy and healthy. Now that the holidays are behind us it's time to start thinking about fishing again. Just about every weekend from early January through early April there’s a fishing flea market, fishing Fair, or fishing show going on in somewhere in our great state that's of interest to fisherman and potential MSSA members. Many of our chapters host these events as fundraisers but it's also a great way to stock up on your best and cheapest fishing supplies for 2018 as well as meeting some of your fellow members. All of us love to talk about fishing just as much as fishing itself so get out there. Don’t get the winter blues-get to a fishing show and have a good time at the shows. 2017 wasn't the greatest year for fishing especially to Spring trophy season that's personally my favorite time of year. I won't lie to you and say that I was extremely disappointed in my catches in 2017. It was nobody's fault but Mother Nature that's the trophy fish simply were here and gone before the season even started. Record warm weather in the winter of 2016-2017 doomed us to some really poor trophy fishing. Hopefully that's all behind us now and we can only hope for cold weather lots of snow this winter and some really great fishing come April! On the subject of poor spring time fishing many of you are aware that the 2017 MSSA Spring Tournament had the lowest number of boats entered in MSSA history. This was primarily due to poor weather and poor fishing. It was no doubt the worst weather we've ever had for a three-day tournament. Subsequently the MSSA Spring Tournament revenue was off by over $40,000 in 2017. While we’ve done a few things to try to overcome this loss and have been rather successful at it we still had a tough year financially. We added the Summer Classic tournament, sent out two editions of Tidelines only electronically rather than by mail, and the Board of Directors voted to not pay chapter membership incentive this year. Additionally we have cut of our other cost to the bone. I guess I can be happy to report at this time that we have
almost recovered everything we lost as result of 2017 spring tournament so I like to ask each and every one of you to pay special attention to the 2018 tournament series and please plan to participate as often as possible. A successful 2018 tournament series will to great lengths to get us out of that little financial hole where we still remain. We will have some great tournaments planned for 2018 including the Second Annual Summer Classic just introduced in 2017. Without going into a lot of detail right now rest assured that 2018 series is going to be better and more exciting than ever. Twice in 2017 we found it necessary to cancel a day of fishing in an MSSA Tournament. The first day was the Friday of the Spring Tournament and the other was Sunday of the Fall Tournament. Let me assure you that the decision to cancel a day of tournament fishing is not a decision we take lightly. We are well aware that boats of all sizes are fishing the tournament and some captains are willing to take the risk to fish. However, when gale force winds are predicted MSSA feels it’s the prudent decision to cancel fishing. As all of us well know weather predictions can be wrong. If we cancel for a forecast of gale force winds that doesn’t occur then we “blew it” but rest assured we “blew it” on the side of caution. The captain of a boat is ultimately responsible for the safety of his crew and vessel. MSSA urges every angler participating in a tournament, or for that matter ANYTIME they leave the dock, to always ere on the side of caution. Additionally, we urge everyone to carry all required safety equipment and know how to use it. Don’t forget that a working VHF radio is the only reliable form of communication in times of distress. Many of us, including myself, chose cellphones over VHF radio for fishing reports from our buddies and other casual conversations but in time of crisis the VHF is the way to go. A little preparation goes a long way toward making your fishing trips safe and enjoyable. A deadly situation can happen at any time even
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in the calmest of waters and the odds for a problem multiply as the weather takes a turn for the worse. So watch the weather, get your safety gear ready, inform your crew of how to use it, then goes out there and catch that fish of a lifetime. Our Executive Director Dave Smith and Office Manager Amy Eid take care of all the day-to-day operations of MSSA. They work hard every day to find advertisers, tournament sponsors, and ways to increase membership along with the everyday activities of running the organization. I’d like to thank them once again for all their hard work towards making MSSA great. As I've said many times in the past chapters are the lifeblood of our organization. All the chapters have their own special things they do –favorite guest speakers, special events fishing interests, etc. That’ what makes the MSSA so great. The main organization remains committed to help the chapters in any way possible. As stated earlier 2017 wasn’t a good year financially for MSSA so the MSSA Board of Directors voted to not pay chapter membership rebates. However starting in late 2017 a policy was put in place that chapters get the first year dues of any new member who signs up at a chapter meeting. Here’s your chance to sign up your non-MSSA fishing buddies and your chapter will get to keep their entire $25 membership fee for their first year. It’s a great way to boost membership, meet new fishing buddies,, and boost chapter Financial funds all at the same time The biggest asset MSSA has is its volunteers. Volunteers are found in all levels of the organization and make everything possible. It would simply be impossible to run an organization as large as MSSA without volunteers. I’d like to ask each and every member to take the time to thank an MSSA volunteer. Whether it’s one of your chapter officers, a tournament weighmaster, or a guy selling tickets at your next chapter meeting raffle each and every one of them deserve our thanks. The next time you disagree with someone rather than criticizing them why not thank them for their efforts and offer to help instead. You'll make everybody's job easier. More fun and certainly make that volunteers job just a little easier.
MSSA continues to monitor the Maryland State General Assembly, DNR, and other state and federal agencies to protect the rights and traditions of recreational fishing. To effectively do this we need your help, the rank-and-file MSSA member. The quickest and most effective way we have to solicit your help is to Voter Voice. It’s a great tool we use to get the word out quick to our members. It’s free and easy to sign up. Just go to our website www.MSSA.net and click on the link to sign up. When we aren’t using this for legislative issues we use it to contact our members on a bi-weekly basis. We publish Tidelines four times per year but send out e-mail updates up around 30 times per year. Stay a better informed MSSA member by simply signing up for alerts. The oyster shell dredging issue at Man O War Shoals is far from over even though the Maryland Department of Environment has tentatively approved a permit to dredge there. MSSA has been aggressively fighting this issue for almost 25 years now. We might have lost this recent battle but trust me we're not giving up we certainly are not going to quit until we win this war. The MDE are saying they're going to dredge this thing hoping, I say again hoping, to cause minimal damage. We hope doesn't this damage doesn’t occur. It took millions of years to develop and no doubt wilt take just a long to redevelop it if it’s destroyed by this dredging. The oyster recovery program has been one failure after another so why risk this great fishing area? This is just another example of poor management. Artificial substrate has proven to be much more effective in growing young oysters so why not use that instead. I look forward to meeting more of you in 2018. Together we can keep MSSA strong. I’d like to thank everyone who spends countless hours every single week to keep MSSA that way. Until next time, see you on the Bay.
