APHSA Annual Report 2017
Ø Ø Member Education: APHSA and the Local Council produced Charting a New Pathway to Prosperity and Well-Being , a vision for how local agencies will transform the health and well-being of communities across the country. The reach of human services at the local level is enormous, and this paper helps to advance the specific vision and goals of local members with local, state and federal policymakers, stakeholders and partners. Ø Ø Member Engagement: San Diego County (CA) hosted the 2017 Local Council Retreat bringing together more than 70 local CEO’s, federal partners and affiliated organizations to discuss lifting-up the ways that local members use the social determinants of well-being framework to strengthen their systems and communities.
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF LOCAL HUMAN SERVICE ADMINISTRATORS The National Council of Local Human Service Administrators (Local Council) is creating and instituting adaptive, streamlined, integrated Health and Human Services systems that build thriving communities across the country. These systems, based on the belief that all of us should have the opportunity to live healthy lives and be well, drives local agencies to pursue consumer-first, holistic strategies that engage whole communities. Innovation, flexible funding methodologies, effective policy development and reducing administrative burdens are key drivers to the success of this system and provide the structure for the work of the Local Council. DEPUTIES PLUS INITIATIVE APHSA’s Deputies Plus initiative is a peer community developed explicitly for executives at the deputy, chief of staff or senior leadership level. As a part of this peer community, members have access to tailored resources and a growing network of colleagues across the country who share similar responsibilities and challenges. In 2017, the D+ peer community discussed topics such as Workforce Challenges, Exploring the Art
and Impact of Practice Models, Technology, Data, & Analysis and pressing issues facing H/HS agencies. Also, a select LinkedIn group to foster ongoing collaboration amongst peers was launched. To become a part of the D+ community, please visit http://bit.ly/2yVjRqF.
based on user input, and online training modules are available for states as new users gain access to the system. For states who have either completed their CFSR and are in the program improvement stage or for states who are getting ready to conduct their CFSR, connection to the NEICE is an important tool for achieving permanency outcomes. The preliminary evaluation results continue to show effective and efficient processing of ICPC cases that, in turn, assure children are placed quickly into safe, permanent homes. Resources for states to onboard to the NEICE will end in May 2018. For more information about how to join the NEICE, please contact Anita Light at alight@aphsa.org .
As we enter into the last year of the Children’s Bureau’s three-year grant to support states to onboard to the National Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise (NEICE), nineteen states are currently using this secure web-based data exchange system to transmit information on a child to another state in anticipation of a permanent placement. It is projected that at least 34 states will participate by May 2018 (the end of the grant). Many modifications have been made to the NEICE
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