Tidelines Winter 2018
News from the Essex-Middle River Chapter By Frank Holden
Greg Andrews won the 2017 Fisherman of the Year Award. This award is won by participating in our Yearly and One- day Chapter fishing contests in addition to the MSSA Tournaments. The award promises to be highly sought again this year and there is some fierce competition already underway. Greg Andrews is the recipient of the 2017 chapter President’s Award. This award is given to chapter members who performs ‘above and beyond the call’ of duty to make the chapter a success. Greg served on the chapter advisory board and as weigh master for many years. He attends every one- day fishing contest weigh-in even if he doesn’t fish and keeps track of the yearly and Fisherman of the Year leaders all year long. He helps out at the kids fishing day every year and makes sure everybody has plenty to eat when fishing is over! Greg’s commitment to the chapter continues to make it such a success.
2017 was an exciting year for the Essex-Middle River Chapter of the MSSA. A variety of fun activities made this year better than ever. The chapter has once again made its goal to fight for the rights of the recreational fisherman! Chapter members are active participants on many MSSA committees. The Chapter leads the way on volunteer support of the MSSA Main Organization. Members manned weigh stations and captains meetings at all MSSA Tournaments and can frequently be found at MSSA booths at many sports and boat shows.
Our annual chapter Fishing Flea Markets is coming up on March 17 & 18, 2018. This 2-day event this year generally attracts well over 2000 customers stocking up at over 100 vendor tables. The chapter supplies free tables to charitable and service organizations such as the MSSA Scholarship Foundation, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and Boy Scouts. Mark your calendars and plan to attend “The Biggest Fishing Flea Market North of the Key Bridge.” Once again this year chapter members were major participants in all MSSA Tournaments. Chapter members made frequent appearances on the winner’s lists and we hope to do even better this year. On the chapter fishing front we will hold 7 One-Day Fishing Contests along with our Yearly Tournament that features yearlong competition for 13 species. The 2017 Yearly Contest is free to all members who pre-register.
The chapter is holding its 10 TH Annual Kids Fishing day at Wilson Point Park on Middle River on Saturday, August 4. Seventy-five kids from the community will be treated to a great day of fishing while receiving a rod and reel combo to take home with them. This is truly a great event that introduces many kids to their first ever fishing experience. Our special thanks go out to the many local businesses whose kind donations made this great event possible every year.
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WINTER 2018 | Page 29
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