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MSSA Officers President. ......................... Frank Holden E-mail: flholden@msn.com Vice President.................... Ed Kucharski E-mail: kucharski2@verizon.net Secretary............................. Bruno Vasta E-mail: captbruno@comcast.net Treasurer........................... Bob Sheehan E-mail: bobsheehan@wallworksusa.com Committee Chairs Membership................................... open Tournament...................... Ed Kucharski E-mail: kucharski2@verizon.net Finance.............................. Bob Sheehan E-mail: bobsheehan@wallworksusa.com Scholarship Foundation President.........Pete Abbott E-mail: abbottgru@aol.com Chapter Presidents Annapolis..........................Bob Sheehan E-mail: bobsheehan@wallworksusa.com Atlantic Coast. ......................Ron Smith E-mail: smitty3894@aol.com Broadneck Magothy............. Skip Zinck E-mail: Skipzinck@comcast.net Carroll County.............. Doug Bauerlien E-mail: totalevasion@comcast.net DC Metro........................ Sam Klausner E-mail: dcmssa@gmail.com
Dorchester County..............Bob Geisler E-mail: bcgeisler@yahoo.com Essex - Middle River....... Frank Holden E-mail: flholden@msn.com Frederick County.............. Jim Lorditch E-mail: jlorditch22@yahoo.com Kent Island..................... Bert Olmstead E-mail: boatman5@ymail.com Northern Bay.................... John Wallach E-mail: jwallach@zoominternet.net Northwest............................Mark Kurth E-mail: rainoutroofing53@gmail.com Perry Hall..............................Joe Zinner E-mail: jazfish@comcast.net Southern Maryland............ Phil Zalesak E-mail: flypax@md.metrocast.net Susquehanna.......................Jim Capetta E-mail: osea@comcast.net Members at Large Annapolis...............................Lee Slagle E-mail: slagle-leeway@comcast.net Dorchester County..............Bob Geisler E-mail: bgeisler@yahoo.com Frederick County.......... Robert Pellicot E-mail: r.pellicot@yahoo.com Southern Maryland............ Steve Sadler E-mail: jssadler@comcast.net
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Annapolis #1 The Annapolis Chapter meets the 3rd Wed. of each month, 7:00 PM, at the American Legion Post #7, 1905 Crownsville Road, Crownsville, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssaannapolis.com Atlantic Coast #21 The Atlantic Coast Chapter meets the 4th Tues. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Lions Club on Airport Road in West Ocean City, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssa.atlanticanglers.com Broadneck/Magothy #10 The Broadneck/Magothy Chapter meets the 3rd Mon. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the American Legion Post #175, 832 Manhattan Beach Road, Severna Park, MD. Carroll County #8 The Carroll County Chapter meets the 1st Thurs. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the VFW #467, 519 Poole Road, Westminster, MD. DC Metro #24 The DC Metro Chapter meets the 1st Wed. of each month, 7:30 PM, at Steamers Seafood House, 4820 Auburn Ave., Bethesda, MD For more info. contact: Website: www.dcmssa.org Dorchester County #11 T he Dorchester County Chapter meets the 3rd Thurs. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Elks Lodge, Cambridge, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssadorchester.com Essex/Middle River #3 The Essex/Middle River Chapter meets the 3rd Tues. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Commodore Hall, 1909 Old Eastern Avenue, Essex, MD.
Frederick County #22 The Frederick County Chapter meets the 2nd Wed. of each month, 7:00 PM, at the Frederick Moose Lodge, 828 East Patrick St, Frederick, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssafrederick.com Kent Island #7 The Kent Island Chapter meets the 1st Wed. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the American Legion Hall #278, 800 Romancoke Rd, Stevensville, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.kentislandfishermen.org Northern Bay #12 The Northern Bay Chapter meets the last Wed. of each month and new meeting location is VFW Post 6027, Turkey Point Rd., North East, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssanorthernbay.com Northwest #4 The Northwest Chapter meets the 2nd Tues. of each month, 7:30 PM, at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1010 Frederick Road, Catonsville, MD. Perry Hall #6 The Perry Hall Chapter meets the 4th Mon. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Gunpowder VFW Post #10067, 6309 Ebenezer Road, Perry Hall, MD. Southern Maryland #19 The Southern Maryland Chapter meets the 3rdThurs. of each month, 7:00 PM, at Solomons Fire Hall, 13150 H.G. Truman Road, Solomons, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssasmc.com Susquehanna #23 The Susquehanna Chapter meets the 3rd Tues. of each month, 7:00 PM, at O'Briens Paradise Cove, 7415 Lincoln Highway, Abbottstown, PA.
