APHSA Annual Report 2017

testing solutions for a range of related tools and methods, drawing initially on “best in class” examples being collected and shared by APHSA through its National Collaborative for Integration of Health and Human Services: Ø Ø Inter-agency and cross-jurisdiction data sharing agreements Ø Ø Client consent, privacy, rights and responsibilities Ø Ø Data access and release standards and protocols Ø Ø Policies and procedures for ongoing data management. DHS is concurrently engaged in a range of system improvement initiatives, including: Ø Ø Developing its specific analytics templates Ø Ø Launching a baseline assessment of organizational capacity and readiness Ø Ø Ramping up its overall internal and external communications strategy Ø Ø Mapping business processes to the desired practice and service model Ø Ø Embedding a continuous quality improvement and learning cycle within its ongoing operations. These concurrent efforts will ensure the DHS vision of Ohana Nui, and the Value Curve progression succeeds well beyond the point of one-stop eligibility determination and into root cause-driven service planning, client-co-creation and ownership of their plans, and state-wide efforts to proactively address the environmental and structural root-causes of trauma and its associated costs.

APHSA’s National Collaborative for Integration of Health and Human Services (National Collaborative) drives innovation through the horizontal integration of the health and human services system. It promotes a system anchored in seamless, streamlined information exchange, shared services and coordinated care delivery and payment models that are person- and family- centered. The National Collaborative supports state and local health and agencies and their partners in the community through guidance and tools to improve the customer experience, to reconfigure access and increase administrative efficiencies within the context of the evolving healthcare delivery system and to improve population well-being. With and through our members, the National Collaborative is advancing several initiatives that will improve policy, practice and the collective impact that is possible through the integration and alignment of H/HS systems. APHSA’s Affinity Groups, ISM, AAHHSA and NSDTA play an essential role in helping inform sound modernization recommendations and advancing the work of the National Collaborative. INFLUENCE WORKING WITH AND THROUGH OUR MEMBERS Worked together with our members to advance their priorities at the federal level. National Collaborative staff built strong relationships with our new federal partners and elucidated the needs of our members and the H/HS community. These efforts include: Ø Ø Member Engagement: with significant input from members, issued and distributed an important position paper to the new administration and Congress. The National Collaborative for Integration of Health and Human Services: Promoting Greater Health and Well-Being outlines APHSA’s guiding principles and policy priorities about the current human services ecosystem and maps


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