Tidelines Winter 2018
News from the Southern Maryland Chapter By Phil Zalesak
The Southern Maryland Chapter (SMC) has been busy this year providing Southern Maryland with a variety of community services. First, in June and July the SMC supported the Greenwell Foundation’s three, week-long fishing camps by providing instructors to teach children between the ages of 7 – 12 how to fish. Children learned about fish of the Chesapeake Bay, how to tie a “fisherman’s” knot, to cast, and to cut and hook bait. They practiced their skills by fishing off the pier at Greenwell State Park and fishing from boats provided by MSSA volunteers. A total of 46 children left these camps with a brand new fishing rod, bottom rig, and fishing lure so they can continue to enjoy recreational fishing on their own.
Third, in August, MSSA supported the Navy’s “Child and Youth Programs” over a three day period by providing volunteers to teach approximately 60 children how to fish. The Naval District of Washington bussed children from the Washington, DC area to the Navy Recreation Center Solomons fishing pier where kids caught a variety of local fish. The children came from Patuxent River, Indian Head, Anacostia-Bolling, Annapolis, and Dahlgren.
Fourth, the MSSA worked together with the Solomons Charter Captains Association (SCCA) in providing breakfast for approximately 70 wounded warriors and family members who went fishing on SCCA members’ boats the morning of August 15th. This may be the first of many cooperative ventures with the SCCA in supporting wounded warriors.
Second, MSSA supported the St. Mary’s County Parks and Recreation department “Hooked on Fishing” event on July 21st. A total of 100 children from the county participated in this event which was held at the Point Lookout State Park pier. Twenty five children were given fishing rods to take home to continue enjoying this recreational activity.
And finally, on October 11th the Chapter partnered with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, the Greenwell Foundation, the Maryland Park Service, and the Tackle Box of Lexington Park to provide a fishing event for wounded warriors and disabled veterans. Chapter volunteers served as boat captains and mates to support 23 participants from the Washington DC Veterans Administration Hospital for a day of fishing on the Patuxent River. For more information about the Southern Maryland Chapter of the MSSA go to: http://www.mssasmc.com/ WINTER 2018 | Page 33
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