The MSSA, an organization of over 7,000 conservation-minded members and the largest of its kind in the state, is most famous for its advocacy work protecting anglers’ rights and the largest spring rockfish tournament in the country, The Championship on the Chesapeake. The organization uses these tournaments to promote and encourage recreational fishing in the state of Maryland, with a special focus on the state's youth. The roots of the Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association (MSSA) can be traced to a small group of recreational fishermen who came together to save the prized Chesapeake Bay striped bass whose stocks were becoming severely depleted. They founded the MSSA in 1981 and advocated that the Maryland Department of Natural Resources take stringent, even if unpopular, measures to allow the fishery to revive. The MSSA organized two marches on the Annapolis statehouse and supported a total ban on the harvesting of striped bass by either recreational or commercial fishermen between 1985 and 1990. In the following decades, the MSSA has evolved into the largest organization of recreational anglers and conservationists in the mid-Atlantic region. It has continued efforts to sustain all fisheries, including crabs and oysters; to protect the waters of the Bay, its tributaries and the Coastal mid-Atlantic region; and to enhance recreational fishing. Our vision is a healthy, sustainable, vibrant marine habitat that will be better for the benefit of our children and future generations. For more information visit us online at www.mssa.net or call 410-255-5535. You can also find us on Facebook at www.facebook. com/JoinMSSA and on Twitter and YouTube.
WINTER 2018 | Page 5
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1915Main Street in Chester Located next door to Safeway 410-643-4099 Proudly carrying the followingmanufacturers: Penn, Shimano, St. Croix, Accurate, Avet, Release, BKD, Puller’s Lures, Black Bart, Blue Water Candy, Canyon Runner, Canyon Candy, AFW, Yeti, Cole- man, Costa Del Mar, Maui Jim, Suncloud, Pelagic, Baitmasters, Ilander, Angler’s Envy Custom Rods, Shore Redneck and many more!
WINTER 2018 | Page 7
By Mark Sampson
BOAT LESSONS IN LIFE T his past August a somewhat uncommon (for that time of the year) nor’easter pushed through Delmarva which gave me a couple days off from my busy summer fishing schedule and a little time to finish a project I had been trying to get done for over a month.
Our little 15-foot rowboat is almost 50-years old, but with just a little routine TLC she continues to provide us with fun times on the water.
The little plywood boat was built in 1968 and started its life as part of a fleet of rental boats at “Captain Joe’s Marina,” which sat just north of the Rt. 50 Bridge where the Lazy Lizard Restaurant is now. We bought the boat about 20-years ago from the Captain Joe’s widow after the marina was long gone. It’s my understanding that the owner and his help made all of their own rental boats and this one he kept for himself after selling the marina. When we acquired the boat it had been sitting in an old chicken house off of Sunset Blvd for I don’t know how long. Suffice to say that it’s an “old” wooden boat, and to keep her “right” over the years I’ve had the pleasure of replacing the transom, the seats, a couple of the bottom runners, as well as sanded off and re-applied more gallons of paint than I want to think about. Yea, compared to shiny waxed fiberglass boats she’s “different” but still “pleasing to look at” and my wife and I have had her so long she’s certainly both a labor of love and a joy that has allowed us countless good times on the water. Whether it’s made of wood, fiberglass, or metal, maintaining any boat is a constant learning experience
Late last January when I hauled her out of the water I realized that the little 15-foot wooden boat that my wife and I use for clamming, exploring, trips to Assateague, and just playing around in the bay needed some serious TLC, as the stem (bow) had some serious rot going on and needed to be replaced. Even for a little boat like that, such a project is not something you do in a couple days, so I had to table the task until after I got back from Florida in early May. Of course by then I was knee deep in our fishing season up here and could only pick at the little boat whenever I had a spark of free time. Finally, with a brand new stem, fresh paint, couple handfuls of fasteners, some globs of 5200 adhesive and a dab of West-System epoxy the little boat slid down the ramp and back into the water where it belongs and will hopefully stay until the end of January.
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that will have you dabbling in engine repair, sanding and painting, carpentry, fiberglass work, sanding and painting, working with knots and lines, sanding and painting, cleaning, waxing, varnishing, and did I mention that there would be a lot of sanding and paining? Folks don’t usually buy boats just so they can maintain them, they get a boat so they can go out on the water and use them to do whatever they wish to do with them, fishing, skiing, sailing, hunting, cruising – whatever, but one lesson every boat owner quickly learns is the value of taking care of what they have. Boats cannot be neglected - they won’t allow it. After few months of being tied up in a slip or parked in your driveway, without any attention at all, how much confidence will you have that, with nothing more than a turn of the key, your boat it will be ready to whisk you out for a trouble-free day of offshore fishing? Boats don’t just need our attention, they demand it, and if we let them down they’re sure to do the same to us when we need them most to perform at their best. When you think about it, owning a boat, marinating a boat, and using a boat mimics THERE ARE COUNTLESS LESSONS IN LIFE THAT AWAIT YOUNG AND OLD BOATERS WITH YOUNG OR OLD BOATS. OUR LITTLE WOODEN SKIFF IS NOW PUSHING 50, BUT SHE’S STILL ABLE TO KEEP AT LEAST MOST OF THE WATER ON THE OUTSIDE OF HER HULL AND IS ALWAYS WAITING TO WHISK US AWAY TO WHATEVER ADVENTURE WE POINT HER “NEW” BOW. SHE MIGHT BE “OLD” BUT WITH A STEADY FLOW OF TLC (AND A LOT OF SANDPAPER AND PAINT) THERE’S NO REASON TO DOUBT THAT SHE’LL BE AROUND FOR A BUNCH MORE YEARS – JUST ANOTHER LESSON IN LIFE.
