APHSA Annual Report 2017
its needs and gaps. This paper explains how the administration and Congress can work with APHSA and its members to improve overall health outcomes and achieve efficiencies through an integrated service delivery model. Ø Ø Federal Partner Engagement: facilitated members’ input and coordinated the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) efforts to sign a historic agreement that streamlines data sharing with states and enables more integrated eligibility processes for Medicaid, SNAP and TANF beneficiaries. Specifically, eligible state Medicaid agencies will be permitted and encouraged to use SSA data that they obtain via the CMS Federal Data Services Hub for determining eligibility for SNAP and TANF applicants when making Medicaid eligibility determinations. Ø Ø Federal Partner Engagement: after extensive member engagement, provided comments to HHS and USDA on the Managed Care Final Rule sub-regulatory guidance. Ø Ø Federal Partner Engagement: working with the APHSA Leadership Council and building from the guiding principles and priorities laid out in the National Collaborative position paper: Promoting Greater Health and Well-Being , provided input and comments and submitted letters to Congress on the multiple health care reform efforts. Ø Ø Federal Partner Engagement: met with representatives from the Division of Data and Improvement within ACF’s Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, to obtain a better understanding of their priorities under the new Administration. ACF shared that there is still a focus on the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) and agile approaches to system development across ACF. Also, met with representatives from Health Resources and Service Administration, to discuss their priorities and where APHSA can connect on projects and initiatives. BUILD BUILDING CAPACITY AND EXPERTISE Ø Ø Member and Partner Engagement: for the third year in a row, the National Collaborative has sponsored an Analytics Committee comprised of subject-matter experts from around the
country. Committee participation was high, resulting in three separate work groups: Data Management & Proven Data Governance Practices, Privacy & Confidentiality Impact on Data Sharing and Predictive Analytics & Modeling. The work of the committee has resulted in various compendia, practical tools, use cases, case studies and summaries, and is available through an online Guide to Data Management, Privacy & Confidentiality and Predictive Analytics (http://aphsa.org/content/ APHSA/en/pathways/NWI/NCAC3.html) . The work was initially presented at the Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference in Baltimore, MD, and the final product showcased at the 2017 APHSA ISM conference. Ø Ø Webinars: in partnership with our Industry Partners, provided multiple learning opportunities about state care coordination and integration, leveraging social services in value-based purchasing, state development of Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System, and more. Ø Ø Federal Partner Engagement: a time-limited task force was convened, composed of subject matter experts from around the country, to submit comments on the HHS proposed Healthy People 2030 framework. Ø Ø Member and Partner Engagement: National Collaborative members and staff presented at and participated in several H/HS conferences and summits throughout the year including: Health Care Education Associates’ Medicaid Managed Care Leadership Summit, Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference, Governing’s H/HS Policy Breakfast, National Association of State Chief Information Officers Mid-Year Conference and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Integration Forum. CONNECT MEMBER ENGAGEMENT AND LEARNING Ø Ø Federal Partner Engagement: APHSA continues to facilitate Community of Excellence (CoE) calls with several federal partners. The calls explored new opportunities for states through the SSA & CMS Data Sharing Agreement, allowing state Medicaid agencies to share SSA data verified by the CMS Hub with their SNAP & TANF programs. SSA & CMS recently began phasing in different states to modify their data feeds and processes. The CoE heard
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