Tidelines Winter 2018
Annapolis #1 The Annapolis Chapter meets the 3rd Wed. of each month, 7:00 PM, at the American Legion Post #7, 1905 Crownsville Road, Crownsville, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssaannapolis.com Atlantic Coast #21 The Atlantic Coast Chapter meets the 4th Tues. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Lions Club on Airport Road in West Ocean City, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssa.atlanticanglers.com Broadneck/Magothy #10 The Broadneck/Magothy Chapter meets the 3rd Mon. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the American Legion Post #175, 832 Manhattan Beach Road, Severna Park, MD. Carroll County #8 The Carroll County Chapter meets the 1st Thurs. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the VFW #467, 519 Poole Road, Westminster, MD. DC Metro #24 The DC Metro Chapter meets the 1st Wed. of each month, 7:30 PM, at Steamers Seafood House, 4820 Auburn Ave., Bethesda, MD For more info. contact: Website: www.dcmssa.org Dorchester County #11 T he Dorchester County Chapter meets the 3rd Thurs. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Elks Lodge, Cambridge, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssadorchester.com Essex/Middle River #3 The Essex/Middle River Chapter meets the 3rd Tues. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Commodore Hall, 1909 Old Eastern Avenue, Essex, MD.
Frederick County #22 The Frederick County Chapter meets the 2nd Wed. of each month, 7:00 PM, at the Frederick Moose Lodge, 828 East Patrick St, Frederick, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssafrederick.com Kent Island #7 The Kent Island Chapter meets the 1st Wed. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the American Legion Hall #278, 800 Romancoke Rd, Stevensville, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.kentislandfishermen.org Northern Bay #12 The Northern Bay Chapter meets the last Wed. of each month and new meeting location is VFW Post 6027, Turkey Point Rd., North East, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssanorthernbay.com Northwest #4 The Northwest Chapter meets the 2nd Tues. of each month, 7:30 PM, at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1010 Frederick Road, Catonsville, MD. Perry Hall #6 The Perry Hall Chapter meets the 4th Mon. of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Gunpowder VFW Post #10067, 6309 Ebenezer Road, Perry Hall, MD. Southern Maryland #19 The Southern Maryland Chapter meets the 3rdThurs. of each month, 7:00 PM, at Solomons Fire Hall, 13150 H.G. Truman Road, Solomons, MD. For more info. contact: Website: www.mssasmc.com Susquehanna #23 The Susquehanna Chapter meets the 3rd Tues. of each month, 7:00 PM, at O'Briens Paradise Cove, 7415 Lincoln Highway, Abbottstown, PA.
The MSSA, an organization of over 7,000 conservation-minded members and the largest of its kind in the state, is most famous for its advocacy work protecting anglers’ rights and the largest spring rockfish tournament in the country, The Championship on the Chesapeake. The organization uses these tournaments to promote and encourage recreational fishing in the state of Maryland, with a special focus on the state's youth. The roots of the Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association (MSSA) can be traced to a small group of recreational fishermen who came together to save the prized Chesapeake Bay striped bass whose stocks were becoming severely depleted. They founded the MSSA in 1981 and advocated that the Maryland Department of Natural Resources take stringent, even if unpopular, measures to allow the fishery to revive. The MSSA organized two marches on the Annapolis statehouse and supported a total ban on the harvesting of striped bass by either recreational or commercial fishermen between 1985 and 1990. In the following decades, the MSSA has evolved into the largest organization of recreational anglers and conservationists in the mid-Atlantic region. It has continued efforts to sustain all fisheries, including crabs and oysters; to protect the waters of the Bay, its tributaries and the Coastal mid-Atlantic region; and to enhance recreational fishing. Our vision is a healthy, sustainable, vibrant marine habitat that will be better for the benefit of our children and future generations. For more information visit us online at www.mssa.net or call 410-255-5535. You can also find us on Facebook at www.facebook. com/JoinMSSA and on Twitter and YouTube.
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