the relationships we have with our friends and family, boat ownership can teach us some a really good and basic lesson on life – “treat me right and I’ll do the same for you.” Considering the aforementioned benefits of owning and taking care of a boat, I wish I could suggest that every kid should have one of their own - but we all know that wouldn’t work, there are some kids that for one reason or the other should not be left alone to push around the waterways with their own boat. But for some kids, having the opportunity to maintain and operate a boat will translate to many good (and sometimes hard) lessons learned. The first boat I had use of was nothing more than a little 10-foot dingy that my sister and I would paddle around the bay. The tough plastic hull was unsinkable, and aside from scooping out the mud and sand that collected from our daily jaunts to the local marshes and sandbars the boat was virtually maintenance free – it was the perfect starter boat for an eight-year-old. Aboard that boat my eyes were first opened to the abundance and diversity of life that thrives in the shallows of Delmarva’s back-bay waters. The next boat my parents turned me loose on was a 14’ McKee Craft with an Evinrude 25hp outboard. I was about 12 at the time and suddenly my world expanded from where I could “row” to how far I could “go” on a 6-gallon can of gas. Now that I had more of a “real” boat to take care of I began to learn much more about maintenance, repair, and certainly the expense of keeping a boat. I also learned my first lesson about neglecting a boat when I was in such a hurry to get it in the water one spring that I didn’t paint the bottom first. In midsummer I realized the price of my impatience when the boat was so fouled up with growth that it wouldn’t come up on plane. Days of scraping barnacles, sanding, and finally painting had my boat back in shape and this kid back on the water with a hard lesson learned about getting work done first before going out to play. Boat number three was a 19’ center console with a single 150 hp outboard and the first boat I actually ran offshore. I had the boat a number of years before I got my first LORAN (GPS hadn’t even been invented yet) so I can’t say exactly how far I pushed the little boat offshore but I’d guess we regularly ran 20-30 miles off. Since we never knew exactly where we were, and I only had a CB radio if we needed assistance, I became very aware of the importance of being able get out and back on my own. Routine and preventative maintenance continued on page 14
WINTER 2018 | Page 9
and a
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Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association Southern Maryland Chapter Solomons Firehouse April 7 and 8, 2018 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 100+ VENDOR TABLES FISHING FAIR Rods/Reels, Lures, Umbrellas, Tackle, Paintings, Crafts, and More
Admission $4 (Kids age 12 and under are free) Ariel and Face painting for the Kids Raffle and Door Prizes
For additional information, seminar schedule, vendor list and directions… www.mssasmc.com
Saltwater Fishing Expo
24 th
presented by AllTackle, PropTalk & FishTalk Magazines
and MSSA Annapolis Chapter Saturday, Feb. 24, 2018 8am-3pm Annapolis Elks Lodge #622 2517 Solomons Island Rd., Edgewater MD 21037 Admission is only $5 per person! Kids 14 and under are FREE ! • Informative Seminars from expert anglers share their tips and techniques 8:30 AM Lisa Foxwell: Fishing 101 for Lady Anglers (but guys are welcome too) 10:00 AM Shawn Kimbro: Light Tackle Fishing 11:30 AM Captain Mark Galasso: Spring Trolling for Trophy Stripers 1:00 PM Panel Discussion: Light Tackle Fishing on the Chesapeake Bay Panel Members: Captain Chris Dollar, Lenny Rudow, Shawn Kimbro, Captain Richie Gaines • Light Tackle Jigging, Bay Trolling and Offshore Tackle from local tackle dealers • Book a trip with our region’s top charter captains and guides • Easy Access from I-97, Route 50 and Route 2 with Free Parking • Food & beverages including Pit Beef Sandwiches, Oysters and Full Bar Service Mark Your Calendar!
www.saltwaterfishingexpo.com • Directions • Seminar Info • Vendor Info www.mssaannapolis.com
Rt. 50
Rt. 50
Annapolis Elks Lodge 662
Rt. 665 Aris T. Allen Blvd.
Rt. 2 Solomons Island Rd.
MSSA Dorchester Chapter Presents: The Biggest One-Day Fishing-Hunting-Boating Show On the Eastern Shore (NO firearms) Saturday, February 24, 2018 8:00 A.M. Elks Lodge 1271 Cambridge Maryland
Come Early for the Best Bargains Everything Indoors
My 19-foot center console opened the door to many offshore adventures and taught me valuables lessons about staying safe by keeping a boat in good running condition.
was something I knew was important, but didn’t know a lot about. So I made an effort to learn as much as I could as fast as I could and did my best to keep the boat in top condition. In 12-years of running offshore she always brought me home. Running that little boat offshore taught me a lot about watching the weather and knowing that sometimes no matter how much you “want” to go fishing, there will always be times when Mother Nature suggests in her own way that you need to sit one out. I’m not sure if it was for better or worse, but the fishing adventures and periodic successes I had aboard my little center console boat cultivated what would eventually grow into an unquenchable desire to spend even more time chasing offshore fish, which also lead to the decision to get a bigger boat and go full time into the charter fishing business. So for my next boat I made a quantum leap from a 19-foot outboard up to a 40-foot diesel powered fishing boat capable of taking small groups of fishermen on offshore fishing charters. To say the least, maintaining and running 40-foot charter boat was a different life and a different world from what I had known before. Suddenly, keeping a boat in good running condition was important for a lot more reasons than just being able to fish when I didn’t have to work because now fishing “was” work! This also meant that if my boat was out of commission for any reason so was my income. The days of recreational fishing and boating were over, from tackle to bilge pumps, sinkers to steering systems, bait to banking, anchors to advertising, now everything I did to keep the boat running, fishing, and floating meant the difference between making a successful living or not.
The bigger boat quickly taught me how much work it took to keep a boat up to par. Sanding, painting, varnishing, carpentry, mechanics, fiberglass and epoxy work, wiring, plumbing, so much to do, so much to learn! And with a big boat there’s no time when there is not something to be fixed, replaced, or at least worried about. Like having a child, whether you’re with the boat or not - it’s on your mind every day. I’ve learned too that when a boat also becomes your office/jobsite there is all the more incentive to keep the vessel in top form and perhaps a bit more pride and satisfaction in doing so, especially when your clients notice your hard work. There are countless lessons in life that await young and old boaters with young or old boats. Our little wooden skiff is now pushing 50, but she’s still able to keep at least most of the water on the outside of her hull and is always waiting to whisk us away to whatever adventure we point her “new” bow. She might be “old” but with a steady flow of TLC (and a lot of sandpaper and paint) there’s no reason to doubt that she’ll be around for a bunch more years – just another lesson in life.
