APHSA Annual Report 2017
the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and the North Carolina Department of Social Services shared how they designed, tested and implemented their WSS supports and shared advice and best practices with other states undertaking this work. Ø Ø Public/Private Collaboration: each year, the National Collaborative team meets with the industry partners who support the National Collaborative to understand better what the private sector is experiencing when working with states and localities on H/HS integration efforts. These interviews help APHSA and the National Collaborative learn about national trends around horizontal integration and inform membership as to what initiatives are proving successful and how to potentially implement similar programs in their agency. MEMBER SUCCESS MOVING FROM THE INTEGRATIVE TO THE GENERATIVE BUSINESS MODEL: IMPROVING ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE AND MOVING FAMILIES FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING Hennepin Health is an accountable care organization (ACO) serving complex Medicaid enrollees in Minneapolis, MN, and surrounding communities. Through its county-operated health plan, Hennepin County assumes the fully-capitated risk for a subset of the geography’s Medicaid enrollees. Within this Medicaid managed care structure, Hennepin Health has created a defined provider network that is linked to a shared electronic health record, a risk- sharing funding arrangement and a collaborative governance structure. Bringing together a county- operated managed care organization, hospitals and clinics, and human services and public health functions, Hennepin Health aims to reduce avoidable acute care and capture those savings to improve the local delivery system. Hennepin Health’s members are disproportionately impacted by the social determinants of health. At any given time, nearly one-third of their members are unstably housed, and the majority are eligible for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. These individuals are disproportionately men of color, affected by mental health and chemical dependency, and involved in the justice and corrections systems. Through intensive care coordination and the integration of social services with the delivery of healthcare, Hennepin Health has been able to improve health outcomes and drive 11
from Pennsylvania and other pilot states about their experience and impact of this streamlined process. Ø Ø Federal Partner Engagement: the National Collaborative, in partnership with a private consulting firm, was awarded the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation (ASPE) Grant to identify the extent to which health and human services organizations have strengthened their efforts across four areas of interest to HHS: systems integration, data interoperability, program entry processes and the governance of data sharing. APHSA developed a detailed survey questionnaire and administered the survey to SNAP, TANF, Child Care, Medicaid eligibility and operations, Child Support, CHIP eligibility and operations, and Child Welfare staff from across the country. Also, ASPE was interested in knowing what areas respondents thought technical assistance from HHS would prove most helpful in overcoming obstacles in the areas studied. Ø Ø Member Engagement: as part of the APHSA 2017 National HHS Summit, the members of the National Collaborative met to discuss policies and other regulations focusing on Expanding Partnerships: Defining the Path Forward . Attendees included stakeholders from state and local agencies, private and nonprofit sectors, public health organizations and providers. The meeting concentrated on various agencies’ innovative integration work, the barriers the field is still facing on the road to horizontal integration and how to address those obstacles through innovative solutions. Based on the information gathered, the National Collaborative produced a set of documents to assist members in their horizontal integration effort, including business case templates that help frame and tell the story around the benefits of integration. Ø Ø Webinars: staff from the National Collaborative and the Center for Law and Social Policy presented a webinar, Improving Access, Cutting Red Tape: State Lessons from Work Support Strategies . The webinar highlighted the Work Support Strategies (WSS) initiative, which six states received funding and technical assistance to design, test and implement more effective, streamlined and integrated approaches to delivering key supports for low- income working families. Representatives from
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