Tidelines Winter 2018
News from the Frederick Chapter By Jim Bremer
Fall is a great time for the Frederick Chapter as we give back to our chapter members holding the 8th Annual Crab feast in September and then we quickly turned our attention to the 24th annual Chapter Tackle the Mackerel fishing tournament in Harker’s Island NC.
We had a great turn out and perfect weather for our 8th annual crab feast - nothing but the fattest, sweetest local crabs for this bunch as we steamed up 8 bushels of #1 jimmies. Thanks to Neal & Jodie Ammerman there was mouthwatering smoked chicken to go along. Sweet local corn and all the scrumptious sides added to round out the feast. A great time
There are no words that begin to truly describe the epic fishing this year at the 2017 Tackle the Mackerel tournament. Each year the Chapter takes over the Harker’s Island fishing center in North Carolina for its annual mackerel tournament. It’s such an amazing time for the members and crews with all the camaraderie and banter – Not to mention the HUGE payouts.
The week kicks off with a captain’s meeting and cookout catered by a local barbeque restaurant, White Swan. The prize raffle was phenomenal with well over $1500 gifts given away. But NOTHING can compare to the actual fishing this year. Every crew weighed in fish and with the chapter adding to the prize money over a third of the boats that fished actually took home
was had by all! And of course not to mention all the fantastic prizes raffled away at the event. Over a thousand dollars in rod and reel combs, binoculars, wine and cheese baskets, coolers, costa glasses and many many other great items were given away. With all the great events the chapter does throughout the year and all the efforts to consistently give back to our members it’s hard to say which is the best? But this one sure makes it close to the top of the list.
winning. “Fishing” isn’t even the right word to use for what it was like for the week as it really was “CATCHING” with over 2000 lbs. of fish crossing over the official scales for the week and many more smaller fish staying in the bag or being released to fight another day. Mother Nature even seemed to cooperate, with 5 straight days of warm weather it really helped to extend the summer, Nothing really can compare as all the elements seemed to perfectly align to make this week totally EPIC. Finally, don’t forget the upcoming Frederick chapter’s 2018 Fishing Expo and Speaker Series at the Frederick County fairgrounds on Jan 13th. Come check all the great vendors and speakers and get all your tackle need as well as taste some great food all in a nice bright warm climate controlled facility. WINTER 2018 | Page 31
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