The 40-foot Fish Finder has proven to be not only a great platform offshore fishing but also provided a wonderful livelihood for over 30-years.
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WINTER 2018 | Page 15
World’s Largest Striped Bass Tournament May 4-6, 2018 e 2016 Winner Won Over $75,000
EARLY ENTRY SPECIALS REGISTER IN JANUARY, FEBRUARY, OR MARCH ENTRY FEE - $225 ($250 Apr & May) Register at a Boat/Fishing Show – FREE $50 Calcutta/TWT Register Online : www.mssa.net Phone : 410-255-5535 5 Captain Meetings*: ( All Meetings from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM / Door Prizes, Food and Drink Available ) April 26 – ISLAND TACKLE OUTFITTERS – Kent Island, MD April 30 – Essex Area, MD May 1 – ALLTACKLE – Annaplolis, MD May 2 – LIGHTHOUSE RESTAURANT – Solomons, MD May 3 – ROD N REEL – Chesapeake Beach, MD 10 Weigh Stations – Both Western & Eastern Shores Amateur, Professional, Kayak, Youth and Ladies Divisions
*Captain Meetings are subject to change
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MSSA Annual Spring Tournament – AMATEUR/KAYAK 35 th Championship on the Chesapeake May 4-6, 2018 8461C Fort Smallwood Rd - Pasadena, MD 21122 • Email: fish@mssa.net - Website: www.mssa.net - Telephone: 410-255-5535
CAPTAIN (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Home Ph:_____________Cell Ph: ____________ Email: Boat Name: ________________________________ Boat Length: _______________________________ Shirt Size: M L XL XXL XXXL ALTERNATE CAPTAIN (Optional) Name: Cell:
Kayak: Member $65 Non-Member $95 Member: Jan.,Feb, Mar - $225 Apr, May - $250 Non-Member: Jan, Feb, Mar - $275 Apr, May - $300 ENTRY FEE TOTAL TOURNAMENTS WITHIN TOURNAMENT (TWT) Each TWT is a separate & OPTIONAL selection NOT included in the Main Tournament Entry Fee. You may enter any combination of the TWTs. Please see official tournament Rules & Regulations for more information. Single Fish TWT’s $50_____ $75_____ $100_____ $200_____ $300____ $500(one winner)____ $50 Pro-Am Challenge (one winner)____ Multiple Fish TWT’s Kayak Division TWT $250 (2 fish)____ $25 Single Longest_____ $400(four fish)____ TWT TOTAL BOAT/MOTOR/TOW PRIZES* AMATEUR DIVISION ONLY Circle ONE – if BOAT type WILL BE TOURNAMENT VESSEL: Carolina │ Whaler │ Grady White │ Judge │ Parker May-Craft │ Sailfish │ Sea Hunt │Sportsman│ Pro-line Circle ONE if applicable to TOURNAMENT VESSEL: Yamaha Motor │ Honda Motor │ Mercury │ Suzuki $ $ NEW – Ladies Division – $100 per angler Must pre-register each lady angler prior to tournament Name:_________________________ 1 st -$3,000; 2 nd -$1500; 3 rd -$500 *based on 60 anglers AWARDS PARTY May 17, 2018 – 7 PM to 10 PM All You Can Eat & Drink, Door Prizes, Music & More! $20/person in advance! Space Limited (Indicate # Attending) CAPTAIN (FREE) Yes___ No___ # of Crew & Guests X $20 $ Circle if you have TowBoat U.S. Yes I have TowBoat U.S. *subject to change
CHAPTER OPTIONS: Annapolis Atlantic Coast Broadneck/Magothy Carroll County DC Metro Dorchester County Essex-Middle River Frederick County Kent Island Northern Bay Northwest Perry Hall Southern MD Susquehanna
* Captain Individual
1 Year $25 1 Year $30
3 Year $65 3 Year $70
Chapter (select one): Alt. Captain
1 Year $25 1 Year $30
3 Year $65 3 Year $70
Chapter (select one):
Membership TOTAL
Will you be fishing on your own boat? Yes___ No___
I have read & will abide by the official Rules & Regulations of the tournament & agree to them without exception. It is understood that the Division selected by the captain (applicant) on this form will be abided by automatically in processing this entry into the tournament. Professional & charter captains fishing in the Amateur Division will be disqualified without immunity. The accuracy of the data entered on this application is understood to be the responsibility of the captain. MAIL CAPTAIN’S PACKET – OPTIONAL If unable to attend any Captains’ Meeting (try to make it!) MAIL PACKET ( $20) $
Cash # Credit: ______ GRAND TOTAL Check
MSSA Office Use ONLY
Date Received:
Amount Received:
__ BOAT #_____________
MSSA Annual Spring Tournament – PRO DIVISION 34 th Championship on the Chesapeake May 5-7, 2017 8461C Fort Smallwood Rd - Pasadena, MD 21122 • Email: fish@mssa.net - Website: www.mssa.net - Telephone: 410-255-5535
CAPTAIN (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Home Ph:_____________Cell Ph: ____________ Email: Boat Name: ________________________________ Boat Length: _______________________________ Shirt Size: M L XL XXL XXXL
MARK DAYS YOU WILL BE FISHING FRIDAY ___ SATURDAY ___ SUNDAY ___ ENTRY FEE Daily tournaments (1 st – 3 rd places – 60/20/10)
One Day: ……………………………..$125 Two Days: ……………………………$225 Three Days: …………………………..$325 ENTRY FEE TOTAL $
TOURNAMENTS WITHIN TOURNAMENT (TWT) Each TWT is a separate & OPTIONAL selection NOT included in the Main Tournament Entry Fee. You may enter any combination of the TWTs. Please see official tournament Rules & Regulations for more information. Single Fish TWT’s (Daily – 1 st -3 rd – 60/20/10)
CHAPTER OPTIONS: Annapolis Atlantic Coast Broadneck/Magothy Carroll County DC Metro Dorchester County Essex-Middle River Frederick County Kent Island Northern Bay Northwest Perry Hall Southern MD Susquehanna
$50_____ $75_____ $100_____ ………………………………….
F __ S __ Sun __
F __ S __ Sun __
F __ S __ Sun __
* Captain Individual
1 Year $25 1 Year $30
3 Year $65 3 Year $70
MAIL CAPTAIN’S PACKET – OPTIONAL If unable to attend any Captains’ Meeting (try to make it!)
Chapter (select one): Alt. Captain
1 Year $25 1 Year $30
3 Year $65 3 Year $70
Chapter (select one):
AWARDS PARTY May 17, 2018 – 7 PM to 10 PM All You Can Eat & Drink, Door Prizes, Music & More! $20/person in advance! Space Limited (Indicate # Attending) CAPTAIN (FREE) Yes___ No___ # of Crew & Guests X $20
Membership TOTAL
CAPTAIN SIGNATURE (REQUIRED) X I have read & will abide by the official Rules & Regulations of the tournament & agree to them without exception. It is understood that the Division selected by the captain (applicant) on this form will be abided by automatically in processing this entry into the tournament. Professional & charter captains fishing in the Amateur Division will be disqualified without immunity. The accuracy of the data entered on this application is understood to be the responsibility of the captain.
PAYMENT METHOD Cash Check # Credit: ______ GRAND TOTAL
MSSA Office Use ONLY
Date Received:
Amount Received:
__ BOAT #_____________
35 th Annual CHAMPIONSHIP ON THE CHESAPEAKE -‐ RULES & REGULATIONS TOURNAMENT DATES : May 4-‐6, 2018 (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday). You may fish any or all three days of the tournament. All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST). ENTRY FEE & REGISTRATION : Amateur Division : Entry fees are per boat. January, February, March: Members $225; Non-‐Members $275; April & May: Members $250; Non-‐Members $300. Professional Division: $125 One Day, $225 Two Days, $325 Three Days. Applications paid with a dishonored check or credit card shall automatically void tournament registration and any prizes won. You may register at any of the Captain’s Meetings; by phone 410 -‐255-‐ 5535; or online at www.mssa.net/thechampionship. FISHING LOCATIONS : Maryland waters of the Chesapeake Bay as allowed by Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), INCLUDING THE POTOMAC RIVER up to the 301 bridge. See Tournament Map(s) ELIGIBLE FISH & FISHING METHODS : Striped bass only, 35” and over. All fish must be caught by hook and line as described by DNR recreational standards. Wire line is allowed as line or leader; dummy lines are permitted; chumming and live-‐lining will be permitted and of course trolling. FISHING HOURS : Lines in at 6:00 AM. You may have your planar boards in, but NO fishing lines may be in the water before 6:00 AM. If weighing fish: Must be in line, fish in hand, and/or recognized by the Weigh Master by 4:30 PM at any of the official Weigh Stations. No fishing after 4:30 PM even if you are not weighing in fish for that day. All lines must be in the boat by 4:30 PM. WEATHER : There is no Weather Committee. Captains and crews enter and participate in this tournament at their own risk. Captains and their crews must make their own judgments whether to fish under the prevailing weather conditions based on the size and seaworthiness of their boat, their seamanship skills and any other factors. REFUNDS : Only one boat fishing is necessary to make the tournament official, as deemed by the MSSA Tournament Committee. In the event that there are no available days or boats fishing due to an Act of God or natural disaster, 40% of all entry fees and TWT fees will be refunded. In the event that you are unable to participate, a written request stating the reasons for a refund must be received at MSSA’s main office 7 days prior to the start of the tournament. WEIGH-‐STATION HOURS : Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM. Captains may weigh-‐in at any of the Weigh Stations during operational hours. No fish will be weighed in after 4:30 PM unless the Captain or crew member(s) is in line with fish, and/or has been recognized by the Weigh-‐Master. MEASURE : Striped bass will be measured by WEIGHT ONLY. However, they must be 35” or greater in length to be entered into the tournament (tip of the nose to the squeezed tip of tail). Ties in weight will be determined by earliest time recorded on weigh ticket. SELECTION OF FISH FOR WEIGH-‐IN : Captains are allowed to weigh-‐in two (2) striped bass per day for the main tournament (amateur & professional); and anglers entered in the Youth or Ladies division may weigh in 1 fish per person, per day to be eligible for Youth or Ladies prizes. Youth and Ladies division anglers must pre-‐register before the start of the tournament. You can weigh fish any or all three (3) days of the tournament. It is prohibited to sort, cull, high grade, or replace any fish already in possession. Any fish taken into possession shall be deemed as part of the daily creel limit. Once the daily creel limit is reached, fishing is NO LONGER permitted. The Captain must choose which fish to be weighed. Captains may not use an official Weigh-‐ Station scale to determine which fish to weigh-‐in. WEIGH-‐IN : Fish must be brought to an official Weigh Station by the boat the fish was landed, by way of water (Refer to Disabled Vessel Rule if needed). Captains or their designee must be present during weigh-‐in and must have tear-‐off portion of Captain Number in hand. All fish weighed in will be issued an official weigh ticket bearing the catch weight, length, captain name, time, & date. Upon receipt of the weigh ticket, the catch weight shall be deemed accurate, final and agreed upon by the Captain and Weigh Master. You cannot alter the length or weight of any fish brought to the scales for entry into the tournament. All fish are subject to examination, internally and externally, as the Weigh-‐Master deems necessary . All fish weighed in will be prominently marked by the Weigh-‐Master. Weigh-‐Masters may confiscate or report suspect fish to the Tournament Committee without protest. Weigh-‐Masters are authorized to require Proof of Tournament registration and a photo identification at time of weigh-‐in. The MSSA reserves the right to mark the weigh ticket of any suspect fish, or require the tournament Captain to sign a weigh ticket. YOU MAY RELEASE YOUR FISH AFTER WEIGH IN. PROTESTS : Protests must be placed immediately upon knowledge of a Rules infraction. Protests must be in writing and delivered to the MSSA within two (2) days from the close of the tournament with a $500.00 protest fee to be eligible for consideration by the Tournament Committee. Protest fees will be refunded in the event a protest is upheld. MSSA reserves the right to withhold payment of tournament prizes until the protest is investigated and/or resolved. Disqualifications are not dependent upon valid protests. TOURNAMENT COMMUNICATIONS : MSSA will use several types of communication and update anglers throughout the tournament: www.mssa.net; facebook.com/joinmssa; tidalfish.com; and text messaging. If you wish to receive text alerts please put your cell number on the tournament application. By providing your cell phone number you will agree to allow the MSSA to send text updates to your phone. BOARDING AND OFFICIATING : The Tournament Committee reserves the right to: [1] board any boat at any time for inspection; [2] place an "Onboard Observer" on any boat. Refusals will result in an automatic disqualification of Captain, Alternate Captain and crew. FISH ONBOARD : No unclaimed tournament fish can be on the boat before the start of the day, unless marked by Weigh-‐Master. Transient boats must keep with them at all times, captain number, marina receipt, and any other documentation explaining their situation to avoid law enforcement violations. The MSSA shall not be responsible for any citations or other law enforcement violations during tournament hours. SEPARATION OF VESSELS : At no time during tournament fishing hours is a vessel permitted to approach another boat or structure unless authorized by the MSSA Tournament Director or in emergency situations. Participants may not return with fish for weigh-‐in after landing or leaving their vessels without Tournament Director approval. Refusal or error may result in disqualification. DISABLED VESSEL : In the event a vessel becomes disabled during the Tournament (during tournament hours or at port), the Captain must notify the Tournament Director as soon as possible and await further instruction. KAYAK DIVISON (Catch-‐Photo-‐Release): Kayak anglers are allowed to fish any or all three days. Winners will be determined by aggregate length (2 longest fish combined). Kayak anglers must use the official MSSA ruler to measure their fish, and must be visible in picture. There will be three places (1st, 2nd, 3rd). Fish Entry: Anglers must submit photos via email to fish@mssa.net at the end of each day before 6:00PM. Email must include Name, Captain Number, and photo(s). The MSSA will determine the “Identifier” the night before the tournament. This “identifier” will need to be visible in each photo submitted in order to qualify. Kayak anglers do NOT have to return to a weigh station with their catch or at the end of the day. No ‘Mother Shipping’. All other main tournament rules apply. AMATEUR & PROFESSIONAL/FOR-‐HIRE DIVISION ELIGIBILITY : No Captain registered to fish in the Amateur Division may have on board during tournament hours as: captain, crew, angler, consultant or observer -‐ (“Professionals”). Professionals include, but are not limited to: persons who are or have been (either bay, ocean, freshwater) professional or paid fishing captains, charter boat captains, mates on a charter boat, current holders of a commercial fin-‐fishing license issued by any governmental entity, professional anglers, persons who get paid to fish, persons holding a license as a fishing guide, any captain or crew of a “For-‐Hire Fishing Boat”, self-‐professed professionals, and/or, persons whom are publicly known as professionals, within the past two (2) years . All such persons are encouraged to enter the Professional Division. Call the MSSA main office for further instruction and clarification 410-‐255-‐5535.
RULES and RULE CHANGES : Tournament rule changes may be made by the Tournament Committee at any time. It is the responsibility of all participants to know all the rules and regulations of this Tournament and to abide by these rules and regulations. Please visit www.mssa.net before the start of the tournament for any last minute rule changes or updates. DISQUALIFICATION : The Tournament Committee reserves the sole and absolute discretion to disqualify any angler, crew, captain, registrant or vessel at any time. Persons may be disqualified from the tournament because of a rule violation, regardless of the severity of the violation. All participants agree to abide by tournament rules and decisions of the Tournament Committee. Decisions as to the disqualification or eligibility of any vessel, crew, or fish weighed in shall be made solely by the Tournament Committee and its decisions shall be final and incontestable. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to disqualify any Captain and crew at any time for misrepresentation made on any application or registration. Any disqualification will include the Captains and his crew for the entire tournament, and shall result in the forfeiture of all tournament fees and prize money even if the disqualification was made after the prize money was awarded. At no time shall any captain or crew make verbal or written contracts that in anyway involve the splitting of prize money with another vessel. RISKS and WAIVERS : Tournament participants accept the risks and dangers involved in such activity, and they acknowledge that unanticipated or unexpected dangers may occur. Participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless: the MSSA, its officers, directors, members, committee members, its assigns, sponsors, lessees, agents, and employees from any and all liability for any: claim, loss, injury, damage, demands, actions, choses in action, costs, accidents, libel, slander, negligence and/or death suffered by any member, family, crew boat and/or other persons which may occur during their term of membership or participation in a Tournament or MSSA Sponsored activity. PICTURES & FUTURE PROMOTION : Tournament participants consent to the MSSA’s use without payment or restrictions, any photographs taken during the tournament; the angler’s name, boat name, crew’s names, or vessel for any purpose whatsoever. CAPTAIN NUMBER : Each Captain MUST have in their possession and display at all times, the captain number issued by the MSSA. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. This captain number should be included in your Captain’s Package and the tear-‐off portion must be presented to the Weigh-‐Master before weighing fish (do not forget your ticket on the boat or at the weigh station). All Captains/Kayakers must have a “Captain/Boat Number”. You may pick your number up at any of the Captains Meetings or have it mailed to you. We encourage all to attend at least one meeting Kayakers must have the official MSSA standard ruler (pickup or mail) POLYGRAPH : In consideration for the MSSA’s acceptance of an entry form for a Tournament, each registered Captain and angler specifically agrees and consents to voluntarily submit to a polygraph examination or examinations. The MSSA reserves the right to polygraph tournament winners as well as random tournament participants in any tournament. Each registered Captain or angler agrees to obtain the agreement and consent of each and every occupant of the boat from which he or she fishes during the tournament (including but not limited to the captain and crew) to submit to a polygraph examination or examinations as described above. The method and conduct of all polygraph examinations, and the interpretation of the results thereof, shall be in the sole judgment of the polygraph examiner appointed by the MSSA, whose opinion shall be final. If any registered captain, angler or occupant of a vessel refuses to submit to a polygraph examination, or if any registered Captain, occupant, or angler gives a response which, in the sole opinion of the polygraph examiner, is untruthful, then all registered persons on the boat shall be immediately disqualified without further notice from the MSSA. Any registered Vessel, Captain or angler so disqualified shall not be entitled to any prize, award, or entry fee refund. Polygraphs will be given on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday following the tournament. Refusal to submit will result in disqualification. LADY’S DIVISION : Pre-‐registration required . $100 entry fee. 1 st -‐3 rd places and prizes based on 60 lady anglers (1 st -‐ $3,000,2 nd -‐ $1,500, 3 rd -‐ $500). Eligibility in the Lady’s Division is any female 17 years and older. Ladies must pre-‐register to be eligible for Ladies prizes. Only one prize per individual in the Lady’s Division. Fish entered in the Lady’s Division WILL NOT be eligible for any other prizes. Captains may have onboard multiple lady anglers KIDS DIVISION : Pre-‐registration required . FREE to enter. Eligibility in the Kids Division is any child 16 years of age or under before the start of the tournament. Kids must pre-‐register to be eligible for Kids prizes. Only one prize per individual in the Kid’s Division. Fish entered in the Kid’s Division will not be eligible for any other prizes. Captains may have onboard multiple youth anglers. TOURNAMENT WITHIN TOURNAMENT (TWT’S) : TWT’s are optional. Captain must be registered in main tournament before eligible to register for TWT’s. TWT payouts are 50% of monies received. $50, $75, $100, $200, $250(up to two fish), $300,$400(up to four fish) are paid out 50%,30%,20%. $50 Pro-‐Am Challenge and $500 TWT both one winner TWT’s. All TWT’s are single heaviest fish determined, except for the $250 & $400. ALL MSSA CREW BONUS (Amateur): Captains weighing in the heaviest fish on each day and has an ALL MSSA crew will be eligible for a $1,000 Bonus. Crew registration forms must be submitted prior to the start of the tournament. NO EXCEPTIONS PRIZE ELIGIBILITY : ONE FISH CAN ONLY WIN ONE PRIZE (EXCLUDING TWT’S & ALL MSSA CREW BONUSES). NO CAPTAIN SHALL WIN MORE THAN TWO (2) PRIZES (EXCLUDING THE TWT’s, ALL MSSA CREW BONUS, special sponsor prizes). EACH FISH WILL BE AWAR DE D THE HIGHEST PRIZE VALUE. ALL PRIZES ARE BASED UPON A FULL FIELD OF 500 BOATS, EXCEPT 1ST PLACE OVERALL PRIZE IN THE AMATEUR DIVISION WHICH WILL BE $10,000 GUARANTEED PRIZE. AMATEUR DIV. PRIZES: Main tournament prizes are based on a full field of 500 boats. 1 st Place Guaranteed $10,000;2 nd -‐$5,000;3 rd -‐$4,000;4 th -‐$3,000;5 th -‐ $2,000. Refer to prize page online for additional prizes and payouts) PROFESSIONAL/CHARTERBOAT DIVISION & PRIZES : Main tournament prizes are based on a full field of 50 boats. Daily tournaments: 1 st – 3 rd places (60/20/10). Daily TWT’s: 1 st – 3 rd places (60/20/10). Weigh 2 fish per day, per boat (no exceptions). Boats may have multiple trips per day pursuant to MD law regulating charter boat trips. Prizes paid daily for both main tournament and TWTs. CAPTAINS WILL HAVE TO DETERMINE WHICH DAYS THEY ARE FISHING PRIOR TO THE TOURNAMENT (FRIDAY, MAY 5) IF THEY ARE FISHING LESS THAN THREE DAYS. YOU MAY CALL THE MSSA OFFICE TO DECALRE YOUR FISHING DAY(S) AT 410-‐255-‐5535 OR TEXT YOUR FISHING DAYS TO 410-‐793-‐7004 TOURNAMENT PARTY & AWARDS CEREMONY : May 18th 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Captains (tournament applicant) shall receive FREE entry into Tournament Party & Awards Ceremony. Crew and additional family, friends, and guests will be charged $20.00 per person. Register prior to the start of the tournament via online or call the office at 410-‐255-‐5535.$2,000 total cash drawings for attendees, All you can eat and drink, door prizes, vendors, music, and more! All winners of cash/check prizes must fill out a W9 in order to receive payment for their award.
Page 20 | WINTER 2018
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